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Ecological drivers of plant genetic diversity at the southern edge of geographical distributions: Forestal vines in a temperate region 74
Barros,Michel J.F.; Diniz-Filho,José Alexandre F.; Freitas,Loreta B..
Abstract The Tropical Niche Conservatism hypothesis is one of the most relevant theories to explain why tropical diversity is high, although the mechanisms underlying this hypothesis require further clarification. A possible research avenue to address the underlying mechanisms includes determining population-level processes associated with such a hypothesis, in particular by trying to identify how adaptation may occur in extreme niche conditions at the edges of species ranges. However, the determinants of molecular diversity at the edges of geographical distributions of tropical taxa are still poorly known. Here we assessed which environmental variables determine diversity in nuclear and plastid genetic markers for populations of four Passiflora species in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Distribution edges; Genetic diversity; Passiflora; Niche conservatism; Environmental drivers.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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