Iles, Alastair ; ESPM, University of California, Berkeley; iles@berkeley.edu; Marsh, Robin; College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley; robinmarsh@berkeley.edu. |
If diversified farming systems (DFS) are to thrive again in the United States, policies and preferences must evolve to reward the environmental and social benefits of sustainable farming and landscape management. Compared with conventional agricultural policies, policies aiding ecological diversification are underdeveloped and fragmented. We consider several examples of obstacles to the adoption and spread of diversified farming practices in the U.S. industrialized agricultural system. These include the broader political economic context of industrialized agriculture, the erosion of farmer knowledge and capacity, and supply chain and marketing conditions that limit the ability of farmers to adopt sustainable practices. To overcome these obstacles and... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis |
Palavras-chave: Conservation programs; Direct marketing; Diversified farming; Farmer knowledge; Obstacles; Public policy. |
Ano: 2012 |
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