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A field guide to the Silurian Echinodermata of the British Isles: Part 1 - Eleutherozoa and Rhombifera 16
Lewis, D.N.; Donovan, S.K.; Crabb, P.; Gladwell, D.J..
The Palaeozoic echinoderms of the British Isles are most diverse in the Silurian and Lower Carboniferous. This guide discusses and illustrates members of all major groups of echinoderms, apart from the crinoids, from the Silurian of these islands. Groups considered include the echinoids (five taxa), ophiuroids (ten taxa) and asteroids (thirteen taxa), and the extinct ophiocistioids (three species) and rhombiferan cystoids (nine species).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Echinoderms; Silurian; British Isles; Echinoids; Asteroids; Ophiuroids; Cystoids; Ophiocystitoids; 38.22; 42.72.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Chiridota heheva—the cosmopolitan holothurian 5
Thomas, Elin A.; Liu, Ruoyu; Amon, Diva; Copley, Jon T.; Glover, Adrian G.; Helyar, Sarah J.; Olu, Karine; Wiklund, Helena; Zhang, Haibin; Sigwart, Julia D..
Chemosynthetic ecosystems have long been acknowledged as key areas of enrichment for deep-sea life, supporting hundreds of endemic species. Echinoderms are among the most common taxa inhabiting the periphery of chemosynthetic environments, and of these, chiridotid holothurians are often the most frequently observed. Yet, published records of chiridotids in these habitats are often noted only as supplemental information to larger ecological studies and several remain taxonomically unverified. This study therefore aimed to collate and review all known records attributed to Chiridota Eschscholtz, 1829, and to conduct the first phylogenetic analysis into the relationship of these chiridotid holothurians across global chemosynthetic habitats. We show that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep sea; Chemosynthetic environments; Opportunism; Widespread; Echinoderms.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Echinodermata associated to rhodoliths from Seixas Beach, State of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil 49
Prata,Jessica; Costa,Dimitri Araujo; Manso,Cynthia Lara de Castro; Crispim,Maria Cristina; Christoffersen,Martin Lindsey.
Abstract This study presents the species of echinoderms found inside rhodolith branches from Seixas Beach, State of Paraíba, Brazil, during one year of rhodolith sampling. A total of 64 specimens were analyzed and identified into 12 species, belonging to 11 genera, eight families and three classes. Brief taxonomic descriptions, figures and ecological notes for recorded species are provided. Ophiuroidea and Holothuroidea were the most representative taxa. Biogenic structures are an important habitat for young specimens and some small species of Echinodermata. Some species complete their life cycle in these structures, while others spend part of their life in these substrates and may also migrate to other habitats. The work complements the knowledge of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Echinoderms; Inventory; Brazilian coast.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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HSP70 from the Antarctic sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri: molecular characterization and expression in response to heat stress 5
Gonzalez-aravena, Marcelo; Calfio, Camila; Mercado, Luis; Morales-lange, Byron; Bethke, Jorn; De Lorgeril, Julien; Cardenas, Cesar A..
Background Heat stress proteins are implicated in stabilizing and refolding denatured proteins in vertebrates and invertebrates. Members of the Hsp70 gene family comprise the cognate heat shock protein (Hsc70) and inducible heat shock protein (Hsp70). However, the cDNA sequence and the expression of Hsp70 in the Antarctic sea urchin are unknown. Methods We amplified and cloned a transcript sequence of 1991 bp from the Antarctic sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri, experimentally exposed to heat stress (5  and 10 °C for 1, 24 and 48 h). RACE-PCR and qPCR were employed to determine Hsp70 gene expression, while western blot and ELISA methods were used to determine protein expression. Results The sequence obtained from S. neumayeri showed high identity with Hsp70...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hsp70; Coelomocytes; Antarctica; Echinoderms; Climate change.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Inventaire de la biodiversité marine dans le Golfe normano-breton. Echinodermes 5
Le Mao, Patrick.
This work is a compilation of faunal datas collected in the normano-breton Gulf, relating to echinoderms.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Normano breton gulf; Echinoderms; Fauna list; Golfe normano breton; Echinodermes; Inventaire faunistique.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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