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Effect of inclusion of citrus pulp in the diet of finishing swines 52
Watanabe,Pedro Henrique; Thomaz,Maria Cristina; Ruiz,Urbano dos Santos; Santos,Vivian Maia dos; Fraga,Alessandro Luís; Pascoal,Leonardo Augusto Fonseca; Silva,Susana Zaneti da; Faria,Henrique Gonzáles de.
The aim of this work was to study the effect of inclusion of citrus pulp in the diet of finishing pigs. In the first trial, 16 Topigs barrows with 80.5±4.7 kg of initial BW were used to evaluate the digestibility of citrus pulp. Having 18.85% of neutral detergent fiber and 41.18% of neutral detergent soluble fiber, citrus pulp showed as a feasible alternative ingredient to be added in the diets of feed restricted finishing pigs. Second trial tested the use of 0, 10, 20, 30% of citrus pulp in the diets of 36-feed-restricted barrows with initial BW of 83.7±5.1 kg. A quadratic trend (P<0.05) as function of citrus pulp levels was observed for daily weight gain and number of experimental days to reach 130kg BW, being the best estimated inclusion levels of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alternative feedstuffs; Digestibility; Energetic restrictions; Heavy swine; Soluble fiber.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Old teeth, new methods: microtexture and morphometry analysis provide insight in gradual evolution and dietary change in the extinct bovid Myotragus 16
Winkler, D.E..
This article reveals that either a dietary shift took place in this lineage or Myotragus successively adapted to increased intraspecific competition, expanding its dietary range to adapt to energetic restrictions.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Microtexture; Morphometry; Evolution; Dietary change; Bovid; Energetic restrictions; 38.22; 42.84.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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