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Behavioural study of two Hydrothermal crustacean decapods: Mirocaris fortunata and Segonzacia mesatlantica, from the lucky strike vent field (mid-Atlantic ridge) 5
Matabos, Marjolaine; Cuvelier, D.; Brouard, J.; Shillito, B.; Ravaux, J.; Zbinden, M.; Barthelemy, D.; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Sarrazin, Jozee.
Identifying the factors driving community dynamics in hydrothermal vent communities, and in particular biological interactions, is challenged by our ability to make direct observations and the difficulty to conduct experiments in those remote ecosystems. As a result, we have very limited knowledge on species’ behaviour and interactions in these communities and how they in turn influence community dynamics. Interactions such as competition or predation significantly affect community structure in vent communities, and video time-series have successfully been used to gain insights in biological interactions and species behaviour, including responses to short-term changes in temperature or feeding strategies. In this study, we combined in situ and ex situ...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Abyss Box; Biological interactions; Deep-sea observatory; Eiffel Tower edifice; Feeding behaviour; Experimental research; Video imagery; Time series; Lucky Strike; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; 37 degrees 17 ' N; 32 degrees 16.3 ' W.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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