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Nuclear anomalies in the buccal cells of calcite factory workers 74
Diler,Songül Budak; Ergene,Serap.
The micronucleus (MN) assay on exfoliated buccal cells is a useful and minimally invasive method for monitoring genetic damage in humans. To determine the genotoxic effects of calcite dust that forms during processing, MN assay was carried out in exfoliated buccal cells of 50 (25 smokers and 25 non-smokers) calcite factory workers and 50 (25 smokers and 25 non-smokers) age- and sex-matched control subjects. Frequencies of nuclear abnormalities (NA) other than micronuclei, such as binucleates, karyorrhexis, karyolysis and 'broken eggs', were also evaluated. Micronuclei and the other aforementioned anomalies were analysed by two way analysis of covariance. The linear correlations between the types of micronucleus and nuclear abnormalities were determined by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calcite; Exfoliated buccal cells; Micronucleus (MN); Genotoxicity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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