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Spatiotemporal variations in microbial diversity across the three domains of life in a tropical thalassohaline lake (Dziani Dzaha, Mayotte Island) 5
Hugoni, Mylene; Escalas, Arthur; Bernard, Cecile; Nicolas, Sebastien; Jezequel, Didier; Vazzoler, Fanny; Sarazin, Gerard; Leboulanger, Christophe; Bouvy, Marc; Got, Patrice; Ader, Magali; Troussellier, Marc; Agogue, Helene.
Thalassohaline ecosystems are hypersaline environments originating from seawater in which sodium chloride is the most abundant salt and the pH is alkaline. Studies focusing on microbial diversity in thalassohaline lakes are still scarce compared with those on athalassohaline lakes such as soda lakes that have no marine origin. In this work, we investigated multiple facets of bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic diversity in the thalassohaline Lake Dziani Dzaha using a metabarcoding approach. We showed that bacterial and archaeal diversity were mainly affected by contrasting physicochemical conditions retrieved at different depths. While photosynthetic microorganisms were dominant in surface layers, chemotrophic phyla (Firmicutes or Bacteroidetes) and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Archaea; Bacteria; Eukaryotes; Extreme environment; Metabarcoding; Thalassohaline lake.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Specificity Re-evaluation of Oligonucleotide Probes for the Detection of Marine Picoplankton by Tyramide Signal Amplification-Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 5
Riou, Virginie; Périot, Marine; Biegala, Isabelle.
Oligonucleotide probes are increasingly being used to characterize natural microbial assemblages by Tyramide Signal Amplification-Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (TSA-FISH, or CAtalysed Reporter Deposition CARD-FISH). In view of the fast-growing rRNA databases, we re-evaluated the in silico specificity of eleven bacterial and eukaryotic probes and competitor frequently used for the quantification of marine picoplankton. We performed tests on cell cultures to decrease the risk for non-specific hybridization, before they are used on environmental samples. The probes were confronted to recent databases and hybridization conditions were tested against target strains matching perfectly with the probes, and against the closest non-target strains presenting one...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: TSA-FISH; Probes; Specificity; Marine; Prokaryotes; Eukaryotes; Oligonucleotide; CARD-FISH.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The Impact of Methane on Microbial Communities at Marine Arctic Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediment 5
Carrier, Vincent; Svenning, Mette M.; Grundger, Friederike; Niemann, Helge; Dessandier, Pierre-antoine; Panieri, Giuliana; Kalenitchenko, Dimitri.
Cold seeps are characterized by high biomass, which is supported by the microbial oxidation of the available methane by capable microorganisms. The carbon is subsequently transferred to higher trophic levels. South of Svalbard, five geological mounds shaped by the formation of methane gas hydrates, have been recently located. Methane gas seeping activity has been observed on four of them, and flares were primarily concentrated at their summits. At three of these mounds, and along a distance gradient from their summit to their outskirt, we investigated the eukaryotic and prokaryotic biodiversity linked to 16S and 18S rDNA. Here we show that local methane seepage and other environmental conditions did affect the microbial community structure and composition....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic; Methane seeps; Prokaryotes; Methanotrophs; ANME; Sulfate-reducing bacteria; Eukaryotes; Foraminifera.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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