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Electricity Generation in Fiji: Assessing the Impact of Renewable Technologies on Costs and Financial Risk AgEcon
Dornan, Matthew; Jotzo, Frank.
In recent years, renewable energy technologies have been advocated in Fiji on the basis that they improve energy security and serve as a risk-mitigation measure against oil price volatility. Despite this, there have been few attempts to measure the impact of renewable technologies on energy security. That analysis is important if the benefits of renewable energy technologies in Fiji are to be adequately evaluated. This paper develops and applies a method for assessing the potential contribution of renewable technologies to the security of electricity supply in Fiji. The method is based on an application of portfolio theory, traditionally used in financial markets, to the electricity generation mix in Fiji. The results demonstrate the impact of different...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Renewable energy technologies; Energy policy; Electricity sector; Fiji; Oil prices; Portfolio analysis; Pacific islands; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Multi-Period Emissions Trading in the Electricity Sector - Winners and Losers AgEcon
Bode, Sven.
Emission trading has become recently more and more import in environmental regulation. In the context of controlling greenhouse gas emissions, the directive on a Europewide trading scheme for large immobile sources may be perceived as one of the most important milestones in recent years. Prior to its start, however, a number of very specific design features have to be agreed upon. In the political discussion, the question of how to allocate emission rights is considered as one of the most important issues. So far, a distribution (almost) free of charge is the option of choice. An aspect that has interestingly attracted little attention in the past is the question of how to allocate emission rights over time. This may for example be done on the basis of a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Abatement costs; Allocation of GHG allowances; Benchmark; Compliance costs; Electricity sector; Multi-period emission trading; Environmental Economics and Policy; H23; H25; L20; L52; L94; Q25; Q28.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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