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Paleo-depths reconstruction of the last 550,000 years based on the transfer function on recent and Quaternary benthic foraminifers of the East Corsica margin 5
Minto'O, Charlie Morelle Angue; Silva Jacinto, Ricardo; Bassetti, Maria-angela; Jouet, Gwenael.
In this study, the model H(i) = 109.6103 + C1 × F1(i) + C2 × F2(i) + … + C33 × F33(i) obtained from depth modelling based on 33 recent benthic foraminifer species distribution, has been applied to the fossil benthic foraminifers from the borehole GDEC-4-2 drilled at a water depth of 491 m, in the East-Corsica basin, covering the last 550,000 years. The obtained variations of the paleo-depths show a medium correlation with the oscillations of the relative sea level and also with the fluctuations of the oxygen isotopic ratio (δ18O G. bulloides and δ18O C. pachyderma–C. wuellerstorfi). This newly developed transfer function is accompanied by an error margin of ± 86 m, suggesting that this model will probably be more suitable for a time scale of the order of a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic foraminifers; East-Corsica basin; Paleo-depths; Transfer function.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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