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A domesticação de plantas nativas do Pantanal. Infoteca-e
JORGE, M. H. A..
Os interesses do homem em domesticar certos vegetais que fariam parte do seu dia-a-dia, sejam em rituais, sessões de cura, ou até mesmo como parte da sua dieta, estão registrados desde milhares de anos. Estas plantas passaram então por um processo conhecido como seleção, e durante vários anos, foram cultivadas e melhoradas para atender os interesses do homem, no caso de grãos tamanho e número. Atualmente, o homem ainda utiliza a domesticação para muitas espécies que possuem potencial econômico de exploração, seja medicinal, alimentício, verterinário, entre outros. Técnicas mais modernas impulsionaram esse processo de seleção, agilizando assim a condução e obtenção de resultados. Considerando que o Pantanal possui imensa diversidade de plantas que na sua...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Domesticação; Espécies nativas; Cultivo; Espécies domesticadas; Food; Native species; Cultivation; Domesticated species; Alimento; Pantanal; Domestication.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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A walk on the wild side: Oryza species as source for rice abiotic stress tolerance Genet. Mol. Biol.
Menguer,Paloma Koprovski; Sperotto,Raul Antonio; Ricachenevsky,Felipe Klein.
Abstract Oryza sativa, the common cultivated rice, is one of the most important crops for human consumption, but production is increasingly threatened by abiotic stresses. Although many efforts have resulted in breeding rice cultivars that are relatively tolerant to their local environments, climate changes and population increase are expected to soon call for new, fast generation of stress tolerant rice germplasm, and current within-species rice diversity might not be enough to overcome such needs. The Oryza genus contains other 23 wild species, with only Oryza glaberrima being also domesticated. Rice domestication was performed with a narrow genetic diversity, and the other Oryza species are a virtually untapped genetic resource for rice stress tolerance...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oryza; Rice; Wild species; Abiotic stress; Domestication.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Adaptability and stability of jabuticaba tree genotypes based on plant growth Agronomy
Radaelli, Juliana Cristina; Silva, Marciéli da; Kosera Neto, Carlos; Wagner Júnior, Américo; Domingues, Lucas da Silva.
The aim of this work was to verify by means of adaptability and stability analyses which genotype of Plinia sp. (jabuticaba tree) is more adapted to orchard conditions, based on the measures of stem growth and primary shoots. During a three-year period, the initial growth of jabuticaba tree genotypes from the native fruit collection of the Experimental Station of the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Câmpus Dois Vizinhos was evaluated. These genotypes included seedlings from forest fragments of the southwestern region of Paraná State and some from Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed, in a 29 x 3 factorial design, with three replicates in each treatment. Phenotypic adaptability and genotypic stability were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Eberhart and Russel; Lin and Binns; AMMI; Plinia sp.; Jabuticaba tree; Domestication;
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Aislamiento, cultivo y producción de esclerocios de Morchella esculenta y Morchella conica, como principio para su domesticación y producción bajo condiciones controladas. Colegio de Postgraduados
Alvarado Castillo, Gerardo.
La domesticación de hongos silvestres comestibles, particularmente de Morchella es actualmente una necesidad, generada por su demanda en los mercados nacionales e internacionales. Sin embargo, no se tiene establecido un procedimiento para su producción comercial y el 100% de la producción comercializada proviene de recolecta del bosque, ocasionando la degradación del recurso. Por tanto, para contribuir a la solución de esta situación se realizó la presente investigación, la cual integra dos etapas, una de reflexión teórica y la otra de estudios experimentales. En la primera, se efectuó un trabajo de análisis, identificando el papel del enfoque de Agroecosistemas y una propuesta conceptual de la domesticación para el caso de los hongos silvestres...
Palavras-chave: Domesticación; Inducción; Recolección; Suplementación; Domestication; Induction; Harvesting; Supplementation; Doctorado; Agroecosistemas tropicales.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Anti-predator response of Haliotis tuberculata is modified after only one generation of domestication ArchiMer
Roussel, Sabine; Bisch, T; Lachambre, S; Boudry, Pierre; Gervois, Jl; Lambert, Christophe; Huchette, S; Day, R.
Domestication of Haliotis tuberculata has only recently begun. During the process, we expect that behavioural and physiological traits may evolve to become more adapted to their captive environment. These modifications may result from intentional selection of production traits or unconscious and unintentional selection due to conditions experienced in the farm environment. To study this process at the earliest stage, the progeny of 3 different broodstocks obtained from wild parents, selected farmed abalone and randomly sampled farmed abalone, were studied. After rearing for 16 mo in separate tanks, offspring from the 3 progenies were placed together in sea cages at the same density. After 3 yr, behavioural traits were studied, and the immune status after a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Predation; Hiding behaviour; Haliotis tuberculata; Domestication; Selection; Captive; Abalone.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Better off alone? Compared performance of monoclonal and polyclonal stands of a cultivated red alga growth ArchiMer
Usandizaga, Sara; Buschmann, Alejandro H.; Camus, Carolina; Kappes, José Luis; Arnaud-haond, Sophie; Mauger, Stéphane; Valero, Myriam; Guillemin, Marie Laure.
The objective of this study was to test, using a field experiment, the effect of genotypic diversity on productivity of farmed populations (Ancud and Chaica, Chile) of the domesticated red alga Agarophyton chilense (formerly known as Gracilaria chilensis), a species considered as economically important in Chile. Monoclonal and polyclonal (4 and 8 genotypes) subplots were outplanted into the mid intertidal in Metri Bay (Puerto Montt, Chile) during summer, a season in which A. chilense face higher temperatures (>18°C) and low nitrogen availability (<4.00 μmol). Ancud farm genotypes show higher growth rates in the monoclonal rather than the two polyclonal subplots. A similar tendency, yet not significant, was discernible in Chaica. In addition, whatever...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Domestication; General‐purpose genotypes; Genotypic diversity; Productivity; Seaweed.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Caractérisation de l’adaptation comportementale des téléostéens en élevage : plasticité et effets de la domestication ArchiMer
Benhaim, David.
The farming of aquatic animals has started recently in comparison with that of terrestrial species which domestication started 10 500 years ago. Aquaculture is however the fastest growing animal food-production sector. This sector has now to face several challenges threatening its sustainability. Indeed, aquaculture future largely depends upon the reduction of the reliance on feeds based ingredients derived from wild fishery resources, upon a better knowledge of fish domestication process and of the adaptation mechanisms and related welfare potential. The present work aims at a better understanding of the adaptation to farming conditions through a behavioural approach based on the comparison between wild vs. domesticated populations of three species: a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adaptation; Plasticité; Domestication; Bien-être; Comportement alimentaire; Activité de nage; Personnalité; Aliment végétal; Labyrinthe; Statut physiologique; Croissance; Aquaculture; Repeuplement; Adaptation; Plasticity; Learning; Domestication; Welfare; Feeding behaviour; Swimming activity; Personality; Plant-based diet; Maze; Physiological status; Growth; Aquaculture; Restocking.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Características biofísicas y químicas de plantas MAC en relación con su domesticación, especie y humedad en el suelo. Colegio de Postgraduados
García Nava, Francisca.
El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar 15 variantes de nopal representantes de cinco especies de Opuntia en un gradiente de domesticación, definido por características morfológicas, y siete especies de Agave pertenecientes a los subgéneros Littaea y Agave, con diferente grado de humanización, en condiciones de invernadero y con riego o con su suspensión. La hipótesis es que las características biofísicas y químicas de los nopalitos y las hojas difieren entre las especies como resultado de su nivel de domesticación o grado de humanización independientemente de la humedad del suelo y de la especie. Se realizaron experimentos con diseño completamente al azar, número variable de tratamientos, seis repeticiones (una planta como unidad experimental) y se aplicó...
Palavras-chave: Opuntia; Agave; Domesticación; Características biofísicas; Características químicas; Maguey; Nopal; Suspensión de humedad; Domestication; Biophysics characteristics; Chemistry characteristics; CAM; Humidity restriction; Botánica; Doctorado.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Conocimiento tradicional y cultivo in vitro del cuatomate (Solanum glaucescens Zucc). Colegio de Postgraduados
Medina Galicia, Alfonso.
La Mixteca Baja Poblana es una región con altos índices de marginación y pobreza extrema. En ella existe una especie conocida como “cuatomate” cuya importancia reside en ser una alternativa para el desarrollo económico y social. Aunque se han desarrollado algunos trabajos sobre la especie, pocos contemplan la importancia del conocimiento campesino en su proceso de manejo, conservación y domesticación, para explicar su permanencia e importancia hasta nuestros días. También son poco conocidos aspectos importantes del cultivo tales como su reproducción, manejo y conservación. Por otra parte, la propagación de la especie por vía sexual tiene problemas porque sólo se obtienen 40% de individuos fértiles. La multiplicación asexual de la especie, por estacas, ya...
Palavras-chave: Mixteca; Protocolo; Manejo; Domesticación; Protocol; Management; Domestication; EDAR; Estrategías para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional; Maestría.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Conocimiento tradicional y cultivo in vitro del cuatomate (Solanum glaucescens Zucc). Colegio de Postgraduados
Medina Galicia, Alfonso.
La Mixteca Baja Poblana es una región con altos índices de marginación y pobreza extrema. En ella existe una especie conocida como “cuatomate” cuya importancia reside en ser una alternativa para el desarrollo económico y social. Aunque se han desarrollado algunos trabajos sobre la especie, pocos contemplan la importancia del conocimiento campesino en su proceso de manejo, conservación y domesticación, para explicar su permanencia e importancia hasta nuestros días. También son poco conocidos aspectos importantes del cultivo tales como su reproducción, manejo y conservación. Por otra parte, la propagación de la especie por vía sexual tiene problemas porque sólo se obtienen 40% de individuos fértiles. La multiplicación asexual de la especie, por estacas, ya...
Palavras-chave: Mixteca; Protocolo; Manejo; Domesticación; Protocol; Management; Domestication; EDAR; Estrategías para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional; Maestría.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Development of the shrimp industry in the Western Indian Ocean - a holistic approach of vertical integration, from domestication and biosecurity to product certification ArchiMer
Le Groumellec, Marc; Rigolet, Vincent; Panchayuthapani, Duraisamy; Vandeputte, Marc; Rao, Vemulapalli Manavendra.
The shrimp farming industry in the western Indian Ocean started with Aqualma’s project in 1989, and now several companies farm shrimp in the Mozambique Channel. Despite the remoteness of these projects and their high investment and operating costs, they compete in the global marketplace by efficiently producing high value quality products. To address sustainability and biosecurity issues, Aqualma developed domesticated specific pathogenfree (SPF) broodstock of Penaeus monodon from western Indian Ocean stocks, which have been its exclusive source of post-larvae since 2003. Specific molecular diagnostic tools have been developed for each endemic pathogen detected since 1996, and these are used for routine surveillance of Aqualma’s shrimp stocks along with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Shrimp; Madagascar; Domestication; Biosecurity; Certification.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Domestication and Temperature Modulate Gene Expression Signatures and Growth in the Australasian Snapper Chrysophrys auratus ArchiMer
Wellenreuther, Maren; Le Luyer, Jeremy; Cook, Denham; Ritchie, Peter A.; Bernatchez, Louis.
Identifying genes and pathways involved in domestication is critical to understand how species change in response to human-induced selection pressures, such as increased temperatures. Given the profound influence of temperature on fish metabolism and organismal performance, a comparison of how temperature affects wild and domestic strains of snapper is an important question to address. We experimentally manipulated temperature conditions for F1-hatchery and wild Australasian snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) for 18 days to mimic seasonal extremes and measured differences in growth, white muscle RNA transcription and hematological parameters. Over 2.2 Gb paired-end reads were assembled de novo for a total set of 33,017 transcripts (N50 = 2,804). We found...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Domestication; Temperature; Transcriptomics; Growth; Sparidae.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Domestication compromises athleticism and respiratory plasticity in response to aerobic exercise training in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) ArchiMer
Zhang, Yangfan; Timmerhaus, Gerrit; Anttila, Katja; Mauduit, Florian; Jorgensen, Sven Martin; Kristensen, Torstein; Claireaux, Guy; Takle, Harald; Farrell, Anthony P..
Commercially selective breeding of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) primarily for rapid growth may compromise cardiorespiratory robustness and its related phenotypes. Therefore, a suite of respiratory indices was used to evaluate aerobic capacity and hypoxia tolerance to test the hypothesis that exercise training can improve the athletic robustness in both domesticated and wild strains of Atlantic salmon, but with the domesticated strain having a less cardiorespiratory plasticity and a lower athletic robustness than the wild strain. We also tested a second hypothesis that a constant acceleration screening protocol should segregate fish according to athletic robustness based on their swimming ability. These hypotheses were tested with parr from Bolaks...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Athletic robustness; Atlantic salmon; Domestication; Exercise training; Hypoxia tolerance; Respiratory performance.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Domestication of new species and sustainable development in fish culture ArchiMer
Fontaine, Pascal; Legendre, Marc; Vandeputte, Marc; Fostier, Alexis.
How may fish domestication participate in sustainable development of aquaculture? The development of fish farming currently compensates for the stagnation of fishery catches while the market demand continues to increase. The development of fish farming relies on an active diversification of farmed fish species. A diversification based on the farming of native species could reduce the environmental impact of fish culture and could better fit to needs of local markets. Such development could also favour a more integrated local economy. In this context, the building of a generic approach for multi-species domestication is required to optimise the use of the technical and financial means available for fish culture diversification.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Fish culture; Domestication; Diversification.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Domestication, sélection et comportement du bar: variabilité des aptitudes comportementales et de la tolérance au stress de groupes génétiquement distincts de bar, Dicentrarchus labrax ArchiMer
Millot, Sandie.
The culture of aquatic species has grown much more rapidly in recent years than that of terrestrial species. Consequently, aquatic livestock welfare is a growing concern for society. However, unlike the many studies of terrestrial animal welfare, few scientific data exist concerning fish welfare. It is generally recognized that the aquaculture environment exposes fish to many repeated stress factors which affect their health, growth, reproductive performance and feeding behaviour. Even if stress responses do not highlight all welfare disturbances, it is generally admitted that they reveal a poor welfare. Among the solutions investigated to reduce fish stress, domestication and selection appear to be the favoured approaches. However, selection has generally...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Personality; Physiological status; Growth; Swimming behaviour; Feeding behaviour; Stress tolerance; Adaptation; Welfare; Chronic stress; Acute stress; Selection; Domestication; Dicentrarchus labrax; Personnalité; Statut physiologique; Croissance; Comportement natatoire; Comportement alimentaire; Tolérance au stress; Adaptation; Bien être; Stress chronique; Stress aigu; Sélection; Domestication; Dicentrarchus labrax.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Early life behavioural differences in wild caught and domesticated sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) ArchiMer
Benhaim, David; Pean, Samuel; Lucas, Gael; Blanc, Nancy; Chatain, Beatrice; Begout, Marie-laure.
Behavioural studies comparing hatchery and wild-caught fish are useful to improve selection for aquaculture and restocking programmes. We examined swimming behaviour characteristics in wild captured and domesticated sea bass juveniles before and after eliciting a startle response at 8 different ages and always on naive individuals. We specifically investigated whether domestication impacts juvenile sea bass behaviour and whether the first months of captivity induce behavioural modifications in wild juveniles. An apparatus was designed to mimic a predator attack by presenting a sudden visual and mechanical stimuli simultaneously in 8 arenas where single individuals were placed and video recorded. The reactivity response was evaluated and different swimming...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Domestication; Swimming activity; Restocking; Selection; Coping styles.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Estrategia de uso y conservación del germoplasma de Vanilla planifolia Jack. en la región Totonacapan Puebla-Veracruz. Colegio de Postgraduados
Salazar Rojas, Víctor Manuel.
La planificación estratégica para el uso y conservación de Vanilla planifolia Jack. en México requiere del análisis integral y detallado de los aspectos que determinan y afectan su variación genética. Por tal razón, se planteó conocer la variación en el contenido de los compuestos fitoquímicos que definen la calidad aromática del germoplasma vainilla mediante HPLC, identificar variación genética a nivel infra-específico a través de 14 loci microsatélites y estudiar los criterios de valoración que determinan la actitud de los usuarios de vainilla entorno al uso y conservación del germoplasma en la región Totonacapan México, mediante el método de análisis multiatributo AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Los resultados mostraron la existencia de seis grupos...
Palavras-chave: Aroma; Domesticación; Planeación estratégica; Variación genética; Variación quimiotípica; Valoración social; Chemotypical variation; Domestication; Genetic variation; Social valuation; Strategic planning; EDAR; Estrategias para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional; Doctorado.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Evidence of response to unintentional selection for faster development and inbreeding depression in Crassostrea gigas larvae ArchiMer
Taris, Nicolas; Batista, F; Boudry, Pierre.
Underlying consequences of domestication and artificial selection still remain largely unexplored in most aquacultured species. For species with a two phase life cycle, including the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, most genetic studies have focused on the post-metamorphosis juvenile and adult stages, but relatively few considered the larval stage. To assess the consequence of hatchery practices on larval characters, especially growth, we performed a phenotypic study on larval progenies derived from crosses between Pacific oysters from natural beds and farmed Pacific oysters selected for desirable production traits such as rapid growth, for over seven generations. A set of three microsatellite loci was used to compare the genetic variability between the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Inbreeding depression; Selection; Domestication; Larval stage.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Exploration behaviour and flight response toward a stimulus in three sea bass strains (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) ArchiMer
Millot, Sandie; Begout, Marie-laure; Chatain, Beatrice.
Domestication and selection may affect fish behaviour, sometime as soon as at the first generation of domestication. However, knowledge about how both processes impact on fish spatial exploration and swimming activity still is to be improved. The objective of this experiment was (i) to evaluate spatial exploration behaviour and swimming activities of three sea bass strains having different domestication and selection levels and (ii) to analyse their responses to an acute stress. Sea bass exploration and swimming activities were studied before, during and 40 min after a stimulation (standardized fall of an object). The experimental tank was divided in to four zones, and the time spent, the distance travelled in each zone and the swimming complexity were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thigmotaxis; Risk assessment; Danger avoidance; Swimming activity; Personality; Selection; Domestication.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Genetic differences for behaviour in juveniles from two strains of brown trout suggest an effect of domestication history ArchiMer
Benhaim, David; Guyomard, Rene; Chatain, Beatrice; Quillet, Edwige; Begout, Marie-laure.
Because captivity constitutes a drastic environmental change, domestication is expected to induce a rapid genetic selection for behavioural traits. In this study, we searched for genetic differences in behaviour among brown trout juveniles from two strains differing for their domestication history, i.e. an almost pure native wild Mediterranean population (W) and an Atlantic domesticated strain (D). In order to assess pure genetic differences among strains, males from the two origins were mated with Mediterranean females to produce two experimental crosses (WW and WD). The swimming activity characteristics of individual WW and WD juveniles were compared before and after the application of a stress (light switched off suddenly, followed by a 5-min period of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Domestication; Genotyping; Microsatellite; Swimming activity; Restocking.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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