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A new genus and subgenus of the subfamily Euphorinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from East Asia 16
Belokobylskij, S.A..
Three new taxa belonging to the subfamily Euphorinae Foerster (Hymenoptera; Braconidae) are described and illustrated. Mama mariae gen. nov. & spec. nov. from southern Far East Russia and two species of the subgenus Chaetocentistes nov. of the genus Centistes Haliday. A key to species (i.e. Centistes chaetopygidium Belokobylskij (type species) (Russian Far East, Korea, China), C. choui spec. nov. (Taiwan I., Korea) and C. malaisei spec. nov. (Myanmar)) of the subgenus Chaetocentistes is given. Centistes spinulosus Papp, 1994, is synonymised with C. chaetopygidium Belokobylskij, 1992 (syn. nov.). Three new taxa belonging to the subfamily Euphorinae Foerster (Hymenoptera; Braconidae) are described and illustrated. Mama mariae gen. nov. & spec. nov....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Braconidae; Euphorinae; Leiophronini; Centistini; Hymenoptera; Mama; Chaetocentistes; Centistes; East Asia; Far East Russia; 42.75.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Accelerating Africa's Structural Transformation Lessons from East Asia 31
Gabre-Madhin, Eleni Z.; Johnson, Bruce F..
In most countries in sub-Saharan Africa at present, the majority of the population is engaged in agriculture, with economies in the very early stages of structural transformation - the process whereby a predominantly agrarian economy is transformed into a diversified and productive economy dominated by manufacturing and services. These countries are characterized by low levels of farm productivity, limited growth of non-farm employment and high rates of population growth. This paper focuses on the factors involved in fostering a country’s structural transformation. This process of transformation has many dimensions. Among these we emphasize interactions between four factors: increased agricultural productivity, rural industrialization, the expansion of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sub-Saharan Africa; Industrialization; Developing Countries; East Asia; International Development.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Agricultural Policy Adjustments in East Asia: The Korean Rice Economy 31
Kwon, Yong Dae; Yamauchi, Hiroshi.
The processes of agricultural policy decision-making in the East Asian economies of Japan, Taiwan, and Korea are characterized by the complex interactions of competing special interest groups in their respective political arenas. An analytical model is designed to investigate how adjustments in rice price policies are endogenously related to the political economic forces associated with macroeconomic changes. The model is tested against the case of Korean rice price policy, which has not been satisfactorily explained in earlier modeling efforts. A political preference function is used to estimate the relative political weights of producers, consumers, and government over a 25-year period (1961-1985) during which major macroeconomic changes occurred. A...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Endogenous rice policy; Political macroeconomy; Political preference function; Political weights; Econometric simulation; East Asia; Korea; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Assessing Environment in Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A Time Series Estimation 31
Koffi-Tessio, Egnonto M.; Homevor, Kpotogbe.
Within a context of global trade liberalisation and constrained national budgets, agriculture in many countries has proved incapable of sustaining household livelihoods an d socio-economic development in rural areas. The post-war industrial success of several Asian countries has suggested various alternatives for rural development, including tourism for domestic and possibly foreign visitors. After outlining the economic characteristics of rural tourism and its policies, this paper reviews the evolution of government policies in this area in East Asia, including the establishment of "tourist farms" and "pilot scheme" villages in Korea since the 1980s. A field survey of some 200 Korean village leaders and others, undertaken in 2004, is reported as to the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural tourism; Korea; East Asia; Tourism policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; O18; Q26; Q28.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Do Japanese Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Stimulate Agricultural Growth in East Asia? Panel Cointegration Analysis 31
Sattapon, Weerapong.
The agricultural sector is an important sector that most people in East Asia rely on and growth in this sector may help to lift their standard of living. This study assessed what factors contributed to agricultural growth by applying the panel econometric approach. First, the long-run relationship between the agriculture growth and its explanatory variable was investigated by applying the IPS unit root test and Pedroni panel cointegration test. The results indicated that all variables showed an integration of order unity, and showed strong evidence to support the existence of long-run relationship. The results from Fixed Effect (FE) regression indicated that imports, exports and trade liberalization were the important factors that contributed to growth in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural growth; East Asia; Foreign Direct Investment; Trade; Panel Data; International Relations/Trade; O4; Q17; R0.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Ficus alongensis (Moraceae) recovered and redefined 16
Berg, C.C..
Ficus alongensis Gagnep. is reinstated and redefined.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Moraceae; Ficus; East Asia.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Ficus capillipes (Moraceae), new for Malesia (Sumatra) 16
Berg, C.C..
Ficus capillipes Gagnep. is recorded for Malesia (Sumatra).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Moraceae; Ficus; East Asia.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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International Capital Markets and Informal Dollar Standards in the CIS and East Asia 31
Schnabl, Gunther.
Although most CIS and East Asian countries are de jure classified as free floaters, they de facto pursue (tight) dollar pegs. This paper emphasizes dollar denomination of short-term and long-term payment flows as reasons for exchange rate stabilization. Based on the analysis of "competitive depreciations" and "competitive appreciations" among the CIS and East Asian currencies it is argued that the adherence to a common external anchor currency enhances macroeconomic stability. Finally, the potential of euro and ruble (CIS) as well as yen and yuan (East Asia) to challenge the dollar as anchor currencies in the respective regions is explored.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: CIS; East Asia; Informal Dollar Standard; Liability Dollarization; Asset Dollarization; Competitive Depreciation; Competitive Appreciation; Exchange Rate Systems; Financial Economics; F31; F32.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Marchant, Mary A.; Cornell, Dyana N.; Koo, Won W..
International agricultural trade has evolved over time. Processed foods and developing countries have become major growth markets for U.S. agricultural exports, and foreign direct investment (FDI) has become even more important than exports as a means of accessing foreign markets. The critical question is whether FDI is a substitute for or a complement of exports. This research builds upon an existing theoretical FDI model and contributes to the literature through the development of a simultaneous equation system for FDI and exports, which is estimated using two-stage least squares. Empirical analyses were used to examine the relationship between U.S. FDI and exports of processed foods into East Asian countries - China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: East Asia; Exports; Foreign direct investment; International trade; Processed foods; International Relations/Trade; F47; Q17; C3; F17.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The Promotion of Rural Tourism in Korea and Other East Asia Countries: Policies and Implementation 31
Lee, Jae-Ouk; Thomson, Kenneth J..
Within a context of global trade liberalisation and constrained national budgets, agriculture in many countries has proved incapable of sustaining household livelihoods an d socio-economic development in rural areas. The post-war industrial success of several Asian countries has suggested various alternatives for rural development, including tourism for domestic and possibly foreign visitors. After outlining the economic characteristics of rural tourism and its policies, this paper reviews the evolution of government policies in this area in East Asia, including the establishment of "tourist farms" and "pilot scheme" villages in Korea since the 1980s. A field survey of some 200 Korean village leaders and others, undertaken in 2004, is reported as to the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural tourism; Korea; East Asia; Tourism policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O18; Q26; Q28.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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『斉民要術』に基づいた東アジアの古代乳製品の再現と同定 19
平田, 昌弘; 米田, 佑子; 有賀, 秀子; 内田, 健治; 元島, 英雅; 花田, 正明; 河合, 正人; Hirata, Masahiro; Yoneda, Yuko; Ariga, Hideko; Uchida, Kenji; Motoshima, Hidemasa; Hanada, Masaaki; Kawai, Masahito.
The reproduction and identification of ancient dairy products in East Asia were conducted based on "SEIMINYOUJYUTU" which is the order ancient document available in East Asia and contains detailed explanation about milk processing,and then the spread pathway of these milk processing techniques into East Asia was discussed in this paper. As the results of reproduction and identification experiments,RAKU was identified as sour milk,KANRAKU could not be identified,ROKURAKU was identified as unmatured type cheese such as KHOROOT of Mongolian pastoralists and KURUT of Turki pastoralists,and SO was identified as butter and butter oil. Since some imprecise descriptions were found in SEIMINYOUJYUTU through the reproduction experiment,it was considered that...
Palavras-chave: Historical document; East Asia; Milk product; Pastoralist; Spread.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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