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New Version of the AGRIS Web Portal – Overcoming the Digital Divide by Providing Rural Areas with Relevant Information AgEcon
Simek, Pavel; Vanek, Jiri; Jarolimek, Jan; Stoces, Michal; Vogeltanzova, Tereza.
The present paper brings the outcomes of the second stage of a complex AGRIS web portal upgrade (technological, functional, content and design upgrade) called Agris 5.0. The Agris 5.0 version is recently being tested and will be launched in January 2012 on Agris 5.0 is built and runs on Microsoft technologies (MS Windows Server 2008, MS IIS 7 web server, MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, SP2) using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) SW architectural pattern version 3, .NET framework 4, programming language C#, Razor template system, XML and XHTML 1.1 markup languages, CSS 2.1 styles and JavaScript encoding with the jQuery framework. From the user point of view, the Agris portal usability and availability meeting international...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Agris; Portal; MVC; Digital divide; Agrarian sector; Rural areas; Information resource.; Agribusiness; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; GA; IN.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Residential Broadband Availability: Evidence from Kentucky and North Carolina AgEcon
Renkow, Mitch.
I analyze the determinants of county-level broadband availability to gauge the extent to which the rural-urban broadband gap has narrowed and the factors that underlie that narrowing. Using data that have been collected by organizations tracking and promoting broadband in Kentucky and North Carolina, I find that in both states the rural-urban availability gap has indeed narrowed substantially, although there appears to be a limit on the extent to which broadband service will extend into the least densely populated counties. Among rural counties, availability rates increase systematically with the size of the county’s urbanized population.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Broadband availability; Digital divide; Rural development; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Determinants of the Global Digital Divide: A Cross-Country Analysis of Computer and Internet Penetration AgEcon
Chinn, Menzie D.; Fairlie, Robert W..
To identify the determinants of cross-country disparities in personal computer and Internet penetration, we examine a panel of 161 countries over the 1999-2001 period. Our candidate variables include economic variables (income per capita, years of schooling, illiteracy, trade openness), demographic variables (youth and aged dependency ratios, urbanization rate), infrastructure indicators (telephone density, electricity consumption), telecommunications pricing measures, and regulatory quality. With the exception of trade openness and the telecom pricing measures, these variables enter in as statistically significant in most specifications for computer use. A similar pattern holds true for Internet use, except that telephone density and aged dependency...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Computers; Internet; Digital divide; Infrastructure; Pricing; Regulation; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; O30; L96.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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