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Speaking Stata: Distinct observations AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J.; Longton, Gary M..
Distinct observations are those different with respect to one or more variables, considered either individually or jointly. Distinctness is thus a key aspect of the similarity or difference of observations. It is sometimes confounded with uniqueness. Counting the number of distinct observations may be required at any point from initial data cleaning or checking to subsequent statistical analysis. We review how far existing commands in official Stata offer solutions to this issue, and we show how to answer questions about distinct observations from first principles by using the by prefix and the egen command. The new distinct command is offered as a convenience tool.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Distinct; By; Egen; Distinctness; Uniqueness; Data management; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Speaking Stata: How to repeat yourself without going mad AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J..
This column will focus on how to improve your fluency in Stata. Over the next issues we will look at Stata problems of intermediate size which turn out to be soluble with a few command lines. As an introduction, systematic ways of repeating the same or similar operations are surveyed to give one overview of the territory to be covered.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Append; By; Collapse; Contract; Do-files; Egen; For; Foreach; Forvalues; Log files; Merge; Naming conventions; Programs; Repetition; Reshape; Statsby; Subset or group structure; Tabulations; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Speaking Stata: On getting functions to do the work AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J..
Functions in Stata take two main forms, built-in functions that are part of the executable and egen functions written in Stata’s own language. These are surveyed, giving a variety of tips and tricks, and noting the large number of user-written egen functions available for download from the Internet. Two substantial examples, the calculation of percentile ranks and plotting positions, and the calculation of measures summarizing properties of the other members of a group, provide detailed illustrations of egen in action.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Functions; Egen; Strings; Percentile ranks; Plotting positions; Family data; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Speaking Stata: On structure and shape: the case of multiple responses AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J.; Kohler, Ulrich.
A frequent problem in data management is that datasets may not arrive in the best structure for many analyses, so that it may be necessary to restructure the data in some way. The particular case of multiple response data is discussed at length, with special attention to different possible structures; the generation of new variables holding the data in different form; valuable inbuilt string and egen functions; using foreach and forvalues to loop over lists; and the use of the reshape command. Tabulations and graphics for such data are also reviewed briefly.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Composite variables; Concatenation; Egen; Foreach; Forvalues; Graphics; Indicator variables; Multiple responses; Reshape; Split; String functions; Tabulations; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Speaking Stata: Rowwise AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J..
Stata’s main data model treats observations in rows and variables in columns quite differently, but rowwise problems also arise that require working against the grain. This column shows how to exploit existing functions and egen functions when they exist and apply to such problems. It offers advice on how to build your own loops, egen functions, or programs when needed. Mata provides especially convenient tools for constructing many such functions and programs, centered on putting selected data into matrices and then processing each observation as a separate vector. Two programs, rowsort and rowranks, are formally published with this column.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Rowsort; Rowranks; Rows; Functions; Loops; Egen; Mata; Minimum; Maximum; Median; Any; All; Distinct values; Sorting; Ranking; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Standardizing anthropometric measures in children and adolescents with new functions for egen AgEcon
Vidmar, Suzanna; Carlin, John B.; Hesketh, Kylie; Cole, Tim.
A new function for egen has been developed to allow transformation of child anthropometric data to z-scores using the LMS method and the reference data available from the 1990 British Growth Reference and the 2000 US CDC Growth Reference. An additional function allows for children to be categorized according to body mass index (weight/height2) using international cutoff points recommended by the Childhood Obesity Working Group of the International Obesity Taskforce.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Z-scores; LMS; Egen; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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