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An economic analysis of the possibility of reducing pesticides in French field crops 31
Jacquet, Florence; Butault, Jean-Pierre; Guichard, Laurence.
The paper aims to study the effects of reducing pesticide use by farmers in the arable sector in France and the feasibility of a policy target of reducing pesticide use by half. The originality of the approach is to combine statistical data and expert knowledge to describe low-input alternative techniques at the national level. These data are used in a mathematical programming model to simulate the effect on land use, production and farmers’ income of achieving different levels of pesticide reduction. The results show that reducing pesticide use by 30% could be possible without reducing farmers’ income. We also estimate the levels of tax on pesticides necessary to achieve different levels of reduction of pesticide use and the effect of an incentive...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Pesticide use; Policy incentive; Environmental indicators; Low-input techniques; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Assessing Sustainability: Some Conceptual and Empirical Challenges 31
Toman, Michael; Lile, Ronald D.; King, Dennis M..
In this paper we address two related conceptual and practical challenges in assessing "sustainability." The first is the criteria to be used, in particular the relationship between sustainability and measures of economic well-being and the use of monetary versus nonmonetary indicators. The second is the problem of determining which physical scales to use for sustainability assessments when there are multiple and overlapping "communities" or stakeholder groups. While neither set of challenges admits a definitive solution, there has been progress on the first set of issues - in particular, through the development of multicriteria assessment strategies and stakeholder involvement processes. In contrast, the problem of how to assess sustainability in practice...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Integrated assessment; Environmental indicators; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q20; R19; D57.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Constraints to the implementation of effective environmental management in coastal areas of developing countries 42
Wagener,Angela de L.R..
This paper addresses the limitations the scarcity of reliable scientific information poses to the implementation of effective and sustainable coastal management programmes in developing countries. Alternatives to the current monitoring approaches are suggested as to improve information level on the state of the environment and to decrease data gap on past conditions. The paper aims at encouraging the redesign of monitoring practices in developing countries as to be ground on the best actual scientific knowledge.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coastal management; Scientific information; Environmental indicators; Monitoring; Developing countries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Swiss Agri-Environmental Measures on Sector Level 31
Schader, Christian; Sanders, Jurn; Offermann, Frank; Lampkin, Nicolas; Stolze, Matthias.
This paper focuses on non-linear programming models and their suitability for ex-ante evaluations of agri-environmental policies on sector level. An approach is presented to compare organic farming payments as a multi-objective policy, with other, more targeted agri-environmental policies in Switzerland. The Swiss version of the comparative static sector-consistent farm group model FARMIS is able to group the sector’s farms into organic and non-organic farms and optimise them separately. CH-FARMIS is expanded with three modules particularly for this study: a) allowing for the simulation of uptake; b) integrating life cycle assessment data for energy use, eutrophication and biodiversity; and c) estimating the policy and farm-group-specific public...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Positive mathematical programming; Life cycle assessment; Organic farming; Environmental indicators; Economic efficiency; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Determining the Ecological Status of Benthic Coastal Communities: A Case in an Anthropized Sub-Arctic Area 5
Dreujou, Elliot; Desroy, Nicolas; Carrière, Julie; Tréau De Coeli, Lisa; Mckindsey, Christopher W.; Archambault, Philippe.
With the widespread influence of human activities on marine ecosystems, evaluation of ecological status provides valuable information for conservation initiatives and sustainable development. To this end, many environmental indicators have been developed worldwide and there is a growing need to evaluate their performance by calculating ecological status in a wide range of ecosystems at multiple spatial and temporal scales. This study calculated and contrasted sixteen indicators of ecological status from three methodological categories: abundance measures, diversity parameters and characteristic species. This selection was applied to coastal benthic ecosystems at Sept-Îles (Québec, Canada), an important industrial harbor area in the Gulf of St. Lawrence,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Environmental indicators; Ecological status; Coastal benthos; Macrofauna; Gulf of St; Lawrence.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Kellogg, Robert L.; Goss, Don W..
In the fields of agriculture and resource economics, good economics is predicated by good science. By partnering more with physical scientists, economists will be better able to provide the broad policy-making community with practical recommendations for addressing resource issues. An example of collaboration is presented for the development of environmental indicators of the potential risk to the environment of the loss of pesticides from farm fields, which will be used by economists to adjust conventionally measured agricultural output for water quality impacts associated with agricultural production.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Environmental indicators; Multidisciplinary research; Pesticide leaching; Pesticide runoff; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Effect of coastline properties and wastewater on plankton composition and distribution in a stressed environment on the north coast of Olinda-PE (Brazil) 52
Pereira,Luci Cajueiro Carneiro; Jiménez,José Antonio; Koening,Maria Luise; Porto Neto,Fernando F.; Medeiros,Carmen; Costa,Rauquírio Marinho da.
A study of the structure of the plankton community along the coastal zone of the Casa Caiada-Rio Doce area (Pernambuco, Brazil) is presented. The results obtained indicated that in the protected zones the water presented high turbidity, high temperature, low salinity and high nutrient and oxygen rates. All of these conditions were responsible for the reduction in plankton diversity and an increase in the biomass of the most opportunistic (r-strategist) species e.g. Gyrosigma balticum and Bacillaria paxillifera (Phytoplankton) and Euterpina acutifrons (Zooplankton). The differences found with respect to others area studies performed in pristine conditions indicated that plankton structure could be used as an environmental health indicator and that, in this...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Plankton; Sheltered areas; Environmental indicators.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Environmental heterogeneity: Anuran diversity in homogeneous environments 103
Silva,Rodrigo Augusto; Martins,Itamar Alves; Rossa-Feres,Denise de C..
The northwestern region of São Paulo was extensively deforested during the agricultural expansion in the last century and only small fragments of the original vegetation cover remained. In this study, we investigated how habitat features influence the composition, richness, and diversity of anurans in environments homogenized by agricultural activities. We sampled monthly six breeding ponds located in pasture areas during twelve months. We recorded ten environmental descriptors for each breeding pond. We found 18 anuran species. The breeding ponds were structurally similar, but species composition differed among them. The environmental descriptors influence varies for each species, as demonstrated by the different associations between species and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amphibia; Community ecology; Environmental indicators; Habitat use; Beta diversity.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Explaining farmers’ monitoring of sustainability indicators: a bore-ing example for salinity in Western Australia 31
Marsh, Sally P.; Burton, Michael P.; Pannell, David J..
Dryland salinity is one of the most pressing land management problems in Western Australia. A number of projects are in progress to provide a more comprehensive picture of the location and extent of potentially saline areas in the landscape. Associated with some of these projects, a large number of bores (piezometers) have been installed or are being installed throughout the agricultural area to provide information on depth to groundwater and changes in water levels over time. These bores provide information about whether and when the ground water will reach the surface, causing losses of agricultural production through salinisation of soils. Using data from the Jerramungup Land Conservation District (LCD) we explore factors influencing the behaviour of...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Sustainability indicators; Environmental indicators; Resource monitoring; Economics of information; Hydrology; Dryland salinity; Western Australia; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Hydrosedimentologic disturbance index applied to watersheds of Minas Gerais state 64
Durães,Matheus Fonseca; Mello,Carlos Rogério de.
Ecological indicators have become important tools for assessment and monitoring of natural resources, being the understanding of the relationship between antropic activities and the environmental response essential for their structuring. Although the development of potential indicators may prove sensitive to many variables, they must demonstrate their ability to take the surrounding conditions, from those relatively preserved to those highly disturbed. Based on this premise, the development of the Hydrossedimentological DisturbanceIndex (HSDI) for environmental assessment at watersheds in Minas Gerais state, emerges as a potential tool to support decisions which should be focused on the improvement of natural resources management. A HSDI proposal was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental indicators; Water resource; Soil erosion; Sediment transport.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Kosten-Wirksamkeitsanalyse unterschiedlicher Randstreifenbreiten in einem Uferrandstreifenprogramm zur Reduktion des Risikos chemischer Pflanzenschutzmittel---Entwicklung und Anwendung eines modellbasierten Indikators im Agrarsektormodell RAUMIS 31
Sieber, Stefan; Holm-Muller, Karin; Gutsche, Volkmar; Kreins, Peter.
A variety of agri-environmental instruments can be used to combat water pollution by pesticides in agriculture according to the regulation EC 1257/1999. The chosen policies should be politically feasible and capable to prevent external effects cost-effectively. One possible policy instrument for Germany is the implementation of nation-wide buffer strip programs. This paper aims at evaluating the cost-effectiveness of alternative strip widths. Therefore an indicator is developed that reflects the impact of plant protectant use on aquatic ecosystems. This indicator is used to compute reductions in pesticide impact of different strip widths and the agricultural opportunity costs computed by the agri-environmental policy-information-system RAUMIS.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Buffer strips; RAUMIS; Cost-effectiveness-analysis; Environmental indicators; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Gassman, Philip W.; Campbell, Todd D.; Izaurralde, R. Cesar; Thomson, Allison M.; Atwood, Jay D..
Computer models are important tools for assessing regional carbon sequestration and other environmental impacts of agricultural management practices. The Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model is a very flexible model that has been used to make a wide range of field- and regional-scale environmental assessments. Large regional-scale applications of EPIC and similar models can require thousands of runs, resulting in a huge data management task. To address this problem, the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) has developed an interactive EPIC (i_EPIC) software package that provides an automated approach to executing large sets of EPIC simulations. Overviews of both the latest EPIC version and the i_EPIC software package are...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental indicators; Modeling; Regional analyses; Software interface; Soil carbon; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Sistema web para gestão de banco de dados para biomonitoramento na piscicultura em viveiros escavados. 14
O sistema web descrito nesta publicação é um sistema web para gestão de um banco de dados, acessível e amigável para o público leigo, principalmente produtores de tilápia em viveiros escavados, incluindo informações sobre organismos bentônicos, parasitos de peixes e variáveis físicas e químicas de qualidade de água, bem como de suas respectivas coletas nas propriedades da Associação Paulista de Piscicultores.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bioindicadores; Monitoramento ambiental; Piscicultura; Base de Dados; Environmental monitoring; Environmental indicators; Fish culture.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Time Series of Landscape Fragmentation Caused by Transportation Infrastructure and Urban Development: a Case Study from Baden-Württemberg, Germany 7
Jaeger, Jochen A. G.; Concordia University;; Schwarz-von Raumer, Hans-Georg; University of Stuttgart;; Esswein, Heide; University of Stuttgart;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Effective mesh size; Environmental indicators; Landscape change; Landscape fragmentation; Landscape indices; Monitoring; Railroads; Roads; Sustainable development; Time series; Traffic; Urban sprawl.
Ano: 2007
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Water quality index in two land use situations in the Mantiqueira Range 64
Pinto,Leandro Campos; Mello,Carlos Rogério de; Ferreira,Daniel Furtado; Ávila,Léo Fernandes.
The use of a large number of water quality indicators increases the costs of streamflow monitoring throughout the time. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can be considered a promised tool for water resources management, allowing a reduction in the dimensionality of the data and facilitating their analyses. This study aimed to obtain a water quality index (WQI) to characterize the Mantiqueira Range region. Water quality indicators from a sub-basin entirely occupied by Atlantic Forest and from another predominantly occupied by pasture were normalized and used to compose the WQI. The normalized values were submitted to a PCA evaluation and the WQI was then calculated. The Indicators with greatest weight, according to the PCA, were total coliform, nitrate,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest; Springs; Environmental indicators; Principal components analysis.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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