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Actividad antioxidante en extractos de algas marinas 20
Fernández, M.D.; Hernández, I.; Aneiros, A.; Tello, J..
Entre otras múltiples reacciones, los radicales libres pueden interactuar con ácidos grasos de las membranas celulares y causar la destrucción oxidativa de las mismas; a este proceso es al que se le denomina lipoperoxidación (Echeverry, 1998). Como defensas frente a las agresiones de los radicales libres se presentan una serie de sistemas enzimáticos entre los que destacan la superóxido dismutasa y la catalasa. En los organismos marinos se han encontrado compuestos con actividad antioxidantes fundamentalmente en algunas especies de algas. En este trabajo se realizó la evaluación del efecto antioxidante de los extractos de 6 algas mediante los métodos de inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica, determinación de la actividad mimética superóxido dismutasa...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Antioxidants; Algae; Experimental research; Antioxidants; Algae; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Behavioural study of two Hydrothermal crustacean decapods: Mirocaris fortunata and Segonzacia mesatlantica, from the lucky strike vent field (mid-Atlantic ridge) 5
Matabos, Marjolaine; Cuvelier, D.; Brouard, J.; Shillito, B.; Ravaux, J.; Zbinden, M.; Barthelemy, D.; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Sarrazin, Jozee.
Identifying the factors driving community dynamics in hydrothermal vent communities, and in particular biological interactions, is challenged by our ability to make direct observations and the difficulty to conduct experiments in those remote ecosystems. As a result, we have very limited knowledge on species’ behaviour and interactions in these communities and how they in turn influence community dynamics. Interactions such as competition or predation significantly affect community structure in vent communities, and video time-series have successfully been used to gain insights in biological interactions and species behaviour, including responses to short-term changes in temperature or feeding strategies. In this study, we combined in situ and ex situ...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Abyss Box; Biological interactions; Deep-sea observatory; Eiffel Tower edifice; Feeding behaviour; Experimental research; Video imagery; Time series; Lucky Strike; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; 37 degrees 17 ' N; 32 degrees 16.3 ' W.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Efecto de la fertilización con diferentes razones N-P sobre la productividad primaria en la granja camaronera Calisur 20
Machado Tamayo, R.; Jaime Ceballos, B.; Nodar, R.; Pérez, A.M.; Marrero, J..
To achieve an appropriate handling of the natural productivity of a cultivation pond, it is required of the study of several aspects, inside which the primary productivity and the fertilization play a fundamental roll. Because the objective of this work was to study the influence of the fertilization with different reasons nitrogen-phosphorus (N:P) on the phytoplankton concentration in the Calisur shrimps farming. The relationships were evaluated (N:P) 5:1; 10:1; 15:1 and one that served as control. The commercial fertilizers urea and triple superphosphate were used (SPT), in conical cylinder tanks of fibber glass with a capacity of 500 l to the bleakness in the area of the ponds. The water was taken from the channel of supply of the farm and registered...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Shrimp culture; Experimental research.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Etude experimentale de la maturation ovocytaire chez Pecten maximus et Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca, Bivalvia) 5
Widowati, L; Cochard, Jean-claude; Dorange, G; Le Pennec, M.
To date, it has been impossible to fertilize the oocytes of ripe Pecten maximus obtained by gonad stripping as it is routinely done in hatchery with Crassostrea gigas . The events occurring between artificial induction of spawning and normal fertilization were studied experimentally in order to explain this difference. Fertilization and rearing trials were performed on oocytes obtained from the gonads of both species by scarification, by aspiration from genital ducts (of P. maximus only) and after spawning. Every batch of oocytes was fixed for histological study. Serial sections of the gonad of a fixed spawning P. maximus were made to reveal modifications of the nucleus of the oocytes during their expulsion. In P. maximus the stripped oocytes can be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Pecten maximus; Bivalvia; Marine molluscs; Animal reproductive organs; Larvae; Fecundity; Experimental research; Spawning; Sexual maturity.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Etude experimentale preliminaire sur les echanges gazeux chez Pinna nobilis 5
Vicente, N; Riva, A; Butler, A.
Breathing exchanges of Pinna nobilis L. are studied in situ and in the laboratory with two methods. First method consist in introducing samples of Pinna under a 40l plexiglass bell equipped with haps. The bell is positionned by diving. The consumption of oxygen is observed with water samples and the oxygen concentration is measured with an electronic oxymeter. Experiments which are carried out during nycthemeral cycles are reproduced in the laboratory with the same type of bell. A second method carry into effect an apparatus more sophisticated, who put into circulation a current of water in an airtight thermostated cellule, where a specimen of young Pinna is introduced. This sample is gradually adaptated to the conditions of the medium. Breathing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pinna nobilis; Bivalvia; Temperature; Metabolism; Oxygen consumption; Experimental research; Breathing mixtures; Marine molluscs.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Fluorescent antibody enumeration of Vibrio cholerae in the marine environment. 5
Brayton, P; Roszak, D; Palmer, L; Huq, S; Gimes, D.
From microcosm studies, V. cholerae and related potential human pathogens enter a viable but nonculturable state. Direct viable counts by epifluorescent microscopy consistently remain higher than corresponding plate counts. Thus, the assumption that pathogens "die-off" or "decay" in the marine environment must be re-evaluated, since stressed or nutrient-starved cells are unable to grow and be enumerated by standard plate count methods. Indirect immunofluorescent microscopy offers a more sensitive detection system for environment sampling for human pathogens. Field indicate that cultures positive for V. cholerae O1 are also positive by fluorescent antibody staining; however, the reverse was not necessarily true. By adapting epifluorescent techniques for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vibrio cholerae; Bacteria; Experimental research; Marine environment; Pathogenic bacteria; Microbial contamination; Fluorescence microscopy; Bacterial counters; Pollution detection.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Growth factors in Penaeid shrimp feeding 5
Guillaume, Julien; Cruz, R; Cuzon, Gerard; Wormhoudt Van, A; Revol, A.
Some nutrients known as non essential in vertebrates could be essential in invertebrates and could be related to some "unknown growth factors" which were evidenced or suspected, mainly in mollusc or crustacean flesh or meal, by several authors working on different species of crustaceans. A set of experiments was carried out in our laboratory in order to isolate one of these factors found in squid meal.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus japonicus; Food absorption; Digestive system; Haemolymph; Amino acids; Glucose; Digestion; Enzymes; Experimental research; Feeding; Shrimp culture; Laboratory culture.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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L'unite d'ecophysiologie et de molysmologie larvaire des bivalves d'interet commercial du laboratoire I.S.T.P.M. d'Arcachon. 5
Robert, René; His, Edouard; Maurer, Danièle.
An experimental hatchery for bivalves and the different techniques used in Arcachon are described: sea water treatment, phytoplankton culture, conditionning of oysters for spawning and larval culture. This experimental unit has been organised to study the reasons why natural reproduction is disturbed in the bay. The quality of the oysters and the sea water was analysed to ascertain their capacity to acquire normal oyster development. Also, the influence of different micropollutants which may disturb the environment were studied. Observations during larval stage at various concentrations of chemicals include: percentages of fertilized eggs; percentage of D larvae former; percentages of normal and surviving larvae, larval growth, establishing growth curves...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalvia; Experimental research; Hatcheries; Larval development; Sexual reproduction; Oyster culture; Research programs.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Obtención de gas combustible mediante la bioconversión del alga marina Ulva lactuca 20
Díaz Rebollido, P.M..
Uno de los biocombustibles más comunes y conocidos es el biogás, el cual puede ser obtenido mediante la bioconversión de diferentes materias orgánicas. Aunque poco conocido en nuestro país, también se puede obtener biogás partiendo de las algas marinas mediante un adecuado manejo, sin que constituya un peligro ecológico. La biomasa de las algas se puede considerar como un sustrato comparable con los residuos agrícolas y residuales urbanos en el campo de la biometanización. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo obtener gas combustible mediante la bioconversión del alga marina Ulva lactuca. Para esto, se determinó la composición físico – química de las algas y se diseñó un sistema de digestión para obtener biogás a nivel de laboratorio. Se logró obtener...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Algae; Biogas; Experimental research; Algae; Biogas; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Plant functional groups: scientometric analysis focused on removal experimentsPlant functional groups: scientometric analysis focused on removal experiments 39
Morais,Joicy Martins; Cianciaruso,Marcus Vinicius.
Understanding what determines species co-occurrence and its consequences for ecosystem functioning is central to the study of plant ecology. The ecological similarity of species can explain co-occurrence patterns, species interactions, and how species affect ecosystem processes. A useful approach to answer these questions is to group similar species in functional groups and then perform removal experiments. Here, we conducted a scientometric review of articles about plant functional diversity and plant functional group removal. We identified publication patterns and impact; environmental and geographic gaps; ecological effects being tested; which groups are removed; and what the removal methods are. We analyzed articles published between 1991 and 2012 in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Experimental research; Functional group removal; Plant removal.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Reduction du nitrate dans les sediments marins. Comparaison des activites mesurees in vitro et in situ 5
Esteves, J; Bonin, P; Blanc, F; Mille, G; Bertrand, J.
In vitro nitrate reduction in hydrocarbon-polluted marine sediments has been studied by flow-through system. By analysing the rate of nitrate comsumption as a function of nitrate concentration the authors determined the Michaelis-Menten kinetics parameters. (km = 330 mu M; vax = 2.0 mu M/g super(-1)/h super(-1). The authors found a value of 60 mu M/m super(-2)/h super(-1) for the rate of in vitro nitrate consumption derived from the above kinetic parameters and from the nitrate concentration in the sediment. In parallel a value of 67.4 mu M/m super(-2)/h super(-1) was found for the rate of nitrate consumption under in situ conditions. The great similarity between both results would favor the in vitro technique as a valid and more convenient one.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; Biogeochemistry; Oil pollution; Methodology; Environmental conditions; Experimental research; Comparative studies; Metabolism; Bacteria; Sediment chemistry; Reduction; Nitrates; Denitrification; Nitrogen cycle.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Reference diet for crustaceans: Principle of experimentation. 5
Castell, J.
Feeding trials were conducted with over 22 different crustacean species to compare the potential use of two diets as Standard Reference Diets (SRD) in crustacean research. The two diets (BML 81 S, a casein/albumin based formula developed at the University of California, Bodega Marine Laboratory, and HFX CRD 84, a crab protein concentrate based diet formulated at the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans Halifax Laboratory) were about equal in performance for most species tested. Though neither diet was an ideal SRD, the HFX CRD 84 formulation based upon a purified protein of marine origin was accepted as the interim SRD for use in aquatic crustacean studies.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Astacus astacus; Penaeus orientalis; Homarus americanus; Crustacea; Rearing; Carbohydrates; Lipids; Proteins; Experimental research; Feeding experiments; Nutritional requirements; Diets.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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