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A Typology of Indigenous Engagement in Australian Environmental Management: Implications for Knowledge Integration and Social-ecological System Sustainability 7
Hill, Rosemary; CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences; James Cook University, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences;; Grant, Chrissy; CTG Services;; George, Melissa; Consultant;; Robinson, Catherine J; CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences;; Jackson, Sue; CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences;; Abel, Nick; CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences;
Indigenous peoples now engage with many decentralized approaches to environmental management that offer opportunities for integration of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge (IEK) and western science to promote cultural diversity in the management of social-ecological system sustainability. Nevertheless, processes of combining IEK with western science are diverse and affected by numerous factors, including the adaptive co-management context, the intrinsic characteristics of the natural resources, and the governance systems. We present a typology of Indigenous engagement in environmental management, derived through comparative analysis of 21 Australian case studies, and consider its implications for the integration of IEK with western science. Sociological and...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Environmental planning; Indigenous ecological knowledge; Integration; Intercultural; Governance; Natural resource management.
Ano: 2012
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Biodiversity conservation In Mozambique and Brazil 20
Mendes, M.T.R..
This text is a comparative study of biodiversity conservation practices and policies in Mozambique and Brazil. After a brief discussion of the concept of biodiversity and a general panorama of biodiversity in Mozambique, the author presents a detailed study of the Special Reserve of Maputo in Mozambique. It stresses the specific difficulties faced by conservation in a post war period and the problems to implement objectives, like those of a sustainable development and a participation of local communities, other than the direct protection of elephants which was the main reason for the creation of that reserve. Then, there is a rapid presentation of biodiversity in Brazil, particularly in the State of Ceara where are located the Ecological Station of Aiuba...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Environmental planning.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Changing the direction of environmental investment in Australia: Learnings from implementing INFFER 31
Marsh, Sally P.; Curatolo, April; Pannell, David J.; Park, Geoff; Roberts, Anna M.; Alexander, Jennifer.
Investment in natural resource management (NRM) by regional organisations in Australia has been widely criticised for failing to achieve substantial environmental outcomes. The Investment Framework for Environmental Resources (INFFER) is a tool for developing and prioritising projects to address environmental issues such as water quality, biodiversity decline, environmental pest impacts and land degradation. INFFER is an asset-based, targeted, and outcome-focussed approach to environmental investment, and as such is a very different and more rigorous approach to prioritising possible environmental projects than used previously by most catchment management organisations (CMOs) in Australia. From 2008 to 2010 INFFER has been trialled with CMOs. Evaluation...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: NRM investment planning; NRM investment prioritisation; Regional catchment management organisations; NRM policy; Environmental planning; Environmental prioritisation; Environmental policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q50; Q58.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Construcción de escenarios: planificación y desarrollo sostenible en la zona costera norte de la provincia Camagüey, Cuba 20
Figueredo Castellanos, E.; Zequeira Nápoles, M. E.; Morales, P.; González, M..
La estimación de escenarios al mediano (10-15 años) y largo plazo (50 años), para las actividades económicas a desarrollar en la zona costera norte de la provincia Camagüey, Cuba, es imprescindible para recomendar acciones y medidas que se encaminen al logro del desarrollo sostenible, al uso y manejo de recursos con adecuados niveles de conservación. El primer objetivo es estimar posibles escenarios futuros al mediano y largo plazo para las actividades económicas que se desarrollan en la zona costera norte de la provincia Camagüey, Cuba. El segundo objetivo es proponer un escenario apuesta o alternativo para el uso sostenible de los recursos de la zona, a partir de propuestas de expertos. Para la confección de los escenarios se realizaron varias consultas...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Environmental planning; Sustainable development; Economic environment.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Cote D’ivoire Coastal Zone : Phase 1: Integrated Environmental Problem Analysis 20
Ibo Guei, J.; Kouassi Aka, M.; Kouadio, A.; N’Goran Ya, N.; Jacques, A.; Kaba, N.; N’guessan, N..
This report is part of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)-Medium Size Project (MSP) on the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Sahara Africa. The objective of the first phase of this project , involving eleven Sub-Saharan African countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa and Tanzania), are to: • identify sites or living resources of national, regional and global significance that are suffering measurable degradation; • identify sites and resources of regional significance that, although not currently degraded, are threatened with future degradation either because of the sensitivity of the receptor or the magnitude of the activity posing the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Integrated coastal zone management; Environmental planning.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Crivelenti,Rafael C.; Bueno,Célia R. P.; Pires,José S. R.; Francisco,José; Lessi,Bruno F..
ABSTRACT: Since colonial times, Brazilian land use has been made under an extractivist model at the expense of deforestation, increasing soil and vegetation depletion, stream siltation, as well as loss of biodiversity. An ecological-economic zoning (EEZ) has been taken as feasible alternative to guide public policies aimed at city land-use planning. This study focused on designing an EZZ for the city of Altinópolis, in São Paulo state (Brazil), by means of geographical information systems (GIS). Information and maps delineated six land-use areas, in which 30% covered areas under environmental protection, 45% over areas with groundwater recharge potential, which should be intended to restoration. Furthermore, around 70% of the territory show potential to be...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Geographical information systems; Soil and water preservation; Environmental planning; Land use.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Environment and Sustainable Development Issues and Policies 20
Souissi, A..
The Blue Plan scenarios, published in 19891, showed that the protection of the Mediterranean Sea, its shores and coastal regions, could not be achieved through action carried out on the sea or on the coastal regions alone. On the contrary, it depended mainly on the overall development, environment and physical planning policies followed by the Mediterranean countries at the national level. “ Decisions on the bulk of environmental protection will be made (or not) largely at the level of the state. Essential legislation and standards will have to be established at this level, as well as the necessary mechanisms and institutions with the financing and competence to apply them... ”. The Blue Plan then invited the neighbouring countries to change direction and...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Environmental planning.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Gauging the Vulnerability of Local Water Utilities to Extreme Weather Events 31
Hersh, Robert; Wernstedt, Kris.
Water utilities that rely on surface water may be vulnerable to future droughts and floods, a vulnerability that may be magnified by climate perturbations as well as shorter-term and, in some cases, ongoing changes in the political and regulatory environment in which utilities operate. Unfortunately, day-to-day responsibilities currently occupy most utility operators, leaving little time to plan for inherently uncertain effects. The record of actual responses to past droughts and floods can be illuminating, however, particularly when placed in the context of plausible hydrologic and institutional disruptions. This paper draws on interviews of water utility operators in the northwestern U.S. to highlight opportunities and constraints that water utilities...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Water utilities; Extreme events; Environmental planning; Climate variability; Climate change; Adaptation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Tabular cusum control charts of chemical variables applied to the control of surface water quality 70
Follador,Franciele A. C.; Boas,Márcio A. Vilas; Schoenhals,Marlise; Hermes,Eliane; Rech,Clovis.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the application possibility of tabular CUSUM control charts in the quality control of chemical variables in surface water. It was performed bibliographic and field research to collect water samples from 2003 to 2009, totaling 30 samples, some monthly and others semi-annual in order to observe the variables that regulate water quality. It was found that these charts may be applied to control the quality of river water; showing to be effective in the perception of changes during the process, especially for small samples (n=1) which there is no repetition as in this research. It was also concluded that the Mandurim River does not presents significant levels of pollution.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental planning; Control charts; Water quality.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Tanzania National Report - Phase 1: Integrated Problem Analysis 20
Francis, J.; Ngwale, J.; Salema, R.; Mvungi, A.; Wagner, G.M..
The Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea (ACOPS) in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, is implementing the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)-Medium Size Project (MSP) on the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa. The ultimate goal of the GEF MSP is to develop a sound portfolio of proposals for interventions to be presented in the Partnership Conference scheduled for September 2002. One of the main objectives of the GEF MSP is to identify, characterise, and prioritise causes of environmental degradation, as well as hot spots and sensitive areas in selected countries. This objective has been...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental planning.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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