Ferrada,Sandra; Hernández,Klaudia; Montoya,R.; Galleguillos,Ricardo. |
Se estudió la variabilidad de 2 genes nucleares, el intrón 4/5 del gen de Calmodulina (CaM) por amplificación PCR y la región ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacers) del ADNr, por PCR y digestión en 139 ejemplares de E. ringens provenientes de las costas de Iquique (20°13'S; 70°09'W) y Talcahuano (36°41'S; 73°06'W). Para CaM se identificaron 8 genotipos en las muestras de Talcahuano y 7 en Iquique, presentando 1 a 3 fragmentos amplificados de 550 a 1.100 pb. En la digestión del fragmento ITS amplificado, sólo la endonucleasa TaqªI detectó 3 diferentes genotipos, 2 presentes en Talcahuano y 3 en Iquique. Se discuten las frecuencias observadas para cada gen y área de estudio. Los resultados llevan a confirmar la existencia de un solo stock, desde un punto de... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Engraulis ringens; ITS; CaM; Variabilidad genética; Stock. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-65382002000200022 |
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Passuni, Giannina; Barbraud, Christophe; Chaigneau, Alexis; Demarcq, Herve; Ledesma, Jesus; Bertrand, Arnaud; Castillo, Ramiro; Perea, Angel; Mori, Julio; Viblanc, Vincent A.; Torres-maita, Jose; Bertrand, Sophie. |
In fluctuating environments, matching breeding timing to periods of high resource availability is crucial for the fitness of many vertebrate species, and may have major consequences on population health. Yet, our understanding of the proximate environmental cues driving seasonal breeding is limited. This is particularly the case in marine ecosystems, where key environmental factors and prey abundance and availability are seldom quantified. The Northern Humboldt Current System (NHCS) is a highly productive, low-latitude ecosystem of moderate seasonality. In this ecosystem, three tropical seabird species (the Guanay Cormorant Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, the Peruvian Booby Sula variegata, and the Peruvian Pelican Pelecanus thagus) live in sympatry and prey... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Anchovy; Engraulis ringens; Guanay Cormorant; Northern Humboldt Current System; Occupancy model; Oceanographic variability; Pelecanus thagus; Peru; Peruvian Booby; Peruvian Pelican; Phalacrocorax bougainvillii; Prey abundance; Seasonal breeding; Sula variegata. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00317/42844/74394.pdf |
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