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A clinical case of equine fungal placentitis with reference to hormone profiles and ultrasonography OAK
MURASE, Harutaka; NIWA, Hidekazu; KATAYAMA, Yoshinari; SATO, Fumio; HADA, Tetsuro; NAMBO, Yasuo.
Fungal placentitis is an infectious disease inducing abortion in pregnant mares. In the present report, we describe a field case of abortion caused by fungal placentitis with consecutive examinations. The progesterone level and combined thickness of the uterus and placenta (CTUP) were abnormal before the onset of clinical signs. Additionally, the estradiol level started to change before the appearance of clinical signs. Abnormal serum amyloid A values and an abnormal fetal heart rate were observed after the onset of clinical signs. The present report demonstrates that the progesterone level and CTUP may be adequate as early diagnostic markers of fungal placentitis and bacterial infection. Endocrinological evaluation based on cutoff values or serial...
Palavras-chave: Abortion; Equine; Fungal infection; Placentitis.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Acute myonecrosis in horse caused by Clostridium novyi type A BJM
Farias,Luana D'avila; Azevedo,Marcos Da Silva; Trost,Maria Elisa; De La Côrte,Flávio Desessards; Irigoyen,Luiz Francisco; Vargas,Agueda Castagna de.
The objective of this study was to describe the first report involving a case of equine acute myonecrosis caused by C. novyi type A with an emphasis on clinical signs, the pathological and bacteriological analysis, and molecular identification of the microorganisms as the key of the definitive diagnosis.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Malignant edema; Clostridium novyi; Equine; Anaerobe infection; 16SrRNA gene.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Acute thorax in equines MV&Z
Baccarin, Raquel Yvonne Arantes; da Silva, Luís Cláudio Lopes Correia; de Zoppa, André Luis do Valle; Fernandes, Wilson Roberto.
The acute thorax syndrome is fairly common in horses and has a high mortality rate. The development of more efficient diagnostic tools and treatment regimens has provided a broader understanding of the problem. The constant update of veterinarians about the etiology, occurrence rate, diagnosis and therapeutic approach of the disease will certainly result in a higher rate of successful outcomes.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Thorax; Trauma; Chest trauma Equino; Tórax; Trauma; Traumatismo torácico equino; Tórax; Trauma; Traumatismo torácico.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Alimentação de cavalos Árabes na Fazenda Canchim. Infoteca-e
Há alguns anos a alimentação dos eqüinos vem entrando em fase de grande progresso tecnológico, melhorando e se tornando mais econômico. Alimentação de cavalos Árabes na Fazenda Canchim.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Raça Árabe; Equine; Alimentation; Alimentação; Eqüino.
Ano: 1978 URL:
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Anti-Müllerian hormone as an indicator of hemi-castrated unilateral cryptorchid horses OAK
MURASE, Harutaka; SAITO, Shigeaki; AMAYA, Tomohiko; SATO, Fumio; BALL, Barry Allen; NAMBO, Yasuo.
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), a glycoprotein secreted from the fetal testis, is responsible for regression of the Müllerian duct in the male fetus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of serum AMH as a biomarker for diagnosis of cryptorchidism in horses. Serum AMH concentrations were measured in intact stallions, hemi-castrated unilateral cryptorchid stallions, and geldings. In addition, expression of AMH was characterized in cryptorchid testes by immunohistochemistry. Serum AMH was detected in intact stallions (n=11, 13.3 ± 1.8 ng/ml) and in hemi-castrated cryptorchid stallions (n=8, 17.6 ± 3.0 ng/ml), but not in geldings (n=6, all data were below the limit of detection). Immunolabeling for AMH was detected in Sertoli cells of undescended...
Palavras-chave: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH); Cryptorchidism; Equine; Testis.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Antioxidant supplementation to the exercising horse R. Bras. Zootec.
Williams,Carey A..
Evidence of oxidative stress in horses has been described in reports dealing with intense and endurance exercise. Oxidative stress occurs when antioxidant systems are insufficient causing oxidation to potentially damage DNA, proteins, and lipids, and contribute to degenerative changes. Vitamin E is the most commonly supplemented antioxidant in horses and has been shown that horses in exercise conditioning may require higher intakes of vitamin E than recommended. Also in various species vitamin C potentiates the effects of vitamin E; however, under maintenance conditions horses have the ability to synthesize sufficient ascorbate, the demand increases as stress on the body is increased. Competitive endurance horses were estimated to consume 1.2 to 5-times...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Lipoic acid; Oxidative stress; Vitamin E.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Anti-Sarcocystis neurona immunostaining associated with equine protozoal myeloencephalitis in Brazil Ciência Rural
Paixão,Tatiane Alves da; Rêgo,Isabela Oliveira de Paula; Santos,Renato de Lima.
A retrospective study (1942 to 2005) of histopathological lesions included samples of central nervous system (SNC) from 203 animals in the Equidae family. A total of 42.4% of these samples had significant pathological changes, which were classified as inflammatory (62.8%), degenerative (25.6%), circulatory (10.5%), and neoplasic (1.1%) lesions. Immunohistochemistry anti-Sarcocystis neurona antigens was performed in all the cases with inflammatory changes (54), of which one of the case of encephalitis resulted positive to immunostaining. Although evidence of EPM (Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis) has been previously reported in Brazil, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report in which characteristic EPM lesion was associated with anti-S....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Sarcocystis neurona; Myeloencephalitis; Immunohistochemistry; Brazil.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Association of morphometric measurements with morphologic scores of Criollo horses at Freio de Ouro: a path analysis R. Bras. Zootec.
Pimentel,Anelise Maria Hammes; Souza,João Ricardo Malheiros de; Boligon,Arione Augusti; Moreira,Heden Luiz Marques; Rechsteiner,Sandra Mara da Encarnação Fiala; Pimentel,Cláudio Alves; Martins,Charles Ferreira.
ABSTRACT This study used path analysis to establish the direct, indirect, and total effects of body linear and angular measurements on subjective morphological scores of the 247 Criollo horses that participated in their most important performance event, Freio de Ouro, in 2012. Freio de Ouro is the only event of the Criollo breed that considers morphology. Measurements of wither height, thoracic girth, cannon bone girth, body length, metatarsus length, croup length, shoulder width, head length, neck length, and upper neck girth, and the angles of rump, shoulder, and hock were taken. These morphometric measurements collectively explained 83% of the variation in morphological score. The measurements with the greatest total effects on score were neck length...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal production; Criollo; Equine; Morphometry; Path analysis.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Avaliacao de gramineas forrageiras para equinos. Infoteca-e
NUNES, S. G.; SILVA, J. M. da; QUEIROZ, H. P. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Avaliacao; Brachiaria dictyoneura; Braquiaria; Coloniao; Tangola; Transvala; Llanero; G-24; T-91; Estrela; Coastcross; Brasil; Equine; Pasture; Grass; Evaluation; Brazilian savannas; Hemarthria Altíssima; Brachiaria Humidicola; Cerrado; Cynodon Dactylon; Digitaria Decumbens; Gramínea Forrageira; Pastagem; Panicum Maximum; Eqüino; Cynodon nlemfuensis; Forage; Brazil.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Avaliacao do desempenho reprodutivo e estabelecimento da estacao de monta de equinos em regime de monta natural a campo no Pantanal. Infoteca-e
O cavalo Pantaneiro caracteriza-se pela sua rusticidade e adaptacao as condicoes ecologicas do Pantanal, fruto de selecao natural por mais de dois seculos. Como animal de trabalho, constitui fator de importancia economica e social auxiliando nas producao pecuaria, alem de contribuir para a fixacao do homem na regiao. A partir de 1900, cruzamentos indiscriminados com outras racas, alem da disseminacao de enfermidades, como o "mal-de-cadeiras" (tripanosomose) e mais recentemente a anemia infecciosa equina (AIE), contribuiram para a diminuicao do seu efetivo. A AIE, enfermidade endemica para a regiao, apresenta incidencia media de 42,7% (SILVA, et al. 1995), sendo considerada, atualmente o principal fator limitante para a expansao da criacao de equino no...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Monta natural; Cavalo pantaneiro; Equine; Pantaneiro horse; Reprodução; Eqüino; Pantanal; Reproduction.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Avaliação e conservação do cavalo pantaneiro. Infoteca-e
SANTOS, S. A.; MAZZA, M. C. M.; SERENO, J. R. B.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; SILVA, J. A. da.
Os cavalos introduzidos no Pantanal pelos conquistadores durante a epoca da colonizacao, encontraram na regiao condicoes ambientais propicias para sua multiplicacao. Como consequencia dos processos adaptativos e da selecao natural por mais de dois seculos e com pouca ou nenhuma interferencia antropica, surgiu um tipo adaptado ao meio. Com o desenvolvimento da pecuaria na regiao, o cavalo Pantaneiro constituiu-se num fator de importancia economica e social, tornando-se imprescindivel em trabalhos de gado e no transporte regional. No final do seculo XIX, a raca entrou em declinio principalmente devido a doenca conhecida como Peste das cadeiras e, posteriormente, outras ameacas como cruzamentos indiscriminados com outras racas e, mais recentemente a Anemia...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Cavalo pantaneiro; Avaliacao; Manejo reprodutivo e sanitario; Morfologia; Equine; Pantaneiro horse; Conservation; Reproductive management; Evaluation; Genetic; Morphology; Conservação; Criação; Crescimento; Genética; Pecuária; Eqüino; Pantanal.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Basic Assessment of Diagnosis by MDCT in Horses OAK
SASAKI, Naoki; KIKUCHI, Takuya; YAMADA, Kazutaka; HIGUCHI, Tohru; SATO, Motoyoshi; YAMADA, Haruo; 佐々木, 直樹; 山田, 一孝.
In this equine study, we used an MDCT unit and a trestle for large animals to assess the utility of MDCT in the diagnosis locomotor system disorders and problems in the head and spine. We used a mature thoroughbred horse under general anesthesia and 5 specimens. For specimens, MDCT images were compared with other images taken by a computed radiography X-ray unit. In the live horse, use of the trestle for large animals enabled scanning under general anesthesia. In specimens, MDCT created 3D images of the fractured lesions and evaluation of multiple cross-sectional and sagittal images was possible. Further, multiple sagittal images and virtual endoscopic images revealed details of a spinal canal stenosis in the swayback case. These results indicate that MDCT...
Palavras-chave: Equine; Locomotor system disorders; MDCT; 3D image analysis.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Bilateral hydrosalpinx in a mare - a case report Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Rechsteiner,S.F.; Rodrigues,R.F.; Cruz,L.A..
During a research visit for tissue collection at an abattoir located in Pelotas, Brazil, one female genital tract showed both enlarged oviducts. The reproductive tract was collected and analyzed. Occluded uterine tubes and an increase in the organ volume due to the large amount of fluid in the organ lumen were the macroscopic findings. Three samples, corresponding to isthmus, ampulla and infundibulum from each uterine tube and one sample from the endometrium were collected. Samples were fixed in Bouin's solution and processed in light microscopy. Microscopically a decrease in the number of folds and also an increase in the lumen of the organ were observed, mainly in the ampulla and infundibulum. The epithelial lining of the uterine tubes ranged from...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fluid accumulation; Uterine tubes; Oviducts; Equine; Female.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Biochemical profile of Mangalarga Marchador mares during the last third of pregnancy, foaling and lactation Ciência Rural
Silva,Micheline Ozana da; Ribeiro Filho,José Dantas; Dantas,Waleska de Melo Ferreira; Ribeiro,Bruna Maria; Ermita,Pedro Ancelmo Nunes; Monteiro,Lorena Chaves; Costa,Caio Monteiro; Silva,Glaucia Matos Marques da; Alves,Samuel Rodrigues; Avanza,Marcel Ferreira Bastos; Santos,Paulo Vinicius de Morais; Manso Filho,Hélio Cordeiro.
ABSTRACT: Adaptive changes in metabolism may occur under specific physiological conditions, being necessary the knowledge of the biochemical constituents that can undergo variations during the sixty days before foaling, until the first sixty days of lactation. The present study aimed to identify and evaluate the biochemical profile of Mangalarga Marchador mares during the last third of pregnancy, foaling and lactation. For this, 48 mares were used, which formed a maintenance group (MG), composed of non-pregnant mares and an experimental group, called the transition group (TG), formed by pregnant mares. Blood samples were collected at the following times: MG was evaluated in a single time (beginning of all collections); TG was evaluated in seven times...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Delivery; Equine; Metabolic parameters; Peripartum.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Biometric evaluation of Criollo horses participating in the Freio de Ouro competition, Brazil R. Bras. Zootec.
Pimentel,Anelise Maria Hammes; Souza,João Ricardo Malheiros de; Boligon,Arione Augusti; Moreira,Heden Luiz Marques; Pimentel,Cláudio Alves; Martins,Charles Ferreira.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to quantify linear and angular morphological measurements of male and female horses participating in the Freio de Ouro competition. This study represents the first scientific evaluation of the biometrics of the Criollo breed, providing essential information for the evaluation of the development of the breed and supporting objective selection. We examined linear and angular measurements of 634 Criollo horses participating in the Freio de Ouro competition in 2011 and 2012, including height, chest circumference, cannon bone circumference, body length, metatarsus length, croup length, chest width, head length, dorsal neck length, throat circumference, and angles of the croup, scapula, and hock. Statistical analysis...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal production; Breed; Equine; Horse; Morphometry.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Biometrics of hoof balance in equids Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Souza,A.F.; Kunz,J.R.; Laus,R.; Moreira,M.A.; Muller,T.R.; Fonteque,J.H..
ABSTRACT Differences in hoof balance between horses, mules and donkeys were identified in order to form more specific considerations for proper management of the animals. Measurements of the natural dimensions of hooves in sixty animals were used: 20 horses from the Crioulo breed, 20 mules and 20 donkeys from the Pêga breed. Liveweight was estimated using the correlation equations in each species by heart girth. Using a caliper rule, tape measure and hoof gauge, measurements of the length and width of the frog, hoof height, angle of heel, medial and lateral dorsal length, angle of the toe and crown circumference of the hooves of forelimbs and hindlimb were taken. Within each group the hooves of the hindlimbs exhibited narrower measurements than the hooves...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Mules; Donkeys; Hoof; Shoeing.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Brazilian borreliosis with special emphasis on humans and horses BJM
Basile,Roberta Carvalho; Yoshinari,Natalino Hajime; Mantovani,Elenice; Bonoldi,Virgínia Nazário; Macoris,Delphim da Graça; Queiroz-Neto,Antonio de.
Abstract Borreliosis caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is a cosmopolitan zoonosis studied worldwide; it is called Lyme disease in many countries of the Northern Hemisphere and Lyme-like or Baggio-Yoshinari Syndrome in Brazil. However, despite the increasing number of suspect cases, this disease is still neglected in Brazil by the medical and veterinary communities. Brazilian Lyme-like borreliosis likely involves capybaras as reservoirs and Amblyomma and Rhipicephalus ticks as vectors. Thus, domestic animals can serve as key carriers in pathogen dissemination. This zoonosis has been little studied in horses in Brazil. The first survey was performed in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and this Brazilian Borreliosis exhibits many differences from the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Borrelia burgdorferi; Zoonosis; Ticks; Equine; Baggio-Yoshinari Syndrome.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Brucella spp. in equines slaughtered in the south region of Brazil Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Santos,R.F.; Silva,G.C.P.; Assis,N.A.; Mathias,L.A..
ABSTRACT Bacteria of the genus Brucella are widespread in many countries. These microorganisms can infect humans and many wild and domestic animal species. These bacteria have zoonotic potential, and can cause economic and public health problems since they can be transmitted by direct contact with sick animals, through consumption of contaminated milk, raw meat and its derivatives (Soares et al., 2015). Brucellosis is considered a chronic evolving disease, unusual in horses, predominantly caused by Brucella abortus. However, it is not characterized by reproductive disorders in horses, but primarily by abscess in the cervical region, bursa, tendons, and joints. Transmission is likely to occur via ingestion of contaminated water and pastures, especially in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Abattoirs; Brucellosis; Fluorescence polarization; Complement fixation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Cavalo Árabes: alguns resultados de pesquisa em alimentação com eqüinos da raça Árabe na UEPAE de São Carlos. Infoteca-e
Cavalo Arabe: alguns resultados de pesquisa em alimentacao com equinos da raca Arabe na UEPAE de Sao Carlos. Arracoamento peletizada; Arracoamento tradicional.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Equinos; Raca Arabe; Racao peletizada; Equine; Alimentation; Alimentação.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Células mononucleares da medula óssea no tratamento da ruptura total dos tendões flexores e ligamento suspensor do boleto em equino Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Yamada,A.L.M.; Oliveira,P.G.G.; Carvalho,A.M.; Watanabe,M.J.; Hussni,C.A.; Alves,A.L.G..
This paper describes the case of a horse treated in a Teaching Veterinary Hospital. The sutures of the flexor apparatus associated with cell therapy, the stem cell, provided a rapid response of repair compared to other cases treated in routine of the Hospital. The association of conventional treatments with the mononuclear fraction of bone marrow significantly contributed to the reduction of the hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joint. Ultrasound images showed rapid fill cell and decrease in inflammation.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Tendon; Treatment; Injury; Mononuclear.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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