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A handbook for measuring the progress and outcomes of integrated Coastal and Ocean Management OceanDocs
The handbook aims to contribute to the sustainable development of coastal and marine areas by promoting a more out-come-oriented, accountable and adaptive approach to ICOM. It provides a step-by-step guide to help users in developing, selecting and applying a common set of governance, ecological and socioeconomic indicators to measure, evaluate and report on the progress and outcomes of ICOM interventions. Intended as a generic tool with no prescriptive character, the handbook proposes analytical framework and indicators that from the basis for the customized design of sets of indicators. The handbook also includes results, outcomes and lessons learned from eight pilot case studies conducted in several countries. A network of ICOM experts in these...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Coastal zone management; Coastal zone; Oceanography; Oceanographic data; Oceanographic institutions; Oceanographic equipment; Oceanographic surveys; Indicators; Ecological balance; Oceanography; Ecological balance; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Agriculture And Savannah Biodiversity Loss OceanDocs
Bourquin, O.; Hughes, G. R.; Sandwith, T..
This paper investigates the question of what influence human beings have had on biodiversity in the region of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. A historical analysis has been made of human impact on local ecosystems and species accompanied by statistics on the reduction of habitats and systems caused by urbanisation, cultivation, silviculture and state dams. The major causes of biodiversity loss are identified as being habitat destruction or modification and extractive utilisation. The most important problem is that the government of South Africa does not have an effective environmental management system to ensure wise decision-making. The result has been sectoral ministries empowered with the dual role of both exploiting and preserving natural resources. In...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Ecological balance; Environmental impact assessment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Hacia una cuantificación de estrés ecológico en el embalse de Rincón del Bonete (Uruguay) OceanDocs
Amestoy, F.J..
La presente tesis respondió preguntas importantes para el conocimiento del embalse de Rincón del Bonete (EdRB) y para la obtención de los puntos de referencia para la determinación de estrés ecológico en el mismo. Los objetivos específicos comprendieron la determinación de los aspectos limnológicos más relevantes, la caracterización del embalse según su estado trófico, así como el conocimiento del estado de explotación de la especie íctica mas relevante desde el punto de vista comercial. Se determinaron indicadores que permitieron aportar información de base para cuantificar el grado de perturbación del embalse a fin de adoptar estrategias de conservación y manejo, así como definir las zonas más sensibles de impacto ambiental. Se evaluó la variabilidad...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: M40; Limnology; Environmental monitoring; Artificial lakes; Resource conservation; Ecological balance; Indicators; Echo surveys; Freshwater lakes; Experimental fishing; Biomass; Limnology; Environmental monitoring; Biomass; Artificial lakes; Resource conservation; Ecological balance; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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The ecological state of Lake Naivasha, Kenya, 2005: Turning 25 years research into an effective Ramsar monitoring programme OceanDocs
Mavuti, K.M.; Harper, David.
The present paper summarises the state of ecological knowledge in the lake based upon the research of the teams of Harper & Mavuti, funded by the Earthwatch Institute since 1987. It suggests how the research knowledge should drive the Ramsar monitoring programme that is now evolving.
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Inland waters; Freshwater lakes; Tropical lakes; Ecological balance; Ecosystem management; Environment management; Environmental monitoring; Resource management; Baseline studies; Long-term changes; Environmental monitoring; Inland waters; Ecological balance; Resource management; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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