Diao, Xinshen; Nin Pratt, Alejandro; Ghautam, Madhur; Keough, James; Chamberlin, Jordan; You, Liangzhi; Puetz, Detlev; Resnick, Danielle; Yu, Bingxin. |
Also published as EDRI-ESSP Policy Working Paper No. 2: Xinshen Diao; Alejandro Nin Pratt; Madhur Ghautam; James Keough; Jordan Chamberlin; Liangszi You; Detlev Puetz; Danielle Resnick; Bingxin Yu. 2005. Growth options and poverty reduction in Ethiopia: a spatial, economywide model analysis for 2004-15. |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Poverty alleviation; Agricultural growth; Agricultural sector; Millennium Development Goals; Spatial analysis (Statistics); Disaggregation; Household surveys; Ethiopia; Africa; Food Security and Poverty; International Development. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/58383 |
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Howitt, Richard E.; Reynaud, Arnaud. |
In this paper we develop a dynamic data-consistent way for estimating agricultural land use choices at a disaggregate level (district-level), using more aggregate data (regional-level). The disaggregation procedure requires two steps. The first step consists in specifying and estimating a dynamic model of land use at the regional level. In the second step, we disaggregate outcomes of the aggregate model using maximum entropy (ME). The ME disaggregation procedure is applied to a sample of California data. The sample includes 6 districts located in Central Valley and 8 possible crops, namely: Alfalfa, Cotton, Field, Grain, Melons, Tomatoes, Vegetables and Subtropical. The disaggregation procedure enables the recovery of land use at the district-level with an... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Disaggregation; Bayesian method; Maximum entropy; Land use; Production Economics; C11; C44; Q12. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/24961 |
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