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Phylogenetic reassessment of the Chaetomium globosum species complex 16
Wang, X.W.; Lombard , L.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Li, J.; Videira, S.I.R.; Samson, R.A.; Liu, X.Z.; Crous, P.W..
Chaetomium globosum, the type species of the genus, is ubiquitous, occurring on a wide variety of substrates, in air and in marine environments. This species is recognised as a cellulolytic and/or endophytic fungus. It is also known as a source of secondary metabolites with various biological activities, having great potential in the agricultural, medicinal and industrial fields. On the negative side, C. globosum has been reported as an air contaminant causing adverse health effects and as causal agent of human fungal infections. However, the taxonomic status of C. globosum is still poorly understood. The contemporary species concept for this fungus includes a broadly defined morphological diversity as well as a large number of synonymies with limited...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: DNA barcode; Epitypification; Multi-gene phylogeny; Species complex; Systematics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Species limits in Diaporthe: molecular re-assessment of D. citri, D. cytosporella, D. foeniculina and D. rudis 16
Udayanga, D.; Castlebury, L.A.; Rossman, A.Y.; Hyde, K.D..
Species of Diaporthe are important plant pathogens of a wide range of hosts worldwide. In the present study the species causing melanose and stem end rot diseases of Citrus spp. are revised. Three species of Diaporthe occurring on Citrus are characterised, including D. citri, D. cytosporella and D. foeniculina. Morphology and phylogenetic analyses of the complete nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions and partial sequences of actin, beta-tubulin, calmodulin and translation elongation factor 1-α were used to resolve species on Citrus and related Diaporthe species. Diaporthe citri occurs on Citrus throughout the Citrus-growing regions of the world. Diaporthe cytosporella is found on Citrus in Europe and California (USA). Diaporthe foeniculina,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Epitypification; Genealogical sorting index; Melanose; Multi-gene phylogeny; New primers; Phomopsis; Species recognition; Stem end rot; Systematics.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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