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Arthroscopical treatment of elbow joint disease 45
Rezende,C.M.F.; Melo,E.G.; Malm,C.; Gheller,V.A..
Elbow arthroscopy was performed in 30 dogs of different breeds. The procedure was performed bilaterally in 20 of these dogs, yielding a total of 50 joints. Different lesions were found, varying from cartilage fissures (8) to fragmentation (42) of medial coronoid process (FCP) of the ulna. Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the humerus medial condyle was associated in four of them. All of these cases displayed varying degrees of synovitis. Osteoarthrosis (OA) in varying intensity was observed in 44 joints. The majority of cases were treated two to four months after the manifestation of clinical signs. Good clinical recovery occurred in dogs with minimal joint lesions, where these were diagnosed and treated within four weeks of the onset of clinical...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elbow; Arthroscopy; Dog; Coronoid process fragmentation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Densitometric Analysis of the Human Ulna 77
Aguado-Henche,S; Clemente de Arriba,C; Carrascosa-Sánchez,J.
This study describes the distribution of the normal bone mass in the mature human ulna, as knowledge of distribution may provide information to orthopaedic surgeons for the treatment of such fractures while advancing the understanding of the responses of osteosynthesis elements during bone repair. A random sample of 41 dry ulnas was studied with a DXA system using a Norland XR-26 densitometer. Two projections were performed, lateral and antero-posterior. In both projections five regions of interest (ROI) were selected: proximal (ROI 1), proximal-intermediate (ROI 2), intermediate (ROI 3), distal-intermediate (ROI 4) and distal (ROI 5). All statistical calculations were performed using Stat graphics Plus (version 5.1) and SPSS (version 15.0). Bone mineral...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Densitometry; Ulna; Bone mineral density; Bone mineral content; Elbow.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Role of the oblique ligament in the integrity of the medial collateral ligament of the canine elbow joint 45
Oliveira,D.; Baraldi-Artoni,S.M.; Shimano,A.C.; Rossi,J.R.; Tovar,M.C.H..
It was studied the arrangement of the collagen fibrils of the medial collateral ligament of the canine elbow joint and evaluated its diameter, when it was isolated or associated to the oblique ligament and loaded in tension until failure. Eighteen joints were divided in three groups. The first group had the medial collateral ligament collected and not loaded, the second group had the medial collateral ligament tested separately and the third group had both ligaments associately tested. Medial collateral ligament not submitted to strain presented a wavy and reticular pattern of the collagen fibers, which was not totally destroyed when it was loaded associated to the oblique ligament, and totally loses the reticular pattern when stretched separately. When...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dog; Medial collateral ligament; Oblique ligament; Elbow; Collagen fibrils.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The use of hydroxyapatite for arthrodesis in dogs and cats: a clinical study 45
Dórea Neto,F.A.; Padilha Filho,J.G.; Santos,L.A.; Oriá,A.P.; Canola,J.C.; Stefanes,S.A.; Regonato,E..
Twenty-five arthrodeses were performed in four cats and 17 dogs using synthetic hydroxyapatite as fresh autogenous graft cancellous bone substitute. Arthrodesis was performed in the carpal joint in eight cases, in the tarsal joint in 10, in the elbow joint in six, and in the knee joint in one case. The mean radiographic follow-up time was 30 days in one animal, 45 days in another animal and 60 days in the 19 remaining cases. Bone union was observed in 24 arthrodeses. Non-union of one elbow arthrodesis was due to failure of stabilization. Restoration of limb functionality was classified as good to excellent in 22 cases. Hydroxyapatite was able to promote bone growth and is suitable for using in routine surgical procedures for small animals.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dog; Cat; Bone fusion; Carpal; Tarsal; Stifle; Elbow.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Two Unreported Cartilagines Sesamoidea in the Elbow of the Dog 77
Gil G,Julio; Olivares P-M,Ricardo.
Two unreported sesamoid cartilages were found inside tendon of insertion of both muscle biceps brachii and muscle brachialis in the dog. This find adds remarkable facts envolving Anatomy, Comparative Anatomy and Clinic and Biomechanics of the elbow joint in the dog. Statistics also emphasize the importance of traumatological incidences on elbow joint in veterinary.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sesamoid; M. biceps brachii; M. Brachialis; Elbow; Joint.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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