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Disentangling the influences of habitat structure and limnological predictors on stream fish communities of a coastal basin, southeastern Brazil 83
Ferreira,Fabio Cop; Silva,André Teixeira da; Gonçalves,Cristina da Silva; Petrere Jr.,Miguel.
In stream environments habitat structure and limnological factors interact regulating patterns of energy and material transfer and affecting fish communities. In the coastal basins of Southeastern Brazil, limnological and structural characteristics differ between clear and blackwaters streams. The former have a diversity of substrate types, higher water velocities, and lower water conductivity, while the latter have sandy substrate, tea-colored and acidic waters, and low water velocities. In this study, we verified the relative importance of habitat structure and limnological variables in predicting patterns of variation in stream fish communities. Eight first to third order streams were sampled in the coastal plain of Itanhaém River basin. We captured 34...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Blackwater streams; Clearwater streams; East basin; Restinga forest; Variance partitioning.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Electrofishing as a sampling technique for coastal stream fish populations and communities in the Southeast of Brazil 57
Electrofishing adequacy was tested as a technique to obtain quantitative data of coastal stream fish populations and communities in the Southeast of Brazil. Seven field trips, between July/94 and July/95, were done in 5 localities of the Ubatiba fluvial system (Maricá, RJ). Seventeen species, among the 22 collected, had their numbers estimated through the Zipping method, the model used to test the sampling methodology. At each field trip, three removals with electrofishing were done in each locality and, according to the number of obtained species at each locality/field trip, we analysed 315 cases. Nineteen cases, among 315, showed failure condition. Estimates were significant (p < 0.01) in 96% of the studied cases. Non-significant cases were obtained...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Electrofishing; Coastal streams; East basin; Brazil.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Reproduction period of Mimagoniates microlepis, from an Atlantic Forest Stream in Southern Brazil 52
Braga,Marcelo Rennó; Aranha,José Marcelo Rocha; Vitule,Jean Ricardo.
Mimagoniates microlepis was collected between January and December/2002. Three sample points were chosen at higher, medium and lower portions of Ribeirão river, located at the east of Paraná state. The reproduction period was observed by the frequency of gonad developmental stages, variation of the gonosomatic relation (RGS) and gonad condition (K). The average length at the first sexual maturity (L50) and the average length when 100% of individuals were adults (L100) were calculated. The intensity of the reproductive activity (IAR) was estimated at each sample point. The reproduction period started in the winter and ended at the end of spring. The high values of IAR encountered demonstrated that the reproductive activity occurred in the whole study area,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coastal stream; Blue tetra; East basin.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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