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Simulation de l'effet de 3 scénarios de réduction des teneurs de l'Elorn en nitrate sur l'eutrophisation de la rade de Brest 5
Menesguen, Alain.
This study commissioned by the Syndicat de l'Elorn et de la Rivière de Daoulas aimed at assessing on a mathemical modelling basis the impact of 3 scenarios of reduction of the loadings of Elorn river (imposed concentrations : 20, 15 et 10 mg/L NO3) on the status of ulva mass proliferation in the Moulin Blanc cowe (Bay of Brest). An ecological 3D model of N, P and Si cycling in the bay of Brest has been applied to a "reference situation": 2004 meteorological forcing combined to recent loadings of the new sewage plant. This model showed that: · the 3 reduction scenarios did not reduce significantly the early summer biomass of ulvae, but allowed to slightly reduce the subsequent summer and autumn levels of biomass (up to 20% reduction for 10 mg/L NO3). The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mathematical model; Dinoflagellate; Diatom; Ulva; Green tide; Nitrate; Moulin Blanc cowe; Elorn river; Bay of Brest; Modèle mathématique; Dinoflagellé; Diatomée; Ulve; Marée verte; Nitrate; Anse du Moulin Blanc; Elorn; Rade de Brest.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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