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Bryde's whale (Cetartiodactyla: Balaenopteridae) occurrence and movements in coastal areas of southeastern Brazil Rev. Bras. Zool.
Lodi,Liliane; Tardin,Rodrigo H.; Hetzel,Bia; Maciel,Israel S.; Figueiredo,Luciana D.; Simão,Sheila M..
Bryde's whales, Balaenoptera edeni Anderson, 1879, were observed on 17 occasions (N = 21 surveys) in the coastal waters off Rio de Janeiro in southeastern Brazil during austral summer through autumn 2014. Five whales were individually identified using photo-identification techniques. The mean interval between resightings for all individuals was 12.8 days, with a minimum of one day and a maximum of 48 days. The comparison between the catalogs of Bryde's whales off Rio de Janeiro and the Cabo Frio region revealed matches for three individuals. The resightings show movements of up to 149.6 km along the coastal waters off the state of Rio de Janeiro. Most of the observations consisted of solitary individuals (82.3% of sightings). Feeding was the predominant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Balaenoptera edeni; Displacements; Individual identification; Surface activities.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Characteristics of the convergence zone at the eastern edge of the Pacific warm pool ArchiMer
Maes, Christophe; Picaut, Joël; Kuroda, Yoshifumi; Ando, Kentaro.
The characteristics of the convergence zone at the eastern edge of the equatorial Pacific warm pool are studied using a compilation of in-situ current and salinity measurements during the period 1992-2001. The displacement of the convergence zone is observed, for the first time, as far west as 140degreesE in the far western Pacific, mainly during La Nina periods, and near 140degreesW in the central Pacific during the 1997-98 El Nino. The convergence zone may be associated with a salinity front dividing the fresh waters of the warm pool from the salty waters upwelled in the central equatorial Pacific. Despite a zonal displacement ranging over about one fifth of the equatorial circumference of the earth, the characteristics of the main parameters involved in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nino la nina; El nino; Salinity variability; Southern oscillation; Fresh pool; Sea level; Displacements; Temperature; Model; Ocean.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Structural static and modal frequency simulations in a coffee harvester’s chassis AGRIAMBI
Silva,Evandro P. da; Silva,Fábio M. da; Andrade,Ednilton T. de; Magalhães,Ricardo R..
ABSTRACT Coffee harvesters are subject to stresses and vibrations in their structure, originating from engines and harvesting system. These structures must be designed to avoid rupturing of the components due to fragility of the materials, inadequate geometries, or the phenomenon of resonance, which increases the displacements/deformations of the components. In this scenario, the main objective of this study is to analyse the results of stresses and displacements from two static simulations and to present results of natural vibration frequencies from two modal simulations in a self-propelled coffee harvester. For this purpose, 20 modal shapes were generated, considering coffee harvester reservoir as empty and full. The simulations were carried out using...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Design; Vibration; Resonance; Stresses; Displacements.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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