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Agricultural Policies in the Presence of Distorting Taxes AgEcon
Parry, Ian W.H..
This paper uses analytical and numerical general equilibrium models to assess the efficiency impacts of agricultural policies in a second-best setting with pre-existing distortionary taxes. We analyze production subsidies, production quotas, acreage controls, subsidies for acreage reductions and lump sum transfers to agricultural producers. We find that pre-existing taxes raise the cost of all these policies and by a substantial amount. Under our central estimates this increase in cost is typically at least 100-200 percent. Two effects underlie these results. First, raising the rates of distortionary taxes to finance subsidy policies leads to additional efficiency losses. Second, policies that raise (lower) the costs of producing agricultural output lead...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural policies; Distortionary taxes; Efficiency impacts; General equilibrium analysis; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q18; H21.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Tax Deductible Spending, Environmental Policy, and the "Double Dividend" Hypothesis AgEcon
Parry, Ian W.H.; Bento, Antonio M..
A number of recent studies have shown that the general equilibrium welfare effects of externality-correcting policies depend importantly on pre-existing taxes in the economy, particularly those that distort the labor market. This paper extends the prior literature by allowing for consumption goods that are deductible from labor taxes. These "goods" represent medical insurance, other less tangible fringe benefits, mortgage interest, and so on. The initial tax system effectively subsidizes tax-favored consumption relative to other consumption, in addition to distorting the labor market. We find that incorporating tax-favored consumption may overturn key results from earlier studies. In particular, a revenue-neutral pollution tax (or auctioned pollution...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental policies; Distortionary taxes; Tax deductions; Welfare effects; Environmental Economics and Policy; H23; Q28; L51.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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