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An analysis of the bottlenecks affecting the production and deployment of maize seed in Eastern and Southern Africa 31
Langyintuo, Augustine S.; Mwangi, Wilfred; Diallo, Alpha O.; MacRobert, John F.; Dixon, John; Banziger, Marianne.
The publication describes outcomes of a study conducted in 2007/08 to analyze the bottlenecks affecting the production and deployment of maize seed in eastern and southern Africa. The objectives of the study were to provide a better understanding of the factors limiting the production and deployment of improved maize seed in Africa, and to contribute to increasing the efficiency of variety release, seed production and seed dissemination for new drought tolerant maize varieties. The study identified a number of institutional bottlenecks affecting the maize seed value chain, in particular in the area of policy, credit availability, seed production, germplasm and marketing. To address these bottlenecks and improve the efficiency of seed production and...
Tipo: Report Palabras clave: Seed production; Seed industry; Commodity markets; Marketing; Maize; Zea mays; Agricultural products; Yields; Crop yield; Crop Production/Industries; E10; E16; E21; E70; F03.
Año: 2008 URL:
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Analysis of Participatory Research Projects in the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 31
Lilja, Nina K.; Bellon, Mauricio R..
Through a survey of scientists from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in 2004, this study assessed the extent to which participatory methods had been used by the center, how they were perceived by the scientists, and how participatory research could be applied more effectively by CIMMYT and partners. Results for 19 CIMMYT projects suggest among other things that participatory approaches at the center were largely “functional”—that is, aimed at improving the efficiency and relevance of research—and had in fact added value to the research efforts. The authors suggest that CIMMYT should (1) create a more conducive environment for scientists to share experiences on such approaches and (2) better document their impacts on farmers’...
Tipo: Report Palabras clave: Economic analysis; Research projects; Research methods; Quantitative analysis; Surveys; Statistics; Evaluation; Scientists; Research institutions; Mexico.; Crop Production/Industries; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; E10; A50.
Año: 2006 URL:
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Maize-Rice Cropping Systems in Bangladesh: Status and Research Opportunities 31
Ali, M. Yusuf; Waddington, Stephen R.; Hodson, Dave P.; Timsina, J.; Dixon, John.
Responding to demand from expanding poultry feed markets, maize area in Bangladesh rose from only a few thousand hectares in the 1980s to more than 200,000 hectares in 2007-08. This publication describes the rise of maize in Bangladesh, emerging problems or risks, technology options for rice-maize systems, and future research and development needs. It also outlines the role of CIMMYT, through its Bangladesh office, in the establishment and promotion of maize, as well as the provision of germplasm and capacity building for researchers and farmers, in collaboration with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), and diverse non-governmental organizations.
Tipo: Report Palabras clave: Maize; Rice; Cropping patterns and systems; Agricultural development; Planting date; Technology transfer; Yield increases; Bangladesh; Crop Production/Industries; F08; E10.
Año: 2008 URL:
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Manual for conducting socioeconomic surveys through Pocket Portable Device Assistants (PDAs) and personal computers 31
Perea, Federico Carrion; La Rovere, Roberto.
Tipo: Report Palabras clave: Socioeconomic environment; Surveys; Computers; Computer software; Data collection; PDAs; Personal computers; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; U40; E10.
Año: 2009 URL:
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Seed Business Management in Africa 31
MacRobert, John F..
Tipo: Report Palabras clave: Seed industry; Seed production; Trade; Commodity markets; Marketing; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; E10; E20; E21; E70; E73; F03.
Año: 2009 URL:
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Successful Community-Based Seed Production Strategies 31
Designed to address the issues that limit the access of small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa to quality, affordable seed of the crops on which they depend for food security and livelihoods, this collection of articles describes successful principles for and experiences in community-based seed production. Among other things, the manuscripts analyze current seed production systems and models; propose ways to design successful community-based seed production schemes; describe proper seed production practices for selected cereals, vegetatively propagated plants, and other crops; and outline basic business practices for seed producers.
Tipo: Report Palabras clave: Seed production; Food security; Quality; Plant propagation; Crops; Models; Farmers; Partnerships; Small farms; Business management; Africa; Crop Production/Industries; F03; E10.
Año: 2004 URL:
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Tropical and Subtropical Maize in Asia: Production Systems, Constraints, and Research Priorities 31
Gerpacio, Roberta V.; Pingali, Prabhu L..
This book examines future technological and policy prospects for the sustainable intensification of rainfed upland maize production in Asia, and derives R&D priorities for specific maize production environments and markets. Village-level and farmer-group surveys were conducted to characterize upland maize production environments and systems in China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Survey findings, particularly farmer-identified constraints to maize production, complemented with other relevant data, were used in country-level, R&D priority-setting workshops. High on the list of farmer constraints was drought, estimated to affect three production environments that are home to about 48 million rural poor and produce...
Tipo: Book Palabras clave: Maize; Agricultural development; Farming systems; Production policies; Environmental factors; Cropping systems; Research projects; Project management; Asia; Crop Production/Industries; E10.
Año: 2007 URL:
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