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Association of exercise training and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activator improves baroreflex sensitivity of spontaneously hypertensive rats 56
Lopes,P.R.; Moreira,M.C.S.; Marques,S.M.; Pinto,I.S.J.; Macedo,L.M.; Silva,C.C.; Freiria-Oliveira,A.H.; Rebelo,A.C.S.; Reis,A.A.S.; Rosa,D.A.; Ferreira-Neto,M.L.; Castro,C.H.; Pedrino,G.R..
The present study sought to determine cardiovascular effects of aerobic training associated with diminazene aceturate (DIZE), an activator of the angiotensin converting enzyme 2, in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). Male SHRs (280–350 g) were either subjected to exercise training or not (sedentary group). The trained group was subjected to 8 weeks of aerobic training on a treadmill (five times a week, lasting 60 min at an intensity of 50–60% of maximum aerobic speed). In the last 15 days of the experimental protocol, these groups were redistributed into four groups: i) sedentary SHRs with daily treatment of 1 mg/kg DIZE (S+D1); ii) trained SHRs with daily treatment of 1 mg/kg DIZE (T+D1); iii) sedentary SHRs with daily treatment of vehicle (S+V); and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Intrinsic heart rate; Diminazene aceturate; Aerobic training; Double autonomic blockade; Renin-angiotensin system.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Axenic Culture of Trypanosoma evansi : An Appication to the Simple Detection of Sensitivity of Bloodstream Trypomastigotes to Trypanocidal Drugs 19
Hirumi, Hiroyuki; Hirumi, K.; Ocomo, O. C.; Sall, B..
Palavras-chave: Axenic culture; Diminazene aceturate; Drug sensitivity test; Trypanosoma evensi.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Efficacy of secnidazole-diminazene aceturate combination therapy in the late treatment of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in dogs 60
Eke,Ifeanyi Gabriel; Ezeh,Ikenna Onyema; Ezeudu,Terry Adaeze; Eze,Ukamaka Uchenna; Anaga,Aruh Ottah; Onyeyili,Patrick Azubuike.
This study evaluated the efficacy of combination therapy of secnidazole-diminazene aceturate (SEC-DA) in late treatment of dogs experimentally infected with relapsing strain of Trypanosoma brucei brucei. Fifteen dogs were randomly assigned to 5 groups (A - E) of 3 per group. Group A (uninfected untreated), B (infected untreated), C (infected and treated with DA (3.5 mg/kg) IM stat), D (infected and treated with secnidazole (SEC) (100 mg/kg) orally for 5 days and DA (3.5 mg/kg) IM stat), E (infected and treated with SEC (200 mg/kg) orally for 5 days and DA (3.5 mg/kg) IM stat). Dogs were infected intraperitoneally with 5 x 105 trypanosomes and treatment started 14 days post-infection. Data on parasitaemia, hematology and rectal temperature were recorded....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Secnidazole; Diminazene aceturate; Combination therapy; Trypanosomosis; Dogs; Relapse.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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