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Déterminisme du recrutement larvaire de l’huître creuse (Crassostrea gigas) dans la lagune de Thau. 5
Lagarde, Franck; Fiandrino, Annie; Richard, Marion; Bernard, Ismael; Mortreux, Serge; Ubertini, Martin; Chiantella, Claude; Boj, Marie; Meddah, Slem; Leurion, Axel; Soriano, Solenn; Fuhrmann, Marine; Le Gall, Patrik; Chiera, Caroline; Berteaux, Tom; Guillou, Jean-louis; Roque D'Orbcastel, Emmanuelle; Perignon, Adeline; Bonnet, Delphine; Roques, Cecile; Bec, Beatrice; Cochet, Helene; Gervasoni, Erika; Miron, Gilles; Pouvreau, Stephane.
Since spat mortality events that were firstly detected in 2008, Mediterranean shellfish industry seeks to exploit the Pacific oyster spat from lagoon natural recruitment. The CRCM, Cepralmar and Ifremer developed accordingly a research project named PRONAMED Phase 1 and 2 - 2010-2014, in order to define the economic potential of spatfall and improve knowledge of the reproductive cycle of Crassostrea gigas in this specific environmental context. The results of the past three year‘s study (2012, 2013, 2014) showed that broodstock have the ability to provide larvae after sexual maturation and spawning. A coincidence was noted between moon phase (new and full moon) and spawnings with an amplifying effect of storms on the intensity of spawning (Ubertini et al....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagune; Recrutement; Naissain; Huître creuse; Ecologie larvaire; Cycle de reproduction; Captage naturel.; Lagoon; Recruitment; Spat; Pacific oysters; Larval ecology; Reproduction Cycle; Natural spat collection..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Ecologie larvaire de l'huître perlière (Pinctada margaritifera, L.), croissance et dispersion dans un lagon d'atoll polynésien 5
Thomas, Yoann.
Understanding key factors determining the bentho-pelagic species larval growth and dispersal remains one of the challenges of marine ecology, notably to understand the adult population structure and dynamics. In the present study, we explore this determinism on the development and dispersal of the black-lip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingii, Linné 1758) larvae in a French Polynesian atoll lagoon (Ahe, Tuamotu archipelago). Rearing of the pearl oyster for the production of black pearls takes on a major social and economic place in French Polynesia. However, the supply of pearl oyster seed to the farms depends entirely on the natural collection of wild spat of the only one specie P. margaritifera, and spatial and temporal variability of spat...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecologie larvaire; Hétérogénéité environnementale; Modélisation; Croissance; Dispersion; Huître perlière à lèvres noires; Pinctada margaritifera; Lagon d’atoll; Polynésie française; Larval ecology; Environmental heterogeneity; Modeling; Growth; Dispersal; Black-lip pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; Atoll lagoon; French Polynesia.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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