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A three-year mark-recapture study in a remnant population of Crocodylus acutus Cuvier in Portete Bay (Guajira, Colombia) 72
Espinosa,Mara I; Bertin,Angéline; Gómez,John; Mejía,Florencio; Guerra,Martha; Baez,Lina; Gouin,Nicolas; Patiño,Edgar.
The American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus, has experienced important population declines worldwide due to human persecution, overexploitation and habitat loss. C. acutus remains critically endangered in some countries such as Colombia where the lack of detailed surveys on its ecology and distribution constitutes a major barrier to the development of effective conservation strategies. We conducted a three-year capture-recapture study to investigate the demographic status of C. acutus and to identify environmental variables likely to in uence its distribution in Portete Bay (Colombia). We estimated the crocodile population to be relatively small (< 140 animals), to include very few adults, and to demonstrate a very strong de cit in females in the juvenile...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Capture-recapture; Crocodile; Environmental variables; Mangrove.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Distribution of frogs in riparian areas of an urban forest fragment in Central Amazonia 49
Tsuji-Nishikido,Bruno Minoru; Menin,Marcelo.
This study aimed to evaluate how environmental variables (width of valley, stream size, forest edge distance, and leaf-litter depth) affect the abundance and richness of species of frog species in riparian areas of an urban forest fragment in Central Amazonia. The study was conducted at the campus of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil, between May 2008 and April 2009, when three nocturnal and diurnal samples were taken from ten plots. A total of 17 species belonging to seven families were registered. The number of species recorded per plot varied from seven to 14. We detected a relationship between the edge distance and richness: the plots with lower richness were located near the fragment border. The variables had no significant effect...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Anura; Edge effects; Diversity; Environmental variables.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Diversity and fish distribution at Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, using GIS - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v36i1.18563 3
Moraes, Luzia Alice Ferreira de; Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Andreata, José Vanderli; Universidade Santa Úrsula; Oliveira, Bruno Teixeira de; Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Fish fauna is considered a good indicator of water quality. The Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon is located in Rio de Janeiro city with a great scenic beauty. However, along the years, the Lagoon has been negatively impacted by human activities which can be seen in massive fish deaths and blooms of toxic algae. This study evaluated fish abundance and diversity in two historical periods, and between areas of capture. Multivariate data analyses were performed to find similar groups of fish fauna and to evaluate fish abundance and their seasonal and spatial variation. It was also used the algebraic language as a tool to combine raster layers as dissolved oxygen in surface, bathymetry and fish abundance by using rules and conditions involved in the fish zoning. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ichtyofauna abundance; Environmental variables; Map algebra Ecologia de peixes.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Effects of thermal environment and supplementation levels on the physiological parameters of moxotó goats in confined and semi-confined rising systems 70
Furtado,Dermeval A.; Gomes,Carlos A. V.; Medeiros,Ariosvaldo N.; Pimenta Filho,Edgard C.; Júnior,Valdi L..
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of environmental variables and supplementation levels on physiological parameters of Moxotó goats in confined and semi-confined rising systems, in the Brazilian semi-arid region. The semi-confined individuals were kept on a grass based diet during the day and arrested in the end of the afternoon. The confined animals were kept in a management center, receiving two diets composed by forage cactus and maniçoba hay into two different levels (0.5 and 1.5% of the body weight). Inside the management center and in the external environment the environmental comfort parameters were set high during the afternoon period characterizing a situation of thermal discomfort for the animals. During the morning the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thermoregulation; Environmental variables; Native goat race; Semi-arid.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Environmental factors affect population structure of tree ferns in the Brazilian subtropical Atlantic Forest 39
Schwartz,Carlos Eduardo; Gasper,André Luís de.
ABSTRACT Tree ferns are important elements of tropical forests, mainly because they are common and provide microhabitats for epiphytic plants. Due to their ecological importance, the aim of this study was to evaluate population structure, distribution, and influence of environmental variables on tree ferns in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. All tree ferns with a diameter at breast height ≥ 10 cm on 418 sampling units (SUs) systematically distributed throughout the study area were measured (total sampled area of ​​153.4 ha). Population structure was evaluated through classical phytosociological parameters and the relationships among dominance and environmental variables were evaluated through multiple linear regression models. Dicksonia...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cyatheaceae; Dicksoniaceae; Environmental variables; Population structure; Regression analysis; Tree ferns.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Environmental quality evaluation of lakes in the Rio Grande do Sul coastal plain 52
Pedrozo,Catarina da Silva; Rocha,Odete.
The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the environmental quality of Marcelino, Pinguela, Peixoto, Palmital, Malvas and Do Passo lakes, interconnected by canals and located in the district of Osório, RS. In this context, 29 physical and chemical variables were analyzed with sampling carried out in January, May, July and October 1997 to verify the environmental quality of the system and the existence of a gradient of quality. Canonical Analysis was applied to the data of all environmental variables measured, and showed that the lakes had different characteristics as a consequence of the organic pollution received. Marcelino lake received continuous input of organic matter from the sewage treatment works in the town of Osório, whereas Peixoto,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Castal lakes; Water quality; Environmental variables; Limnological characteristics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Estrutura e dinâmica da comunidade fitoplanctônica e sua relação com as variáveis ambientais na lagoa Mãe-Bá, Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v31i3.1266 3
Souza, Bruna D'Ângela de; UENF; Fernandes, Valéria Oliveira; UFES.
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a estrutura e dinâmica da comunidade fitoplanctônica e sua relação com as variáveis ambientais na lagoa Mãe-Bá. Foram realizadas quatro amostragens com periodicidade quinzenal, abrangendo as estações seca e chuvosa, na região limnética de dois pontos de amostragem submetidos a diferentes condições ambientais. O fitoplâncton foi analisado quanto à riqueza, densidade total, abundância, dominância, diversidade e equitabilidade. Foram determinados: temperatura (ar/água), transparência, zona eufótica, profundidade, pH, oxigênio dissolvido, turbidez, condutividade elétrica, sólidos totais dissolvidos e suspensos, concentrações de nutrientes. Foram registrados 138 táxons, sendo a Classe Cyanophyceae mais representativa em...
Palavras-chave: Ciências Biológicas fitoplâncton; Lagoa costeira; Variáveis ambientais Botânica phytoplankton; Coastal lagoon; Environmental variables.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Floristic composition and phytogeography of the tree component of Araucaria Forest fragments in southern Brazil 88
Higuchi,Pedro; Silva,Ana Carolina da; Ferreira,Tiago Sousa; Souza,Sheila Trierveiler de; Gomes,Juliano Pereira; Silva,Karina Montibeller da; Santos,Kristiana Fiorentin do.
The present study examined the floristic composition of three fragments of Araucaria Forest (AF) in the Planalto Catarinense region of southern Brazil as well as the floristic contextualization of these areas in relation to other remnant AF sites. Three AF fragments at different altitudes were analyzed in the municipalities of Campos Novos, Lages, and Painel. Fifty 200 m² plots were examined in each fragment and all of the trees with CBH (circumference at breast height) > 15.7 cm were identified. In order to floristically contextualize the study fragments, comparisons were made with other remnant AF sites by way of dendrograms and NMDS (Non-metric multidimensional scaling). Environmental and spatial variables were plotted on the diagram produced by the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Araucaria Forest; Arboreal species; Environmental variables.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Identificación de áreas degradadas, por erosión en cárcavas, en el eje neovolcánico mexicano. 32
Zamora Tirado, Paula Erika.
El presente el trabajo se desarrolló en la provincia fisiográfica Eje Volcánico Mexicano donde los procesos de erosión por cárcavas son frecuentes y relevantes, ocasionado importantes pérdidas económicas y ambientales, con el objetivo de caracterizar los parámetros ambientales que influyen en la formación de cárcavas, como: material parental, suelo, fase física, erosionabilidad, pendiente, longitud de pendiente, orientación, curvatura horizontal y vertical, índice de posición topográfica, índice topográfico de humedad, índice de Fournier, índice de vegetación ajustada al suelo y distancia a estructuras volcánicas. Se realizó un Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) con el propósito de identificar las variables que mejor expliquen la formación de...
Palavras-chave: Análisis de componentes principales; Análisis de máxima verosimilitud; Erosión en cárcavas; Modelación en cárcavas; Variables ambientales; Principal component analysis; Maximum likelihood analysis; Gully; Ravine modeling; Environmental variables; Edafología; Maestría.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Influence of environmental variables on planktonic and phytobenthic communities in earthen ponds at Makoba, Zanzibar 20
Kyewalyanga, M.S.; Mwandya, A.W..
A study was conducted between July 2002 and June 2003 to assess the role of salinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen on the abundance of planktonic (phyto- and zooplankton) and phytobenthic (algal mats) communities in shallow (40 cm depth) earthen ponds at Makoba, Zanzibar. Among the zooplankton, rotifer abundance peaked during the rainy period (salinity of 27–42‰) while protozoa and copepods were most abundant during the dry period (max salinity of 70‰). However, no season effects were seen on the phytobenthos. The most abundant genera were Pseudonitzschia sp., Schizothrix sp., Microcoleus sp. and Oscillatoria sp. and in general, algal mats were available throughout the year. Other variables such as temperature, pH and oxygen concentration did not...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Pseudonitzschia; Schizothrix; Microcoleus; Oscillatoria; Environmental variables; Planktonic organisms Environmental conditions Salinity Temperature Fish ponds Algal mats Environmental conditions Salinity Temperature
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Linking environmental drivers with amphibian species diversity in ponds from subtropical grasslands 42
ABSTRACTAmphibian distribution patterns are known to be influenced by habitat diversity at breeding sites. Thus, breeding sites variability and how such variability influences anuran diversity is important. Here, we examine which characteristics at breeding sites are most influential on anuran diversity in grasslands associated with Araucaria forest, southern Brazil, especially in places at risk due to anthropic activities. We evaluate the associations between habitat heterogeneity and anuran species diversity in nine body of water from September 2008 to March 2010, in 12 field campaigns in which 16 species of anurans were found. Of the seven habitat descriptors we examined, water depth, pond surface area and distance to the nearest forest fragment...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation; Environmental variables; Generalized linear models; Hierarchical partitioning.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Modèles loglinéaires pour l'étude des associations entre captures par unité d'effort et variables hydroclimatiques 5
Badia, Jacques; Prouzet, Patrick.
In this paper we study associations between categorical variables. We present an approach based on loglinear modelling. A better knowledge of the influence of the intensity of tidal coefficient (cm) and of the rate of river flow (df) on catch per unit effort (cpue) of allis shad (Alosa alosa) was obtained. Analysis performed indicated that an increase of catch per unit effort is proportionally associated with the increase in the tidal coefficient. We also noted the influence of the rate of flow.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle loglinéaire; Capture par unité d'effort; Variables environnementales; Alosa alosa; Grande alose ou alose vraie; Loglinear model; Catch per unit effort; Environmental variables; Alosa alosa; Allis shad.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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New initiatives for Brazilian aquatic plant data management 39
Pivari,Marco Otávio Dias; Melo,Pablo Hendrigo Alves de; Souza,Filipe Soares; Stehmann,João Renato; Moura Júnior,Edson Gomes de; Moreira,Suzana Neves; Pott,Vali Joana; Pott,Arnildo; Lopes,Aline; Moço,Maria Cecilia Chiara; Oliveira,Lukiel dos Santos; Lins,Alba Lucia de Almeida; Arruda,Rafael; Morais,Isa Lucia de; Silva,Gustavo Santos; Ferreira,Régis Moreira.
ABSTRACT Initiatives directed at managing information on aquatic plants can support different areas of scientific research, educational practices and political decisions for sustainable management and protection of wetlands and natural resources, as well as reveal knowledge gaps regarding aquatic plants and wetlands. Furthermore, such initiatives can contribute directly to consolidating wetland classification systems in Brazil. The objectives of this work are to present and explore the use of a data repository and online platform created specifically for the management of data on aquatic plants in Brazil. The data repository for aquatic plants was developed to store information on species occurrence records in a standardized form considering: systematics,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquatic macrophytes; Biodiversity conservation; Data platform; Data repository; Environmental variables; Wetland classification.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Protozooplankton and its relationship with environmental conditions in 13 water bodies of the Mogi-Guaçu basin - SP, Brazil 49
Bagatini,Inessa Lacativa; Spínola,Ana Lúcia Gerardi; Peres,Bianca de Miranda; Mansano,Adrislaine da Silva; Rodrigues,Mafalda Alexandra Antunes; Batalha,Marco Antônio Portugal Luttembarck; Lucca,José Valdecir de; Godinho,Mirna Januária Leal; Tundisi,Takako Matsumura; Seleghim,Mirna Helena Regali.
Protozooplankton is an important component of the aquatic microbial food webs and its composition, density, and distribution reflect the chemical, physical, and biological aspects of the environment. Considering the scarce literature on freshwater protozoans in Brazil and on protozoan ecology in subtropical environments, we listed the ciliates and amoebae taxa found in 13 water bodies in São Paulo State and analyzed their abundance in relation to the environmental variables. We collected two samples in each environment, fixed immediately with mercuric chloride and stained with bromophenol blue. After microscopical analysis, 74 protozoan genera were identified and the Ciliophora were dominant in the majority of the environments. The Stichotrichia,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ciliates; Amoebae; Plankton; Environmental variables; Freshwater.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Recruitment of oyster in artificial collectors on the Amazon macrotidal mangrove coast 65
Funo,Izabel Cristina da Silva Almeida; Antonio,Ícaro Gomes; Marinho,Yllana Ferreira; Monteles,Josinete Sampaio; Lopes,Rodolf Gabriel Prazeres Silva; Gálvez,Alfredo Olivera.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the moment of the year for the oyster recruitment and define the type of collector and environmental conditions that maximize recruitment. Collections were conducted, during 12 months, on Amazon Macrotidal Mangrove at two different sites: raft (point I) and mangrove (point II). In each location three types of collectors were used (1) transparent PET bottles, (2) green PET bottles, and (3) PVC sheets, each with three replicates. Spats were counted and measured at 45-day intervals, while the environmental data were measured every two weeks. Identification of oyster species occurred by genetic testing (multiplex PCR) by randomly selecting individuals by sampling. Results indicated spat capturing was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mangrove oyster; Spat collection; Environmental variables.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Relationship among Apis mellifera L. stings, swarming and climate conditions in the city of Rio Claro, SP, Brazil 80
Pereira,AM; Chaud-Netto,J; Bueno,OC; Arruda,VM.
The presence of bees (Apis mellifera L.) in urban areas has increased in recent years due to environmental disturbances caused by humans. Bee migration to cities may provoke serious accidents, since some people present allergic reactions to their venoms. In Rio Claro city, São Paulo state, Brazil, the number of calls to the fire brigade for removal of bee swarms, and the number admissions in local hospitals due to bee stings were investigated during 2002 and 2003, and a correlation between these data and the average temperature, rainfall and relative humidity was found. The study period was divided into three phases according to the number of times that the fire brigade was called to remove swarms (263 times): January to July 2002 - 51 calls (19.39%);...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Synanthropism; Reproductive swarms; Absconding; Environmental variables; Honeybees.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Revealing the Organization of Complex Adaptive Systems through Multivariate Time Series Modeling 7
Angeler, David G; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment;; Drakare, Stina; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment ;; Johnson, Richard K; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment ;
Revealing the adaptive responses of ecological, social, and economic systems to a transforming biosphere is crucial for understanding system resilience and preventing collapse. However, testing the theory that underpins complex adaptive system organization (e.g., panarchy theory) is challenging. We used multivariate time series modeling to identify scale-specific system organization and, by extension, apparent resilience mechanisms. We used a 20-year time series of invertebrates and phytoplankton from 26 Swedish lakes to test the proposition that a few key-structuring environmental variables at specific scales create discontinuities in community dynamics. Cross-scale structure was manifested in two independent species groups within both communities across...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Complex adaptive systems dynamics; Complex adaptive systems organization; Cross-scale structure; Discontinuities; Environmental variables; Invertebrates; Lakes; Panarchy; Phytoplankton; Resilience; Time series modeling.
Ano: 2011
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Spatial and temporal distribution of Pseudis minuta (Anura, Hylidae, Hylinae) and environmental variables related to its reproductive activity in Reserva Biológica do Lami, southern Brazil 76
Zank,Caroline; Di-Bernardo,Marcos; Maneyro,Raúl; Colombo,Patrick; Fusinatto,Luciana A.; Fonte,Luis Fernando M. da.
We studied the reproductive biology of a population of Pseudis minuta Günther, 1858 from Reserva Biológica do Lami (30º 15' S; 51º 05' W), Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. We assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of individuals (males, females, juveniles) and explored potential relationships with environmental variables. Field activities encompassed bimonthly surveys in three semi-permanent ponds, each one during approximately two days and two nights, from August 2004 to July 2005. We recorded differences in the sites used by males, females and juveniles, with males occupying deeper and more distant places from the border. The temporal distributions of individuals, calling sites and amplectant pairs indicated that the reproductive activity of P....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Spatial-temporal distribution; Reproductive activity; Environmental variables; Pseudis minuta.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Spatial and temporal variations of diurnal ichthyofauna on surf-zone of São Francisco do Itabapoana beaches, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil 52
Gomes,Marcelo Paes; Cunha,Miguel Siano; Zalmon,Ilana Rosental.
Spatial and temporal variations of diurnal ichthyofauna and the environmental variables influences on its distribution were studied at the surf-zone of three beaches of São Francisco do Itabapoana, northern coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From August/1999 to August/2000, three beach seine hauls were made monthly, and environmental variables were recorded. A total number of 4,562 fishes (74,155g) were sampled at the three beaches, where estuarine-dependent species prevailed (44%), followed by marine (31%), estuarine (19%) and freshwater species (3%). Species richness, number of individuals and wet weight were significantly higher at Gargaú, followed by Manguinhos and Barra do Itabapoana, respectively. Canonical Correspondence Analysis highlighted...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Spatial and temporal variations; Community ichthyofauna structure; Surf-zone; Environmental variables; North coast of Rio de Janeiro.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Structure of the leaf litter frog community in an area of Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil 103
Vagmaker,Natália; Pereira-Ribeiro,Juliane; Ferreguetti,Átilla Colombo; Boazi,Alex; Gama-Matos,Rayanne; Bergallo,Helena Godoy; Rocha,Carlos Frederico Duarte.
ABSTRACT Different spatial and temporal factors can influence the species richness and abundance of leaf anurans that are fundamental for the ecosystem functioning, as they act as predators and integrate the trophic chain as prey of other animals. There are relatively few studies that aimed to understand the spatio-temporal variation and the influence of environmental factors on leaf litter communities. We studied parameters of the anuran community living in the forest leaf litter in the Duas Bocas Biological Reserve (DBBR), Espírito Santo, Brazil. We sought to understand the extent to which richness, abundance, biomass and density varied between two locations with different stages of preservation (primary and secondary forest). In addition, we tested the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amphibians; Amphibian abundance; Environmental variables; Frog density; Tropical forest.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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