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Acondicionamento do arroz em medas. Infoteca-e
A prática de acondicionamento do arroz em medas, há muito utilizada na Ásia, Índia e Japão, vem sendo empregada em alguns estados brasileiros e, neste trabalho, procurou-se comprovar a viabilidade de seu uso nas condições climáticas do Acre.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Secagem natural; Oriza sativa; Rendimiento de los cultivos; Factores ambientales; Secado; Envasado; Arroz; Acondicionamento; Meda; Condição ambiental; Rendimento; Características Agronômicas; Rice; Packaging; Drying; Environmental factors; Agronomic traits; Crop yield.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Adaptation of "Niagara Rosada" grape must to winemaking by partial cluster dehydration REA
Santiago,Wesley E.; Teruel,Bárbara J.; Oliveira,Rafael A. De; Silva,João C. T. R. Da.
This study aimed to verify the influence of partial dehydration of "Niagara Rosada" grape clusters in physicochemical quality of the pre- fermentation must. In Brazil, during the winemaking process it is common to need to adjust the grape must when the physicochemical characteristics of the raw material are insufficient to produce wines in accordance with the Brazilian legislation for classification of beverages, which establishes the minimum alcohol content of 8.6 % for the beverage to be considered wine. Therefore, given that the reduction in the water content of grape berries allows the concentration of chemical compounds present in its composition, especially the concentration of total soluble solids, we proceeded with the treatments that were formed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chemical Composition; Must; Drying.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Adsorption isotherms of the red mombin powder produced in spouted bed dryer AGRIAMBI
Lins,Analha D. F.; Rocha,Ana P. T.; Gomes,Josivanda P.; Feitosa,Regilane M.; Araujo,Gilmar T.; Santos,Dyego da C..
ABSTRACT Red mombin is a seasonal fruit and susceptible to degradation reactions due to its high water content. This highlights the need to use processes that prolong its life and make it available all year round, including to markets away from the production sites. Thus, the objective of this study was to produce red mombin pulp powder in spouted bed dryer, evaluate it regarding physical and chemical parameters and assess its hygroscopic behavior at temperatures of 20, 30 and 40 °C, fitting the models of the GAB, Oswin and Peleg to the experimental data. The results of the physical and chemical analyses showed intermediate wetting time of 0.39 g min-1, solubility higher than 60% and mean flowability with Hausner ratio and Carr index of 1.26-1.34 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Spondias purpurea L.; Drying; Hygroscopicity.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Air drying kinetics and quality characteristics of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) influenced by osmotic dehydration CIGR Journal
Kaur, Kulwinder; Kumar, Satish; Alam, Mohammad Shafiq.
The study on osmotic pretreatment of oyster mushrooms was carried out in order to remove the moisture prior to further mechanical drying.  Three salt concentration level (10, 15 and 20 g/100 g), two temperature levels of osmotic solution (30 and 45°C) and constant solution to mushroom ratio of 10 (w/v) were selected and the observations on water loss and solid gain were taken at an interval of 30 min up to 300 min.  The osmotically pretreated samples were further dried up to its equilibrium moisture content in a tray drier at 60°C and experimental data were fitted successfully using Page and Henderson & Pabis model.  The osmo-convective dehydrated samples were evaluated for its quality parameters i.e. color (L, a, b, ∆E, C* and h°), rehydration ratio...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oyster mushrooms; Osmotic dehydration; Water loss; Solid gain; Drying; Quality.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Anatomía y tolerancia a la desecación de semillas de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) Colegio de Postgraduados
Rangel Fajardo, María Alma.
La adquisición de tolerancia a la desecación en semillas ortodoxas es una estrategia adaptativa que no presentan las semillas del tipo recalcitrantes y por consiguiente son sensibles a la desecación. El grado de tolerancia o sensibilidad a la desecación se ve afectada por varios aspectos de origen genético, fisiológico, bioquímico y anatómico; por consiguiente existen diferencias entre genotipos y entre individuos dentro del genotipo de la misma especie. En este estudio se documentaron características de anatomía de las semillas de cacao, se midió el grado de tolerancia a la desecación y la acumulación de azúcares en relación con tolerancia a la desecación en poblaciones de tres orígenes genéticos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.). Se emplearon los...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Theobroma cacao L.; Anatomía; Desecación; Estaquiosa; Germinación; Rafinosa; Semilla; Sensibilidad; Doctorado; Producción de semillas; Anatomy; Drying; Germination; Raffinose; Seed sensitivity; Stachyose.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Antioxidants in yacon products and effect of long term storage Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Castro,Alejandra; Caballero,Maciel; Herbas,Adelina; Carballo,Sergio.
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. and Endl.) H. Robinson) is a storage root originally grown in the Andean highlands. The fresh roots are perishable and quickly turn brown during handling and processing. Aiming to prolong shelf-life and to preserve the antioxidant compounds in yacon roots, 3 mm thick yacon slices were dried in a drying cabinet at 40, 50, and 60 ºC to a moisture content of 10-14%, and yacon strips were sun dried to a moisture content of 15-20%. The total phenolic content was measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, and the quenching capacity was evaluated by measuring the amount of DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pidrylhydrazyl) inhibited in samples after drying and after 7 months of storage. The results showed that it is possible to preserve the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Yacon; Phenolic content; Drying; Storage; Antioxidant capacity.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Best-fitted mathematical model to represent the moisture desorption characteristics of whole limes CIGR Journal
Basunia, Mohammad Ali.
Three commonly cited models for drying of agricultural products i.e. Page, Approximate form of diffusion, and Exponential were compared for their ability to the fit the experimental drying data of whole limes based on the root mean square error of estimate (RMSE) of the measured and simulated moisture contents. The comparison shows the Page model is the most suitable model having average RMSE = 0.046 wet-basis (decimal) while the Approximate form of diffusion and the Exponential models have 0.132  and 0.128 wet-basis (decimal),  respectively. This indicated that the Approximate form of diffusion and the Exponential models both have less fitting ability then the  Page model for the entire period (> 7 days) of drying in 30 tests at different...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Best-fitted; Mathematical model; Whole limes; Drying.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg seed desiccation: influence on vigor and nucleic acids Anais da ABC (AABC)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of Campomanesia adamantium seeds to desiccation by drying in activated silica gel (fast) and under laboratory conditions (slow). To assess the sensitivity of the seeds to desiccation, we used drying with silica gel and drying under laboratory conditions (25 °C), in order to obtain seeds with moisture content of 45, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5%. The physiological potential of the seeds after desiccation was evaluated by measuring primary root protrusion, percentage of normal seedlings, germination seed index, seedling length, total seedling dry mass, electrical conductivity and DNA and RNA integrities. The C. adamantium seeds were sensitive to desiccation and to a reduction in moisture content to 21.1%...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cerrado; DNA; Drying; RNA; Viability.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Changes in gene expression during drying and imbibition of desiccation sensitive Magnolia ovata (A. St.-Hil.) spreng. seeds Rev. bras. sementes
José,Anderson C.; Ligterink,Wilco; Davide,Antonio Claudio; Silva,Edvaldo A. Amaral da; Hilhorst,Henk W.M..
Seeds of Magnolia ovata were dried to different water contents to assess the viability and transcript abundance of genes related to seed development, cell cycle, cytoskeleton and desiccation tolerance.The expression of development, cell cycle and cytoskeleton relative genes (ABI3, CDC2-like and ACT2) alone could not explain the germination behaviour of M. ovata seeds in relation to drying damage. Irrespective of their initial water content, the seeds performed in the same way during the initial period of germination and the deleterious effects of desiccation only occurred in later stages. Expression of PKABA1, sHSP17.5 and 2-Cys-PRX did not show a relationship with desiccation. However, the expression patterns of PKABA1 and sHSP17.5 suggested the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Desiccation tolerance; Drying; Gene expression; Magnolia ovata.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Changes in proximate composition and lipid quality of atherina atherina sp. during sun drying process OceanDocs
Selmi, S.; Bouriga, N.; Faure, E.; Trabelsi, M..
Dans le présent travail, l’effet du séchage solaire sur la composition biochimique et la qualité des lipides des athérines a été étudié. La teneur en lipides, protéines et en cendres dans l’athérine a augmenté significativement (p <0.05) après le séchage. Cependant, celle de l’humidité a montré une forte diminution pour atteindre 22.37% dans le produit final. D’autre part, l’étude des indicateurs d’altération des lipides (Oxydation et Hydrolyse) nous a montré que la qualité des lipides des athérines est affectée par ce type de traitement. En effet, les taux des hydropéroxydes et des acides gras libres ont augmenté significativement (p < 0.05) après le séchage pour atteindre respectivement 2.02 meq active O2/kg huile et 3.67%. La formation des...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Biochemical composition; Dried products; Drying; Hydrolysis; Methodology; Oxidation; Processing fishery products; Quality assurance; Atherina; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Characterization and drying of caja bagasse (Spondias mombin L.) in a tray dryer using a factorial planning Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Silva,Andréia Souto da; Oliveira,Edson Leandro de; Santos,Everaldo Silvino dos; Oliveira,Jackson Araújo de.
The caja (Spondias mombin L.) is used in the manufacture of ice-cream, jams, pulps, beverages being also consumed in natura. One of the most important procedures in food conservation is drying, considering that most fresh fruits contain approximately 80% of water. Food drying is used to obtain two basic aspects: (1) the economic factor; in the shipping and handling of the product; (2) at the manipulation; once dried and grinded, the material is rehydrated, at desirable levels, to formulate a new product as in ice cream, jams, yoghurts and drinks and may also be added to pasta, biscuits and other industrialized products. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of caja bagasse drying in a fixed-bed tray dryer, using central composite factorial...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Caja; Fruit bagasse; Drying; Factorial planning.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of essential oils from leaves and flowers of Eugenia klotzschiana Berg (Myrtaceae) Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT Many essential oils (EOs) of different plant species possess interesting antimicrobial effects on buccal bacteria and antioxidant properties. Eugenia klotzschiana Berg (pêra-do-cerrado, in Portuguese) is a species of Myrtaceae with restricted distribution in the Cerrado. The essential oils were extracted through the hydrodistillation technique using a modified Clevenger apparatus (2 hours) and chemically characterized by GC-MS. The major compounds were α-copaene (10.6 %) found in oil from leaves in natura, β-bisabolene (17.4 %) in the essential oil from dry leaves and α-(E)-bergamotene (29.9 %) in oil from flowers. The antioxidant activity of essential oils showed similarities in both methods under analysis (DPPH and ABTS˙+) and the results...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antioxidant activity; Antibacterial activity; Brazilian pear; Drying; Eugenia klotzschiana; Sesquiterpenes.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Desiccation tolerance of Tapirira obtusa seeds collected from different environments Rev. bras. sementes
Pereira,Wilson Vicente Souza; Faria,José Márcio Rocha; Tonetti,Olivia Alvina Oliveira; Silva,Edvaldo Aparecido Amaral da.
This study was aimed at evaluating the desiccation sensitivity in seeds of the tree Tapirira obtusa (Benth.) J. D. Mitchell collected from three different environments and subjected to two distinct drying speeds. Seeds were collected from a rocky area, in the "Cerrado", and in a riparian forest area, in the region of municipality of Lavras, State of Minas Gerais. The seeds were subjected to drying with magnesium chloride (slow drying) or silica gel (fast drying), into closed environment, until moisture contents of 40%, 30%, 20% and 10%, considering as control, the percentage of germination at the initial moisture content in each environment, which varied from 47% to 50%. Percentages of germination and normal seedlings as well as germination speed index...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Drying; Germination; Sensitivity; Dehydration.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Desidratação de frutas utilizando secador solar. Infoteca-e
A conservação de frutas para utilização fora da sua época de colheita tem sido uma demanda das sociedades desde os primórdios da civilização. Há muitos séculos, a conservação de frutas por desidratação tem sido utilizada por diversas culturas.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Frutas; Secagem solar; Conservação de frutas; Fruits prioducts; Fruta seca; Preservação de alimento; Secagem; Fruits; Drying; Solar drying.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Desorption isotherms of flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum L.) and thermodynamic parameters of the process Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Valente,Maria da Conceição da Costa; Nascimento,Rafael Alves do; Santana,Elza Brandão; Faria,Lênio José Guerreiro de; Costa,Cristiane Maria Leal.
ABSTRACT Sorption isotherms of flaxseeds were determined by static gravimetric method at temperatures 40, 60, and 80 ºC, over a relative moisture range of 10-95%. Six mathematical models were applied to analyze the experimental data. The modified GAB model showed the best fitting to the experimental data. The isosteric heat and differential entropy were determined by applying the Clausius-Clapeyron and Gibbs-Helmholtz equations, respectively. The isosteric heat and the entropy of desorption isotherm presented similar behavior, with a sharp change of 10% in the equilibrium moisture content. The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to the isotherms, indicating that they are enthalpy-controlled.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equilibrium moisture content; Drying; Isosteric heat.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Development of an imaging system for spatially real-time measurement of drying parameters in industrial drying units CIGR Journal
amjad, waseem; Munir, Anjum; Sturm, Barbara.
Lack of accurate information for the drying kinetics is the main barrier to optimize drying processes effectively. Online monitoring of drying data is not common due to practical issues involved in set-up application. In this study an imaging system was developed for large drying units to investigate the quality changes (color kinetics and shrinkage) combine with weight loss of food product spatially and non-destructively during convective drying. The imaging setup was used in a diagonal-airflow batch dryer and shifted along the dryer length to take data (food images and weight loss) at different positions using potato slices (5mm thick, 60°C) as drying material. First order model fitted well to value of ∆L* and ∆b* while ∆a* and ∆E fitted in zero order...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Image processing; Real time data; Drying.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Development of cookies from agroindustrial by-products Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Deamici,Kricelle Mosquera; Oliveira,Lucas Carvalho de; Rosa,Gabriela Silveira da; Zavareze,Elessandra da Rosa; Oliveira,Elizangela Gonçalves de.
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential use of dry grape marc obtained of drying and milling operations with parboiled rice bran for cookies production. By-products were characterized with respect to moisture content, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, and ashes, besides the analysis of absorption index, solubility in water and acidity. The proposed formulations were prepared by varying the amount of by-products to replace wheat flour. Elaborate cookies were subjected to microbiological and sensory analysis. The formulation with greater acceptance contained 5% of flour grape marc and 10% of parboiled rice bran. The physicochemical characterization of the cookies with greater acceptance was highlighted by the protein and fiber...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Drying; Grape marc; Rice bran; Sensory analysis.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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DRYING AND ISOTHERMS OF SUGAR CANE BAGASSE - DOI: 10.13083/1414-3984/reveng.v23n2p128-142 Engenharia na Agricultura
Joyce Maria Gomes da Costa; Jefferson Luiz Gomes Corrêa; UFLA; Bruno Elyeser Fonseca; Flávio Meira Borém; Soraia Vilela Borges.
Sugarcane is nowadays considered an important source of energy. One of its products is sugarcane bagasse. Bagasse is largely used as a boiler fuel. The goal of this work was to study bagasse drying in a fixed bed and its desorption isotherm. Air was used as drying agent at 40, 50 and 60 ºC at flow rate of 0.9 m s-1. Desorption isotherms were also obtained at 40 and 50 ºC. Several models from literature were tested with regards to their fit to fixed bed drying and desorption isotherm data. The best adjustments were obtained with Modified Page 2 model for drying kinetics and both the Jaafar and Michalowski model and modified Henderson 2 model for the desorption isotherm.
Tipo: Artigo Avaliado por Pares Palavras-chave: ENGENHARIA AGRÍCOLA; PROCESSAMENTO DE PRODUTOS AGRÍCOLAS biomass; Drying; Energy.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Drying temperature changes trichome integrity, chemical content and composition of the essential oil of pepper-rosmarin Ciência Rural
Queiroz,Giovanna Alcântara; Silva,Pedro Henrique Lopes; Oliveira,Rosilene Aparecida de; Sodré,George Andrade; Costa,Larissa Corrêa do Bomfim.
ABSTRACT: Medicinal plants are generally commercialized dried. However, temperatures used in their drying processes may interfere with the content and chemical composition of their essential oils. The Lippia origanoides possesses thymol in the essential oil that is stored in glandular trichomes. Thymol is a major component of economic importance in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the drying temperatures of L. origanoides leaves regarding trichome integrity, content, and chemical composition of the essential oil. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments defined by oven drying temperatures (40, 50, 60, and 70ºC) and four replications. Essential oil was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lippia origanoides; Medicinal plant; Secretory structures; Drying; Thymol.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Drying Tomatoes in a Small Tray Dryer CIGR Journal
de Carvalho, Ricardo Oliano; Machado, Miguel Borges; Scherer, Vinícius Saldanha; Fuentes, Giovani Castro; da Luz, Carlos Alberto Silveira; da Luz, Maria Laura G. Silva.
Drying tomatoes with high initial moisture content have advantages such as: maintenance of mineral constituents, inhibition of the action of microorganisms, reduction of the cost of transportation, handling, and storage and is an alternative to the problems of waste disposal and pollution. Moreover, dried products, besides the more economical and affordable package, is an option for light and quick meals. Small and low cost tray dryers are hard to find in the Brazilian market. Producing your own dehydrated food is a practice used in many countries for domestic consumption, as a gift, for small-scale enterprises, because some people appreciate handmade products that are related to a healthier product, without additives. The present study aimed to dry...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Drying; Tomatoes cost..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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