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Trophic habits of the flounder Citharichthys gilberti (Paralichthyidae) and its spatiotemporal variability in Buenaventura Bay, Colombian Pacific 50
García-Cardona,Evelin; Molina,Andrés; Duque,Guillermo.
ABSTRACT Fishes belonging to the order Pleuronectiformes, are flattened and inhabit estuarine bottoms. They are important because they provide an energy exchange between the demersal habitat and the water column, reflecting the effects of environmental variations in the ecosystem and the dynamics of trophic relation between species. This research evaluates the influence that some space-time variations have on the diet of Citharichthys gilberti in Buenaventura Bay. 92 stomachs corresponding to sites with different environmental characteristics within the Bay were examined. Feeding indices were determined to make a trophic characterization and evaluate the interactions between trophic habits and environmental variables. The prey with the highest relative...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Flatfishes; Estuaries; Foodhabits; Environmental factors..
Ano: 2021 URL:
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