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Factors Influencing Willingness-to-Pay for the Energy Star Label AgEcon
Ward, David O.; Clark, Christopher D.; Jensen, Kimberly L.; Russell, Clifford S.; Yen, Steven T..
In the United States, nearly 17 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come from residential energy use. Increases in energy efficiency for the residential sector can generate significant energy savings and emissions reductions. Consumer labels, such as USEPA’s Energy Star, promote conservation by providing consumers with information on energy usage for household appliances. This study examines how the Energy Star label affects consumer preferences for refrigerators. An online survey of a national sample of adults suggest that consumers are, on average, willing to pay an extra $249.82 to $349.30 for a refrigerator that has been awarded the Energy Star label. Furthermore, the results provide evidence that willingness to pay was motivated by both private...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Energy Star; Willingness-to-pay; Eco-label; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Read the Label! Energy Star Appliance Awareness and Uptake Among U.S. Consumers AgEcon
Murray, Anthony G.; Mills, Bradford F..
The Energy Star label program to promote the diffusion of energy efficient home appliances is arguably the most significant government effort to reduce U.S. residential energy consumption. Program effectiveness requires that consumers are aware of the labeling scheme and also change their purchase decisions based on label information. This paper examines the factors associated with consumer awareness of the Energy Star label of recently purchased ‘white’ major appliances and the factors associated with the choice of Energy Star labeled appliances. The paper finds that household characteristics have a much stronger association with consumers awareness of labels than with the choice of Energy Star appliances. Renting the home, Hispanic ethnicity, being poor...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Energy Star; Household Energy Efficiency; Technology Adoption; Consumer/Household Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O33; Q40; Q48.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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