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An Interactive Tool for the Human Anatomy Laboratory 77
Maldonado-Zimbrón,Victor E.; Elizondo-Omaña,Rodrigo E.; Cepeda,Beatriz A. De la Garza; Vilchez-Cavazoz,Félix; Castro,Oscar de la Garza; Guzmán-López,Santos.
A multimedia program has been developed at the Departament of Human Anatomy, Medicine School of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. It offers an alternative to support the traditional laboratory practice and resolve, during the dissection, the most common problems that we have already identify in our students. Some features of this program are: photography's, diagrams, information about the structures, clinical correlation and tests. All this tools were integrated in a software using Macromedia Flash. The final result is a multimedia program that will be used by students during their laboratory practice. At present, we are making a study to determine the effect that is produced in the development of the students in the anatomy lab
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Laboratory practice; Multimedia program; Dissection; Teaching anatomy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Bilateral Duplication of Gonadal Veins: a Case Report 77
Ruiz Fernandes,Juliana; Bassi Strufaldi,Maíra; Machado,Bruno dos Santos; Rios Nascimento,Sergio Ricardo; Wafae,Nader; Ruiz,Cristiane Regina.
The duplication of gonadal vessels is mainly found on the left side, with less numbers of bilateral cases. The objective of this work is describing a case of bilateral duplication of gonadal veins, where two veins were draining to inferior vena cava, being that the closest vein of kidney medial margin had a thickness of 2.68mm and was distant 64.41 mm of the organ. The second vessel had a thickness of 1.43mm and was distant 73.76mm. Two veins follow to left renal vein, being that the first vessel had a thickness of 2.7mm and was distant 21.8mm of the kidney medial margin; the other had a thickness of 1.64mm and was distant 35.13mm of the organ. The presence of variations on the local of drainage of gonadal vessels has clinical importance for comprehension...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Macroscopic anatomy; Dissection; Anatomical variation; Gonadal vessels; Varicocele.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Implementation of a Program of Voluntary Body Donation for Anatomical Study in the University of São Paulo, Brazil 77
Simão,Thelma Renata Parada; Miglino,Maria Angélica; da Silva,Jodonai Barbosa; McManus,Concepta; Liberti,Edson Aparecido.
Unclaimed corpses were for many years the supply of human material for the study of human anatomy. However, due to improved quality of life and technology, there has been the surround these. Faced with these circumstances, and the impossibility of total replacement of this material by others in training future professionals and the endless dissection technique, the Donation Voluntary Bodies for Anatomical Study is presented as an alternative to capture corpses or who wish to donate your body or part of it to research institutions and scientific study, without obtaining any pecuniary gain. Thus, the present study aimed to gather information about the knowledge and belief of the population of anatomists and freshmen, on the subject; obtain information on the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Donation; Corpses; Dissection; Anatomy.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Investigation of natural infection by Leishmania in sandflies of Paraná State, Southern Brazil 52
Scodro,Regiane Bertin de Lima; Reinhold-Castro,Kárin Rosi; Dias-Sversutti,Alessandra de Cassia; Neitzke-Abreu,Herintha Coeto; Membrive,Norberto de Assis; Kühl,João Balduíno; Silveira,Thaís Gomes Verzignassi; Teodoro,Ueslei.
The purpose of this work was to verify the occurrence of Leishmania in naturally infected sandflies. The insects were collected with Falcão, Shannon and HP light-traps, in Doutor Camargo and Maringá municipalities between November 2004 and October 2005. Of the 11,033 sandflies collected in Doutor Camargo, 2,133 surviving females were dissected, particularly those of the Nyssomyia neivai species (86.87%). In Maringá, 136 sandflies were collected, of which 79 N. whitmani females and 1 Migonemyia migonei female were dissected. The dissected insects were identified and stored in the pools of 10 specimens. The PCR was carried out on 1,190 females of N. neivai and 190 of N. whitmani from Doutor Camargo, and on 30 of N. whitmani from Maringá, using the primers...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cutaneous leishmaniasis; Sandflies; Dissection; Polymerase chain reaction.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Learning Anatomy Through Dissection: Perceptions of a Diverse Medical Student Cohort 77
Van Wyk,J; Rennie,C.O.
The debate on how best to teach anatomy and the central role of cadaveric dissections in medical training remains topical even today. Despite the use of a variety of teaching methodologies e.g. prosected specimens, plastinated specimens, cadaveric dissection and computer-assisted learning, the amount of time dedicated to a full body human dissection programme, its clinical relevance and whether it promotes deeper learning has become a bone of contention in problem- based learning context. The implementation of student centred, PBL curricula means that students' learning is autonomous, and studies suggest the link between students' approaches to learning with their perceptions of their learning environment. Therefore, this study explored the perceptions of...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Teaching and learning in anatomy; Dissection; Problem based learning; Undergraduate medical program; Student perceptions.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Mandible Measurements and Dental Midline Deviation after Alveolar Nerve Transection in Growing Rabbits 77
Valdivia Gandur,Iván; Tallón Walton,Victoria; Carvalho Lobato,Patricia; Lozano de Luaces,Vicente; Manzanares Céspedes,María Cristina.
The relationship between sensitive innervation and normal mandibular bone development has been described in the literature. Therefore, neural damage is a potential cause of osseous deformities, particularly in growing subjects. The aim of this project is to present the mandible measurements obtained after the transection of the inferior alveolar nerve of growing rabbits. A specific surgical protocol was designed to carry out the unilateral nerve transection by avoiding musculoskeletal injuries. Twenty New Zealand White rabbits one week post-weaning were used, 12 as an experimental group and 8 as a control group (Sham operated). The animals were sacrificed 90 days postoperatory, and the mandibles carefully dissected. Dental midline deviation data were...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Mandible; Growth; Development; Anatomy; Dissection; Stomatognathic system.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Meckel's Diverticulum: A Case Report 77
Madhyastha,Sampath; Prabhu,Latha V; Saralaya,V; Prakash,.
Meckel's diverticulum is the most prevalent congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. It might remain completely asymptomatic or may mimic some disorders like Crohn's disease, Appendicitis and peptic ulcer diseases. A Meckel's diverticulum was found during routine dissection. A brief review of this anomaly, its embryological explanation, and probable clinical implications with its management is discussed in this report
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Meckel's diverticulum; Congenital gastrointestinal anomalies; Dissection.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Prediction of carcass tissue composition of F1 crossbred goats finished on native pasture 96
Silva,Rayana de Medeiros; Pereira Filho,José Morais; Silva,Aderbal Marcos de Azevêdo; Cezar,Marcílio Fontes; Silva,Anderson Luiz Nascimento da; Medeiros,Ariosvaldo Nunes de.
The objective of this study was to estimate tissue composition of the carcass from physical composition of commercial cuts of F1 crossbred goats (Boer with females of non-defined racial standard) finished on native pasture with four levels of supplementation with concentrate (0.0; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5% of BW in dry matter). It was used 24 non-castrated animals at initial body weight of 15.52 kg and at 120 days of age. The carcass was sectioned in the half, and from the lefthalf carcass, the following cuts were detached: leg, loin, ribs, shoulder and neck, which were dissected in muscle, bone and fat. Carcass weight and yield were predicted from the weight and yield of tissues in the commercial cuts by regression analysis. All the cuts can be used to predict...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bone; Dissection; Fat; Muscle yield; Physical composition.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Sphenomandibular Muscle or Deep Bundle of Temporal Muscle? 77
Palomari,Evanisi Teresa; Picosse,Luís Ronaldo; Tobo,Mayta P; Isayama,Ricardo Noboro; da Cunha,Marcelo Rodrigues.
The muscle designated by a group of authors as the sphenomandibular or, according to recent studies, the deep bundle of the temporal muscle, presents important anatomical relationships, especially in a medical-odontological context. In view of this divergence, the aim of the present study was to observe the morphology by means of dissection of the formaldehyde-preserved heads, using two different techniques to access the muscle region in question, designated as trans-zygomatic and frontal access routes. The results permitted, by observation of the dissections frontally, the presence of fascicles standing apart from the deep bundle muscle venter, which was named intermediary bundle. This bundle presented two portions, a meaty upper portion and a tendinous...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sphenomandibular muscle; Dissection; Deep bundle of the temporal muscle.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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The Practice of Dissection as Teaching Methodology in Anatomy Applied to Medical Education 77
Aversi-Ferreira,Tales Alexandre; Nascimento,Guilherme Nobre Lima do; Vera,Ivânia; Lucchese,Roselma.
In 2003, the UFG Faculty of Medicine, to revamp its educational project, reduced the hourly load of some subjects, among them those of anatomy, which in general leads to eliminate the practice of dissection. This practice is essential for the basic training of students, being then used in other sciences such as pathology. The objective of this study was to compare and link data between groups that made or did not make dissection after the anatomy course. Questionnaires were issued to 86 medical students from the UFG Faculty of Medicine, and from these, 10 made dissection and 76 did not. Analyzing the answers, it was found that both groups recognize the importance of this practice for the knowledge of the anatomy discipline and for future disciplines or...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Teaching; Medical education; Anatomy; Dissection.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Walter Thiel's Embalming Method: Review of Solutions and Applications in Different Fields of Biomedical Research 77
Ottone,Nicolás Ernesto; Vargas,Claudia A; Fuentes,Ramón; del Sol,Mariano.
Walter Thiel developed the method that enables preservation of the body with natural colors in 1992. It consists in the application of an intravascular injection formula, and maintaining the corps submerged for a determinate period of time in the immersion solution in the pool. After immersion, it is possible to maintain the corps in a hermetically sealed container, thus avoiding dehydration outside the pool. The aim of this work was to review the Thiel method, searching all scientific articles describing this technique from its development point of view, and application in anatomy and morphology teaching, as well as in clinical and surgical practice. Most of these studies were carried out in Europe. We used PubMed, Ebsco and Embase databases with the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Embalming; Dissection; Walter Thiel; Surgical training; Review.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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