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A Comparative Analysis of Organic and Conventional Farming Profitability Organic Eprints
Brozova, Ivana.
The objective of this article is to determine the economic performance of organic farms compared with conventional farms. The analysis included a set of farms the concentration of which is in natural and climatic conditions typical for this type of farming high. The outputs may be therefore considered representative and generalised. In order to determine the performance of these farms, their production basis was first assessed by using the indicators of available assets and assets coverage resources. Consequently, their efficiency was assessed based on the profit. For the purposes of comparison, the profit was (in various forms) converted to a hectare of agricultural land. The economic results were also compared with the average level achieved in the EU....
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Farm economics; Farming Systems; European Union.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A comparative review of fisheries management experiences in the European Union and in other countries worldwide: Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand ArchiMer
Marchal, Paul; Andersen, Jesper Levring; Aranda, Martin; Fitzpatrick, Mike; Goti, Leyre; Guyader, Olivier; Haraldsson, Gunnar; Hatcher, Aaron; Hegland, Troels Jacob; Le Floc H, Pascal; Macher, Claire; Malvarosa, Loretta; Maravelias, Christos D.; Mardle, Simon; Murillas, Arantza; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Sabatella, Rosaria; Smith, Anthony D. M.; Stokes, Kevin; Thoegersen, Thomas; Ulrich, Clara.
This study compares the details and performance of fisheries management between the EU and a selection of other countries worldwide: Iceland, New Zealand, and Australia, which are considered in many respects to be among the most advanced in the world in fisheries management. Fisheries management in the EU, Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand has developed following different paths, despite being based on similar instruments and principles. Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand have been at the forefront of developing management practices such as stakeholder involvement, legally binding management targets (Australia, New Zealand), individual transferable quotas, and discard bans (Iceland, New Zealand). The EU has since the beginning of the 21st century taken...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Australia; Comparative review; European Union; Fisheries management; Iceland; New Zealand.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Horvath, Gyula.
Az Európai Unió kohéziós politikájának megvalósítását elősegítő intézmény – az 1–3 milliós népességű régió – Európa-szerte az érdeklődés középpontjában áll. A különböző államberendezkedésű országokban az ún. NUTS 2 régiók közjogi státusza eltérő. A régiók egy része fejlesztési és statisztikai célokat szolgál csupán, más részük ezek mellett kiterjedt közigazgatási jogosítványokkal is rendelkezik. Ez utóbbiak képesek komplex fejlesztési feladataik hatékony megoldására. A régiók intézményesülésének számtalan előfeltétele van. Az állami funkciók modernizálása, a regionális fejlődést befolyásoló tényezőkben bekövetkezett vál-tozások, a területi érdekérvényesítés, az etnikai-kulturális szempontok figyelembe vétele, illetve az európai integráció egységesítő...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Regionális politika; Európai Unió; Kohéziós politika; Területi közigazgatás; Regional policy; European Union; Cohesion policy; Regional administration; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Kennedy, P. Lynn; Atici, Cemal.
Complete agricultural trade liberalization between the United States and the European Union is examined with respect to the agricultural sector. A static, partial equilibrium model, distinguishing among the European Union, the United States, and a politically passive rest of the world, is used to simulate agricultural free trade. The results of this research reveal how European Union and United States adoption of free trade affects domestic and world prices, production, consumption, self-sufficiency, and welfare.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural policy; European Union; Trade liberalization; United States; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Actuarial evaluation of the EU proposed farm income stabilisation tool AgEcon
Pigeon, Mathieu; Frahan, Bruno Henry de; Denuit, Michel.
Recently, the European Commission proposed to introduce several risk management tools in the rural development pillar 2 of the CAP. One of them consists in providing co-financing support to mutual funds compensating farmers who experience a severe drop in their farm income. This paper analyses this new farm income stabilization tool for the Walloon region in Belgium, considering separately three groups of farms (crop, dairy and cattle farms). Relying on FADN data from 1997 to 2007, this analysis focuses on estimating the probability that such regional mutual funds would need to intervene to compensate farm net incomes and, in that case, the expected amount of each farm income compensation and the total expected amount of compensation. The budgetary...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural risk management; Income stabilisation; Belgium; European Union; Risk and Uncertainty; D81; Q12; Q18..
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Adequacy of the import regime Organic Eprints
Huber, Beate; Neuendorff, Jochen; Stolze, Matthias.
Adequacy of the import regime.
Tipo: Report chapter Palavras-chave: Markets and trade; Policy environments and social economy; European Union.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Adequacy of the overall control system Organic Eprints
Stolze, Matthias; Huber, Beate; Neuendorff, Jochen.
Adequacy of the overall control system.
Tipo: Report chapter Palavras-chave: Policy environments and social economy; European Union; Regulation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Agglomeration, Spatial Interaction and Convergence in the EU AgEcon
Brauninger, Michael; Niebuhr, Annekatrin.
We investigate the convergence process among EU regions between 1980-2002 taking into account the effects of spatial heterogeneity and spatial spillover effects. The spatial regimes model allows for different steady-state growth paths. In contrast to previous analyses, the regimes in this paper refer to spatial categories, i.e. we assume that agglomerations, urbanised and rural regions are characterised by group-specific steadystates. Moreover, the regression analysis considers the effects of interaction among neighbouring regions, possibly leading to a spatial dependence of regional growth rates. We check whether spatial dependence is caused by spatial spillovers or based on country effects.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Convergence; Agglomeration; European Union; Spatial econometrics; Quantile regression; International Development; C21; O52; R11.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Agrarpolitische Interessen Frankreichs und Deutschlands – Gemeinsamkeiten und Divergenzen unter sich ändernden Rahmenbedingungen AgEcon
Ahrens, Heinz; Lippert, Christian.
The aim of this contribution is to examine how the French and the German positions on agricultural policy have developed since the foundation of the EEC and what the driving forces were behind. The “general consensus” underlying the EEC treaty, and according to which the common market would be “conquered” by France in the case of the classical agricultural products, could not be translated into practice; for what emerged for these products was not a customs union but a “price support union”. As a consequence French intra-community agricultural exports had to be redirected to the world market. Thus initial positive French income transfers via intracommunity trade were transformed into transfers from the EC budget, an evolution that can be interpreted as a...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: CAP; Agricultural policy; European Union; France; Germany; EEC Treaty; Price cuts; Quantitative restrictions; Agenda 2000; Agricultural and Food Policy; Political Economy.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Agricultural and Rural Capital Markets in the EU Candidate Countries: Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey AgEcon
Bojnec, Stefan.
Factor Markets Coordination: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, Belgium
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Capital market; Agriculture and rural areas; European Union; Candidate countries; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Political Economy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Baum, Sabine; Cook, Peter; Stange, Henriette; Weingarten, Peter.
In the course of economic development there is a general downward trend of agricultural employment. In the EU-15, agricultural employment decreased by 2.3% p.a. (measured in regular persons) and 3.0% p.a. (measured in annual working units) between 1995 and 2000. In some of the new EU Member States, employment in agriculture plummeted in the early 1990s, whereas in others it increased during the first years of transition and has served as a social buffer in times of economic hardship. The most important determinants of agricultural employment changes are labor saving technical progress, the macroeconomic environment, the farm structure, socio-economic characteristics of the farmer and agricultural support policies. Currently, farmers in the enlarged EU...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural labor market; Agricultural policy; European Union; Transition countries; Case studies.; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Agricultural Employment Trends in an Enlarged European Union: Does the CAP Reform/Introduction Matter? AgEcon
Baum, Sabine; Cook, Peter; Stange, Henriette; Weingarten, Peter.
In the course of economic development there is a general downward trend of agricultural employment, although structural change in agriculture is often delayed. In the EU-15, agricultural employment decreased by -2.3% p.a. (measured in regular persons) and -3.0% p.a. (measured in annual working units) between 1995 and 2000. In some of the new EU Member States, employment in agriculture plummeted in the early 1990s, whereas in others it increased during the first years of transition and has served as a social buffer in times of economic hardship. The most important determinants of agricultural employment changes are labor saving technical progress, the macroeconomic environment, the farm structure, socio-economic characteristics of the farmer and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural labor market; Agricultural policy; European Union; Transition countries; Case studies; Agricultural and Food Policy; Labor and Human Capital; J43; Q18; Q19.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Agriculture and European Union Enlargement AgEcon
Josling, Timothy E.; Kelch, David R.; Liapis, Peter S.; Tangermann, Stefan.
Potential accession of a number of eastern and central European countries into the European Union (EU) seems destined to lead to further reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The financial costs of absorbing these countries may be extreme. This report documents the modeling framework (European Simulation Model, ESIM) used to analyze the 1992 CAP reform and discusses possible effects of EU enlargement.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: CAP reform; European Union; EU; European Union enlargement; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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An Analysis Of The EU Positions In WTO: Impact On EU And New Zealand AgEcon
Saunders, Caroline M.; Santiago, J.D..
The Doha round negotiations in World Trade Organisation (WTO) have been suspended in the last July due to lack of agreement in agriculture issues. Nevertheless, several leaders of WTO countries have stated publicly their will in reviving WTO talks. Therefore, further negotiations should be expected. Despite the last July failure in obtaining a final text on the negotiating modalities for agriculture, it should be noted that since the launch of Doha round in 2000 significant progress was made in the negotiations. WTO members tabled more generous offers than the initial ones in the round. In fact, during July talks the EU had a active role offering more concessions, such as, 48% reductions of their import tariff (instead of the 39% cuts proposed in its last...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: WTO; European Union; New Zealand; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Assessing stakeholder's experience and sensitivity on key issues for the economic growth of organic aquaculture production Organic Eprints
Lembo, Giuseppe; Jokumsen, Alfred; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Facchini, Maria Teresa; Bitetto, Isabella.
Participatory management is widely recognised as a working method of paramount importance, based on the principles of knowledge sharing, accountability and legitimacy. Hence, it is broadly considered suitable for addressing issues related to the sustainable development of the seafood industry, and specifically, of the aquaculture system. A survey focused on the current EU regulatory framework was carried out to elicit stakeholders’ preferences, knowledge and experience on key issues for the development of organic aquaculture, supported by science-based regulations. The survey was completed by 65 stakeholders belonging to several categories, and it was supported by the implementation of the Analytic Hierarchy Process method. Stakeholders’ preferences were...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Consumer issues; Aquaculture; European Union; Regulation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Atlas of Organics: Four maps of the world of organic agriculture Organic Eprints
Paull, John; Hennig, Benjamin.
This paper presents four maps of the world of organic agriculture. Density equalising maps (cartograms) have previously been published of the world of organic agriculture based on the reported hectares of certified organically managed agriculture land. The four maps in the present atlas of organic agriculture are visual presentations of current global organics data: (a) certified organic agriculture hectares; (b) certified organic wildculture hectares; (c) total certified organic production hectares (organic agriculture plus wildculture plus forestry plus aquaculture); (d) certified organic producers. Australia dominates in the world map of the organic agriculture hectares, Europe is strongly represented, and Africa is weakly represented. Finland dominates...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Farming Systems; Africa; Asia; Australia; China; European Union; India; Latin America; North America; United Kingdom; United States; World; Knowledge management; Europe.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Tisdell, Clement A..
This article draws mostly (but not entirely) on new institutional economics to consider the likely behaviours of non-government conservation organizations and the implications of these behaviours for biodiversity conservation. It considers how institutional factors may result in behaviour of conservation NGOs diverging from their objectives, including their support for biodiversity conservation; examines aspects of rent capture and conservation alliances; specifies social factors that may restrict the diversity of species supported by NGOs for conservation; considers bounded rationality in relation to the operation of conservation NGOs; and using game theory, shows how competition between NGOs for funding can result in economic inefficiencies and narrow...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Australia; Biodiversity conservation; Bounded rationality; Civil society; Common Agricultural Policy; European Union; Landcare; Mixed goods; New institutional economics; New Zealand; NGOs; Principal-and-agent problem; Political acceptability; Environmental Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Political Economy; Q00; Q2; Q5; Q57; Z13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bio-Landbau in Mittelosteuropa: Die jüngste Entwicklung in Zahlen Organic Eprints
Willer, Helga; Drexler, Dora.
Seit dem EU-Beitritt der elf mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder hat sich die biologisch bewirtschaftete Fläche rasant entwickelt. Der Markt hingegen hielt bislang nicht mit, aber in vielen Ländern ist eine starke heimische Nachfrage im Entstehen.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: European Union.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Elekes, Andrea; Halmai, Peter.
During the process of the budgetary review the CAP faces its greatest challenge of its history: not only the (common) financing of the CAP, but the future of the CAP itself is at stake. It is obvious that the reform steps implemented so far – even though they have several forward-looking elements – do not result in a CAP sustainable on the long run. Further changes are inevitable. Basing our analysis on the theories of fiscal federalism and other political economy approaches, we try to answer the following questions. Is common financing of a reformed CAP justified? Can national co-financing be extended? Is it justified to keep the system of commonly financed direct payments?
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: European Union; Common Agricultural Policy; Fiscal federalism; Budget review; Agricultural and Food Policy; F15; F36; H41; H50; Q18.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Challenges for Less Developed Countries: Agricultural Policies in the EU and the US AgEcon
Schure, Paul; van Kooten, G. Cornelis; Wang, Yichuan.
Agricultural policies adopted by developed countries are considered distortional and detrimental to less developed countries (LDCs). This paper discusses the adverse impacts on less developed countries of the agricultural support regimes of the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). Despite the fact that the budget for agriculture in these constituencies has the same order of magnitude, we find that the EU relies much more heavily on agricultural support than does the US. Specifically, the EU provides agricultural producers with an amount of support that is about two-and-a-half times that of the US, and for most commodities a larger share of farmers’ income stems from support measures as well. While the composition of producer support differs...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural support; European Union; US; Developing countries; Least-developed countries; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Q14; Q17; Q18.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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