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A review on applications of greenhouse drying and its performance 111
Sahdev, Ravinder Kumar; Kumar, Mahesh; Dhingra, Ashwani Kumar.
Limited sources and rising cost of fossil fuels has instigated researchers to look towards renewable energy resources.  Among renewable energy resources, solar energy is required to become indispensable in the future, as it is inexpensive, abundant, inexhaustible, environmental friendly and non-pollutant.  Most of the people living in developing countries are dependent on agriculture.  Agricultural products are dried to increase the storage life, minimize the packaging requirement and reduce the transportation weight.  Solar drying for drying agricultural products is being practiced since long back throughout the world.  Because of its drawbacks, advance technique, i.e. greenhouse drying, is being adopted for drying crops to reduce the drying time and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Greenhouse drying; Agricultural products; Convective heat transfer coefficient; Energy and exergy analysis; Economical aspects; Drying performance.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Análise prospectiva do complexo agroindustrial de suínos no Brasil. 14
GOMES, M. F. M. (Coord.).
O complexo agroindustrial no contexto sócio-econômico brasileiro; Políticas públicas.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Análise prospectiva; Aspecto econômico; Swine farm; Economical aspects; Suíno; Suinocultura; Swine.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Aquaculture en système clos : estimation des coûts de production pour l'élevage du bar et du turbot 5
Lavenant, M; Paquotte, Philippe.
Two major constraints to aquaculture have raised in most countries : the little availability of convenient sites because of the competition for the use of the coastline and the progressive implementation of regulations to reduce the impact of the farms on the environment. The technique of recirculation, widely used for hatcheries, has been developed to answer these constraints and to get free of the natural variations in order to regulate the résults. The ongrowing experimental facilities have proved good enough results to make it possible to conceive industrial projects for sea-bass and turbot. In first approach, the production costs of these systems are similar to traditional techniques but expected productivity gains due to an increase of zootechnical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Economical aspects; Production costs; Sea bass; Turbot; Marine aquaculture; Recirculation; Closed system; SEM; Aspects économiques; Coût de production; Bar; Turbot; Aquaculture marine; Système clos; Circuit fermé.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Viabilidade econômica do Adlay na alimentação de suínos em crescimento e terminação. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Aspectos econômicos; Feeding; Economical aspects; Adlay; Alimentação; Suíno; Swine.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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