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A holistic approach to studying social-ecological systems and its application to southern Transylvania Ecology and Society
Hartel, Tibor; Department of Environmental Sciences, Sapientia University;
Global change presents risks and opportunities for social-ecological systems worldwide. Key challenges for sustainability science are to identify plausible future changes in social-ecological systems and find ways to reach socially and environmentally desirable conditions. In this context, regional-scale studies are important, but to date, many such studies have focused on a narrow set of issues or applied a narrow set of tools. Here, we present a holistic approach to work through the complexity posed by cross-scale interactions, spatial heterogeneity, and multiple uncertainties facing regional social-ecological systems. Our approach is spatially explicit and involves assessments of social conditions and natural capital bundles, social-ecological system...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Ecosystem service bundles; Landscape sustainability science; Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society; Regional scale; Romania; Scenario planning.
Ano: 2014
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How does eutrophication impact bundles of ecosystem services in multiple coastal habitats using state-and-transition models ArchiMer
Kermagoret, Charlene; Claudet, Joachim; Derolez, Valerie; Nugues, Maggy M.; Ouisse, Vincent; Quillien, Nolwenn; Baulaz, Yoann; Le Mao, Patrick; Scemama, Pierre; Vaschalde, Diane; Bailly, Denis; Mongruel, Remi.
One of the current major scientific challenges to sustain social-ecological systems is to improve our understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the relationships between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services. Here, we analyse the bundles of ecosystem services supplied by three coastal ecosystems (coastal lagoons, coral reefs and sandy beaches) along a gradient of eutrophication. Based on a state-and-transition model, we analyses the dynamic responses of ecological communities to environmental change and management actions. Although few exceptions are highlighted, increasing eutrophication in the three ecosystem types leads to a degradation of the ecosystem service bundles, particularly for nutrient and pathogen...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sandy beaches; Coral reefs; Coastal lagoons; Ecosystem service bundles; Temporal dynamics; Management.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Scale and ecosystem services: how do observation, management, and analysis shift with scale—lessons from Québec Ecology and Society
Raudsepp-Hearne, Ciara; McGill University;; Peterson, Garry D; Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University;
Ecosystem service assessment and management are shaped by the scale at which they are conducted; however, there has been little systematic investigation of the scales associated with ecosystem service processes, such as production, benefit distribution, and management. We examined how social-ecological spatial scale impacts ecosystem service assessment by comparing how ecosystem service distribution, trade-offs, and bundles shift across spatial scales. We used a case study in Québec, Canada, to analyze the scales of production, consumption, and management of 12 ecosystem services and to analyze how interactions among 7 of these ecosystem services change across 3 scales of observation (1, 9, and 75 km²). We found that ecosystem service...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Covariance; Ecosystem service bundles; Mont Saint-Hilaire; Problem of fit; Scaling; Social-ecological; Spatial; Trade-offs.
Ano: 2016
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Social-ecological drivers of multiple ecosystem services: what variables explain patterns of ecosystem services across the Norrström drainage basin? Ecology and Society
Meacham, Megan; Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University;; Queiroz, Cibele; Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University; The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences;; Peterson, Garry D; Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University;
In human dominated landscapes many diverse, and often antagonistic, human activities are intentionally and inadvertently determining the supply of various ecosystem services. Understanding how different social and ecological factors shape the availability of ecosystem services is essential for fair and effective policy and management. In this paper, we evaluate how well alternative social-ecological models of human impact on ecosystems explain patterns of 16 ecosystem services (ES) across the 62 municipalities of the Norrström drainage basin in Sweden. We test four models of human impact on ecosystems, land use, ecological modernization, ecological footprint, and location theory, and test their ability to predict both individual ES and bundles of...
Tipo: NON-REFEREED Palavras-chave: Ecological footprint; Ecological modernization; Ecosystem service bundles; Land use change; Location theory; Stockholm; Sweden.
Ano: 2016
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