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Additions and update to the knowledge of the genus Hysterographium (Ascomycota, Hysteriaceae) in southern South America 66
Lorenzo,Laura E; Messuti,María I.
The present contribution is the second part of the taxonomic studies about the genus Hysterographium from South America. During the revision of Spegazzini´s type specimens, three valid species (H. andicola, H. australe and H. praeandinum), two doubtful species (H. cumingii and H. cuyanum), and one synonym of H. mori (H. bonaerense) were confirmed. Hysterographium subfuscum is not a valid species. Lectotypes for H. andicola and H. praeandinum were designated. A key to species of Hysterographium recorded from Argentina, Chile and Paraguay is presented.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Argentina; Chile; Dothideomycetes; Hysterographium; Paraguay.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Asperisporium and Pantospora (Mycosphaerellaceae): epitypifications and phylogenetic placement 16
Minnis, A.M.; Kennedy, A.H.; Grenier, D.B.; Rehner, S.A.; Bischoff, J.F..
The species-rich family Mycosphaerellaceae contains considerable morphological diversity and includes numerous anamorphic genera, many of which are economically important plant pathogens. Recent revisions and phylogenetic research have resulted in taxonomic instability. Ameliorating this problem requires phylogenetic placement of type species of key genera. We present an examination of the type species of the anamorphic Asperisporium and Pantospora. Cultures isolated from recent port interceptions were studied and described, and morphological studies were made of historical and new herbarium specimens. DNA sequence data from the ITS region and n LSU were generated from these type species, analysed phylogenetically, placed into an evolutionary context...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Ascomycota; Capnodiales; Dothideomycetes; Lectotype; Pawpaw; Pseudocercospora ulmifoliae.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Cymadothea trifolii, an obligate biotrophic leaf parasite of Trifolium, belongs to Mycosphaerellaceae as shown by nuclear ribosomal DNA analyses 16
Simon, U.K.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Crous, P.W..
The ascomycete Cymadothea trifolii, a member of the Dothideomycetes, is unique among obligate biotrophic fungi in its capability to only partially degrade the host cell wall and in forming an astonishingly intricate interaction apparatus (IA) in its own hyphae, while the attacked host plant cell is triggered to produce a membranous bubble opposite the IA. However, no sequence data are currently available for this species. Based on molecular phylogenetic results obtained from complete SSU and partial LSU data, we show that the genus Cymadothea belongs to the Mycosphaerellaceae (Capnodiales, Dothideomycetes). This is the first report of sequences obtained for an obligate biotrophic member of Mycosphaerellaceae.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Biotrophy; Capnodiales; Cymadothea trifolii; Dothideomycetes; GenomiPhi; LSU; Mycosphaerella kilianii; Mycosphaerellaceaesooty/black; Blotch of clover; SSU.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dark septate endophytic pleosporalean genera from semiarid areas 16
Knapp, D.G.; Kovács, G.M.; Zajta, E.; Groenwald, J.Z.; Crous, P.W..
Dark septate endophytes (DSE) are distributed worldwide as root-colonising fungi, and frequent in environments with strong abiotic stress. DSE is not a taxon, but constitutes numerous fungal taxa belonging to several orders of Ascomycota. In this study we investigate three unidentified DSE lineages belonging to Pleosporales that were found previously in semiarid sandy grasslands. For molecular phylogenetic studies seven loci (ITS, partial 18S nrRNA, 28S nrRNA, actin, calmodulin, transcription-elongation factor 1-α and ß-tubulin genes) were amplified and sequenced. Based on morphology and the resulting molecular phylogeny these isolates were found to represent three novel genera within the Pleosporales, namely Aquilomyces, Flavomyces and Darksidea, with eight...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Dothideomycetes; Endophytes; Massarineae; Mating; Phylogeny; Sexual state; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Diversity of endophytic fungi in the leaflets and branches of Poincianella pyramidalis, an endemic species of Brazilian tropical dry forest 39
Oliveira,Thays G. L.; Bezerra,Jadson D. P.; Silva,Iolanda R. da; Souza-Motta,Cristina M.; Magalhães,Oliane M. C..
ABSTRACT Plants harbour diverse communities of fungal species in their internal compartments. Endophytic fungi help their hosts to establish, survive, and adapt to different environments. Here, we examined the diversity of endophytic fungi in the leaflets and branches of Poincianella pyramidalis, a plant species endemic to the Brazilian tropical dry forest (Caatinga). A total of 360 fragments of leaflets and branches were analysed and 189 endophytic fungi were isolated and distributed among 21 ascomycetous genera based on their ITS and LSU rDNA sequences. Diaporthe was the most frequently identified genus, followed by Didymella and Rhytidhysteron. The colonisation rate of plant fragments was higher in the branches (74 %) than in leaflets (14 %). The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ascomycetous fungi; Caatinga; Diaporthe; Dothideomycetes; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Exploring fungal mega-diversity: Pseudocercospora from Brazil 16
Silva, M.; Barreto, R.W.; Pereira, O.L.; Freitas, N.M.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Crous, P.W..
Although the genus Pseudocercospora has a worldwide distribution, it is especially diverse in tropical and subtropical countries. Species of this genus are associated with a wide range of plant species, including several economically relevant hosts. Preliminary studies of cercosporoid fungi from Brazil allocated most taxa to Cercospora, but with the progressive refinement of the taxonomy of cercosporoid fungi, many species were relocated to or described in Pseudocercospora. Initially, species identification relied mostly on morphological features, and thus no cultures were preserved for later phylogenetic comparisons. In this study, a total of 27 Pseudocercospora spp. were collected, cultured, and subjected to a multigene analysis. Four genomic regions...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Capnodiales; Cercosporoid; Dothideomycetes; Multigene phylogeny; Mycosphaerellaceae; Plant pathogen; Systematics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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High diversity and morphological convergence among melanised fungi from rock formations in the Central Mountain System of Spain 16
Ruibal, C.; Platas, G.; Bills, G.F..
Melanised fungi were isolated from rock surfaces in the Central Mountain System of Spain. Two hundred sixty six isolates were recovered from four geologically and topographically distinct sites. Microsatellite-primed PCR techniques were used to group isolates into genotypes assumed to represent species. One hundred and sixty three genotypes were characterised from the four sites. Only five genotypes were common to two or more sites. Morphological and molecular data were used to characterise and identify representative strains, but morphology rarely provided a definitive identification due to the scarce differentiation of the fungal structures or the apparent novelty of the isolates. Vegetative states of fungi prevailed in culture and in many cases could...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Black fungi; Capnodiales; Chaetothyriales; Dothideomycetes; Extremotolerance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Multilocus DNA sequencing of the whiskey fungus reveals a continental‐scale speciation pattern 16
Scott, J.A.; Ewaze, J.O.; Summerbell , R.C.; Arocha-Rosete, Y.; Maharaj, A.; Guardiola, Y.; Saleh, M.; Wong, B.; Bogale, M.; Hara, M.J. O’; Untereiner, W.A..
Baudoinia was described to accommodate a single species, B. compniacensis. Known as the ‘whiskey fungus’, this species is the predominant member of a ubiquitous microbial community known colloquially as ‘warehouse staining’ that develops on outdoor surfaces subject to periodic exposure to ethanolic vapours near distilleries and bakeries. Here we examine 19 strains recovered from environmental samples near industrial settings in North America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe and the Far East. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of a portion of the nucLSU rRNA gene confirms that Baudoinia is a monophyletic lineage within the Teratosphaeriaceae (Capnodiales). Multilocus phylogenetic analysis of nucITS rRNA (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) and partial nucLSU rRNA,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Dothideomycetes; Extremophilic fungi; Microcolonial fungi; Molecular phylogenetics; Warehouse staining.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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New species of Cladosporium associated with human and animal infections 16
Sandoval-Denis, M.; Gené, J.; Sutton, N.P. Wiederhold, J.F. Cano-Lira, J. Guarro, D.A.; Wiederhold , N.P.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Guarro, J..
Cladosporium is mainly known as a ubiquitous environmental saprobic fungus or plant endophyte, and to date, just a few species have been documented as etiologic agents in vertebrate hosts, including humans. In the present study, 10 new species of the genus were isolated from human and animal clinical specimens from the USA. They are proposed and characterized on the basis of their morphology and a molecular phylogenetic analysis using DNA sequences from three loci (the ITS region of the rDNA, and partial fragments of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha and actin genes). Six of those species belong to the C. cladosporioides species complex, i.e., C. alboflavescens, C. angulosum, C. anthropophilum, C. crousii, C. flavovirens and C. xantochromaticum,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Capnodiales; Cladosporiaceae; Dothideomycetes; Phylogeny; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Nuevos registros de Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) no liquenizantes de los bosques Andino patagónicos de Argentina 66
Sánchez,Romina M; Bianchinotti,M. Virginia.
Tres especies de Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) no liquenizantes halladas creciendo sobre corteza de árboles nativos de los bosques Andino Patagónicos de Argentina son aquí descriptas. Melanomma subdispersum y Mytilinidion tortile se registran por primera vez para América del Sur. El área de distribución de Mytilinidion andinense se amplía desde la provincia de Río Negro, donde fue hallada por primera vez, hacia la provincia de Chubut. Se brindan descripciones, datos de distribución geográfica, hábitat e ilustraciones para las tres especies.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Argentina; Ascomycota; Dothideomycetes; Patagonia andina.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Observaciones sobre las especies argentinas de Tryblidaria (Dothideomycetes, Patellariaceae) 51
Rosato,Vilma G..
Se revisaron tres especies of Tryblidaria (Sacc.) Rehm descriptas por Spegazzini. T. patagonica antiene en el género , mientras T. argentinensis Speg. Se excluye y reubica como sinónimo de Hysterographium mori. Blytridium andinum Speg. se incluye en Tryblidaria, con la nueva combinación T. andina (Speg.) Rosato. demás, T. fenestrata (Cooke et Peck) Barr, la especie tipo se halló y describió por primera vez en Argentina, como una nueva variedad: T. fenestrata var. sanjuanensis Rosato (de la Provincia de San Juan).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tryblidaria; Dothideomycetes; Patellariaceae; Argentina.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the Planistromellaceae including its coelomycetous anamorphs: contributions towards a monograph of the genus Kellermania 16
Minnis, A.M.; Kennedy, A.H.; Grenier, D.B.; Palm, M.E.; Rossman, A.Y..
The core species of the family Planistromellaceae are included in the teleomorphic genera Planistroma and Planistromella and the connected anamorphic, coelomycetous genera Alpakesa, Kellermania, and Piptarthron. These genera have been defined primarily on the basis of ascospore septation or number of conidial appendages. Due to a lack of DNA sequence data, phylogenetic placement of these genera within the Dothideomycetes, evaluation of monophyly, and questions about generic boundaries could not be adequately addressed in the past. Isolates of nearly all of the known species in these genera were studied genetically and morphologically. DNA sequence data were generated for the nSSU, ITS, nLSU, and RPB1 markers and analysed phylogenetically. These results...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Agavaceae; Ascomycota; Asparagaceae; Botryosphaeriaceae; Botryosphaeriales; Coelomycetes; Dothideomycetes; Molecular phylogeny; Planistromellaceae; Septoplaca; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Resolution of morphology-based taxonomic delusions: Acrocordiella, Basiseptospora, Blogiascospora, Clypeosphaeria, Hymenopleella, Lepteutypa, Pseudapiospora, Requienella, Seiridium and Strickeria 16
Jaklitsch, W.M.; Gardiennet, A.; Voglmayr, H..
Fresh material, type studies and molecular phylogeny were used to clarify phylogenetic relationships of the nine genera Acrocordiella, Blogiascospora, Clypeosphaeria, Hymenopleella, Lepteutypa, Pseudapiospora, Requienella, Seiridium and Strickeria. At first sight, some of these genera do not seem to have much in common, but all were found to belong to the Xylariales, based on their generic types. Thus, the most peculiar finding is the phylogenetic affinity of the genera Acrocordiella, Requienella and Strickeria, which had been classified in the Dothideomycetes or Eurotiomycetes, to the Xylariales. Acrocordiella and Requienella are closely related but distinct genera of the Requienellaceae. Although their ascospores are similar to those of Lepteutypa,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Ascomycota; Dothideomycetes; New genus; Phylogenetic analysis; Pyrenomycetes; Pyrenulales; Sordariomycetes; Xylariales.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Two new classes of Ascomycota: Xylobotryomycetes and Candelariomycetes 16
Voglmayr, H.; Fournier, J.; Jaklitsch, W.M..
Phylogenetic analyses of a combined DNA data matrix containing nuclear small and large subunits (nSSU, nLSU) and mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) ribosomal RNA and the largest and second largest subunits of the RNA polymerase II (rpb1, rpb2) of representative Pezizomycotina revealed that the enigmatic genera Xylobotryum and Cirrosporium form an isolated, highly supported phylogenetic lineage within Leotiomyceta. Acknowledging their morphological and phylogenetic distinctness, we describe the new class Xylobotryomycetes, containing the new order Xylobotryales with the two new families Xylobotryaceae and Cirrosporiaceae. The two currently accepted species of Xylobotryum, X. andinum and X. portentosum, are described and illustrated by light and scanning...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Ascomycota; Dothideomycetes; Eurotiomycetes; Five new taxa; Multigene phylogenetic analyses; Pyrenomycetes; Sordariomycetes.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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