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Disposition of precipitation: Supply and Demand for Water Use by New Tree Plantations AgEcon
Nordblom, Thomas L.; Finlayson, John D.; Hume, Iain H..
As the greatest rainwater users among all vegetative land covers, tree plantations have been employed strategically to mitigate salinity and water-logging problems. However, large-scale commercial tree plantations in high rainfall areas reduce fresh water inflows to river systems supporting downstream communities, agricultural industries and wetland environmental assets. A bio-economic model was used to estimate economic demand for water by future upstream plantations in a sub-catchment (the 2.8 million ha Macquarie valley in NSW) of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Given four tree-product values, impacts were simulated under two settings: without and with the requirement that permanent water entitlements be purchased from downstream entitlement...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Forest; Environmental services; Catchment; Water sources; Interception; Entitlement; Supply; Demand; Market; Economic surplus; Evapo-transpiration; Urban water; Irrigation; Wetlands..
Ano: 2011 URL:
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