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Analyse des pratiques technico-économiques et rationalités des pêcheurs de pertuis charentais ArchiMer
Tachoires, Stéphanie.
ln the Pertuis charentais shallow area, located between the mainland and the Ré and Oléron islands, marin space is in dispute between the severals stakeholders. The fishing in this area is permitted by a licencing policy and is strongly affected by the space competition. lts future is also uncertain because of the state of the fishing stocks, the new regulations which must be implemented. Given this context, this study aims to assess the evolution and adaptation abilities of the exploitation system in the Pertuis charentais facing the change of the socio-technic context. On board and at port, surveys were carried out. The fishing fleet is made up of old boats, but the fishing is attractive for the fishermen. The enterprise logic functioning as studied and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Petite pêche; Pertuis charentais; Système; Exploitation; Potentialité d'évolution.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Bases biológicas para la evaluación y manejo de metapoblaciones de loco en la III y IV Regiones OceanDocs
González, J.; Tapia, C.; Wilson, A.; Stotz, W.; Orensanz, J.M.; Parma, A.M.; Valero, J.; Catrilao, M.; Garrido, J..
En la III y IV Regiones las áreas de manejo y explotación de recursos bentónicos (AMERB) se han establecido como la principal herramienta de manejo del recurso loco (Concholepas concholepas). Sin embargo, su aplicabilidad para la administración y aporte en términos del desarrollo sustentable, aunque sugerentes, requieren de una evaluación objetiva, en cuanto al manejo de carácter discreto que se ha establecido para cada AMERB, desconociendo la eventual interacción espacial de las mismas. En este marco, se desarrolla una aproximación para evaluar el desempeño de las AMERBs desde una perspectiva integral bajo un enfoque metapoblacional. Si bien el estudio está orientado a proporcionar la información de campo que permita probar la hipótesis de metapoblaciones...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Natural populations; Fishery resources; Exploitation; Resource management; Benthos; Benthos; Fishery resources; Resource management; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Bilan du suivi de l'exploitation industrielle de la crépidule en Bretagne Nord (baies de Saint-Brieuc et du Mont Saint-Michel) 2002-2005 ArchiMer
Blanchard, Michel; Hamon, Dominique.
The slipper-limpet (Crepidula fornicata) is a marine gastropod which causes serious perturbations in shellfish beds, because of spatial spreading and density rising. Along French coasts, in Northern Brittany, two bays are highly colonized : bay of Saint-Brieuc, centre for scallops fishery, and bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, a famous oyster-farming area, with a total limpet stock about 450 000 metric tons. The association AREVAL was founded in 2001 to manage there, an industrial collect of limpets by a succing-dredge, followed ashore by a treatment for calcareous soil improvement. The scientific survey, contracted to IFREMER, included measurements of long andshort-term dredge's effects on grounds and limpet population, and proposals to set up dredging...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Western Channel; Bay of Mont Saint Michel; Bay of Saint Brieuc; Impact; Dredging; Treatment; Crepidula fornicata; Slipper limpet; Manche Ouest; Baie du Mont Saint Michel; Baie de Saint Brieuc; Impact; Dragage; Exploitation; Crepidula fornicata; Crépidule.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Biodiversity and distribution of bivalves on the Aquitain coast (Bay of Biscay, France) ArchiMer
De Casamajor, Marie-noelle; Caill-milly, Nathalie; Morandeau, Gilles; Lissardy, Muriel.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalves; Bathymetric distribution; Sedimentation; Exploitation; Aquitaine.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Biological sampling of non-quota species. ArchiMer
Dunn, M. R.; Rogers, S. I.; Morizur, Yvon; Tetard, Alain; Aublet, B; Le Niliot, Ph; Miossec, Dominique.
The objective of this study was to develop an effective biological sampling programme for fish species in the English Channel (ICES Divisions Vild and Vile) which are not subject to quota management, and to prepare these data for use in multispecies, multi-fleet models being developed by the Channel Fisheries Study Group. Length and age data were coIlected for six non-quota species, and length data for a further five species. The samples were coIlected over a period of two years from important ports on the French and UK coasts. The exploitation patterns of each species were described by allocating catches from similar catching gears, regions, seasons and target species into common units referred to as métiers. The most important métiers in terms of landed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biological sampling; Commercial species; Exploitation; Fishery management.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Biologie et exploitation de l'araignée de mer Maja squinado Herbst en Manche Ouest ArchiMer
Le Foll, Didier.
The aim of this work, which was done as a Doctorate of Philosophy (Phd), was to collect the information necessary to help improve the management of the western Channel spider crab stock. The fîrst section présents the main aspects of spider crab population biology. As well as contributing our own results on spider crab habitat, stock density, démographie structure, growth and mortality estimâtes, migrations, reproduction and recruitment, a synthesis is included of the existing scientific literature. The second section on exploitation covers various features of the fishery : its history, fishing methods, fleet structure, spatial and seasonal distribution of fishing efforts in 1986, trends in the landings, fishing effort and catch per unit effort,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Exploitation; Biologie; Manche; Maja squinado; Araignée; Exploitation; Biology; English Channel; Maja squinado; Spider crab.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Biologie et exploitation du poulpe Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797) des côtes mauritaniennes OceanDocs
Dia, M.A..
L’étude porte sur l’exploitation, la biologie et la dynamique du poulpe (Octopus vulgaris, Cuvier) des eaux mauritaniennes. La répartition spatio-temporelle dans la région du Cap Blanc ne semble être liée ni à la taille, ni au sexe, mais varie au cours de l’année. L’analyse de l’état actuel de la pêcherie basée sur les congélateurs céphalopodiers met en évidence une augmentation de l’effort de pêche et la poursuite de chute des p.u.e. La composition des captures révèle une progression du pourcentage des individus de poids inférieur à 200 grammes (« poulpo »). L’étude biologique montre qu’il existe deux saisons de reproduction par an (mai-juillet et septembre-novembre) qui engendrent deux recrutements, l’un en mai et l’autre à partir de septembre. La...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Common octopus; Population dynamics; Environnement; Dynamique de population; Exploitation; Environment; Poulpe; ZEE Mauritanienne; Distribution; Mauritanian EEZ; Biologie; Croissance; Growth; Octopus vulgaris; Biology; Octopus fisheries.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Cheese whey exploitation in Brazil: a questionnaire survey Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
TRINDADE,Monika B.; SOARES,Bruna C. V.; SCUDINO,Hugo; GUIMARÃES,Jonas T.; ESMERINO,Erick A.; FREITAS,Mônica Q.; PIMENTEL,Tatiana C.; SILVA,Marcia Cristina; SOUZA,Simone L. Q.; ALMADA,Rafael B.; CRUZ,Adriano G..
Abstract This study aimed to carry out a diagnosis of the cheese whey exploitation by the Brazilian dairy industry using a questionnaire survey. The dairy industries (n=100) were mainly from Southeast (55%) and South (25%) regions and supervised by the Federal Inspection System (80%). Most of them produced (67%) and processed (60%) sweet cheese whey, using it in whey dairy beverages (60%), Ricotta (20%), whey concentrate (15%), and milk blends (5%), which were resold for supermarkets (53%) or industries (20%). However, 27% of the industries discard whey in the effluent treatment system or use as animal feed, suggesting a market for using this by-product.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cheese whey; Exploitation; Brazil; Survey.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Combined effects of exploitation and temperature on fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic ArchiMer
Rouyer, Tristan; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Hidalgo, Manuel; Stenseth, Nils C..
Fish stock fluctuations are affected by two potentially confounding forces: the removal of individuals by fisheries and climatic variations affecting the productivity of fish populations. Disentangling the relative importance of these forces has thus been a question of primary importance for fisheries management and conservation. Through the analysis of long-term time-series for 27 fish stocks from the Northeast Atlantic, the present study shows that the sign and intensity of the effect of temperature on biomass are dependent on the geographical location: the stocks located at the southernmost and northernmost latitudes of our study displayed stronger associations with temperature than the stocks located in the middle range of latitudes. As a consequence,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Combined climate/exploitation effect; Exploitation; Fish stocks; Northeast Atlantic; Response to climate; Time-series.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Croissance relative, sex-ratio et exploitation de la crevette blanche metapenaeus monoceros (fabricius, 1798) du golfe de gabes (tunisie) OceanDocs
Jarboui, O.; Ben Abdallah, O.; Missaoui, H.; Ben Hadj Hamida, N..
Les crevettes, particulièrement Penaeus kerathurus, sont considérées parmi les espèces de crustacés les plus exploitées au niveau des côtes tunisiennes, essentiellement dans le golfe de Gabès. Depuis l’année 1993, une nouvelle espèce de crevette d’origine lesseptienne est apparue dans le golfe et s’est bien adaptée avec ses conditions climatiques et environnementales : c’est la crevette blanche Metapenaeus monoceros. L’objectif principal de cette étude consiste à suivre l’exploitation de cette espèce dans la région du golfe de Gabès, à étudier sa croissance relative et à déterminer la composition des captures selon le sexe. D’après les résultats obtenus nous avons pu constater que, durant la dernière décennie, la production de cette espèce dans le golfe de...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Crevettes; Espèces exotiques; Exploitation; Croissance; Shrimps MED; Tunisia; Gabes Gulf Metapenaeus monoceros Growth Introduced species Marine crustaceans Sex ratio Growth Sex ratio
Ano: 2003 URL:
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De la biodiversité aux biotechnologies bleues : la caractérisation et l'exploitation des ressources marines sont-elles compatibles? ArchiMer
Goulletquer, Philippe.
L’exploitation de la biodiversité marine, notamment via les biotechnologies, offre un réel potentiel de valorisation comme le démontre l'accélération des dépôts de brevets utilisant des substances actives marines. Ce point est renforcé par les particularités uniques de la biodiversité marine. Le défi à l’heure actuelle est de définir les conditions d’exploitation durable dans un contexte de connaissances limitées des écosystèmes concernés. Si les activités actuelles tendent à privilégier la préservation de l’environnement marin, le développement de connaissances et la levée de verrous technologiques permettront probablement à l’avenir d’identifier les ressources d’intérêt puis de les exploiter par des approches industrielles innovantes (e.g.,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversité; Ressources Marines; Biodiversité marine; Biotechnologies; Gestion; Exploitation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Distribution of economic benefits from the fisheries of Lake Victoria OceanDocs
Abila, R.O.; Odongkara, K.O.; Onyango, P.O..
The Lake Victoria fishery contributes immensely to the socio-economic development of the riparian states. The East African Community has designated the lake basin as an ‘economic growth zone’, with the potential to develop into a major economic region. The fisheries are vital in creating employment opportunities, mostly rural-based, thereby helping to reduce rural-urban migration. Fish is also a rich source of animal protein for human consumption and provides raw material (fishmeal) for processing animal feeds. The fish industry contributes to GDP and has continued to be an important source of foreign exchange earned from fish exports. Besides, the fish industry contributes to the national and local government revenues through levying of various taxes,...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Fishery economics; Fishery management; Fishery policy; Marketing; Resource management; Socioeconomic aspects; Economic benefits; Trade; Riparian zone; Economic analysis; International policy; Exploitation; Resource development; Freshwater fish; Inland fisheries; Inland water environment; Lake fisheries; Lake fisheries; Fishery management; Marketing; Economic analysis; Resource development; Resource management; Trade; Inland fisheries; Inland water environment; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Ecología y conservación de los grandes tiburones costeros de Bahía Anegada, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. OceanDocs
Lucifora, L.O..
Reproduction, age, growth, feeding habits and population dynamics of four large temperate sharks (sand tiger shark Carcharias taurus, school shark Galeorhinus galeus, copper shark Carcharhinus brachyurus, and broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus) were studied in Anegada Bay (between 39°50' and 40°40'S), Argentina. Data were gathered from 1089 individuals examined during a three-year study period. Age and growth were studied through examination of vertebral centra only in the first three species. Population dynamics was modeled through stage matrix population models. Most sand tiger sharks examined were adults and evidence indicates that they use the study area as a mating ground. Sand tiger males mature at 193 and females at 223 cm total length...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Reproductive behaviour; Feeding behaviour; Age; Growth; Exploitation; Shark fisheries; Reproductive behaviour; Feeding behaviour; Growth; Age; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Ecosystem approach to fisheries: a brief overview and some considerations for its application in ICCAT ArchiMer
Fromentin, Jean-marc; Fonteneau, Alain; Restrepo, Victor.
During the last SCRS plenary meeting, the sub-committee on environment suggested to present a document on the ‘Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries’ (EAF). This document firstly recalls the general scientific and institutional background of EAF, then we propose a synoptic view of EAF, including four main domains: governance, exploitation, resources and impacts on ecosystems. The way that EAF is tackled within the various tuna commissions is then summarised. Finally, we rapidly examine the way the SCRS could cope with EAF issues and we suggest to merge the sub-committee on environment with this on by-catch into a single subcommittee on ecosystem.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem; Resources; Exploitation; Governance; Environment; By-catch.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Estado de explotación del recurso besugo (Epigonus crassicaudus) en Chile OceanDocs
Wiff, R.; Quiroz, J.C.; Tascheri, R..
The exploitation status of cardinalfish (Epigonus crassicaudus) yielded in Chile between 33° to 41°S was analyzed. An indirect assessment was performed between 1997 and 2003 through size-structured model with a transition matrix defining the changes among sizes. The model was calibrated using size structures, official landings, catch-per-unit of effort (CPUE) taken from commercial fishing logbooks and standardized by generalized linear models (GLM). After 7 years of an intense fishery activity, we concluded that the cardinalfish resource in Chile is on the recruitment overfishing limit. On 2003, the spawning biomass with respect to the virginal spawning biomass is close to 40%. The biological references points (BRP) based on spawning per recruit biomass...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Exploitation; Fisheries; Stock assessment; Fisheries; Stock assessment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Etude bathymetrique et sedimentologique des etangs de Diane et d'Urbino en Corse. ArchiMer
Longere, Paul; Dorel, Didier; Marin, Jean.
2 ponds (or lagoon) were studied in order to establish the economic possibilities of their exploitation for oysters. Bathymetric and sediment maps were produced using methods described. They indicate a morphological similarity between the ponds, with a superficial broken bed and a regular, flat or gently sloping bed beyond 7 m, the general form reflecting the aerial relief of the adjacent `coast'. The deeper regions had mud or clay sediment, while the edges of the ponds were covered with sand. In more detailed studies it was evident that the banks of Diane were more regular and steep than those of Urbino, and that only in the latter was there a good relationship between the depth of water and the carbon/nitrogen ratio. Differences are thought to relate to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Corsica; Studies; Exploitation; Oysters; Sedimentologic; Bathymetric.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Etude de la dynamique des systèmes d’exploitations et de l’éco biologie de la reproduction, de trois Mugilidés : <Mugil cephalus> (Linnaeus, 1758),< Liza aurata> (Perugia, 1892) et< Mugil capurrii> (Risso, 1810), analyse de leurs stratégies d’occupations des secteurs littoraux mauritaniens et de leurs possibilités d’aménagement. OceanDocs
Ould Mohamed Vall, M..
Résumé : En Mauritanie, un constat clair met en évidence une tendance de sur-exploitation « en série» des stocks à haute valeur, des Mugilidés; le mulet jaune premièrement, puis ensuite le mulet noir et le mulet doré (espèces pouvant être considérées de substitution). L’exploitation intensive du mulet jaune à partir de 1996 a conduit au ciblage du mulet noir à partir de 1998 et puis, plus récemment encore, celui du mulet doré en 2001. L’absence d’une gestion rationnelle risque de conduire, dans moins de sept ans à la quasi-disparition de ces ressources (logiquement renouvelables). C’est dans ce contexte de baisses des rendements, auquel s’ajoute la dégradation des zones littorales par l’action anthropique sans cesse croissante, que ce travail a permis...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Biology; Distribution; Ecological distribution; Exploitation; Abundance; Legislation; Reproduction; Stock identification; Zonal distribution; Distribution; Biology; Legislation; Reproduction.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Etude diagnostic de la pêcherie de mulets sur la grande côte du Sénégal OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Mullet fisheries; Reproduction; Growth; Migrations; Ecology; Stocks; Landing statistics; Inland fisheries; Fishing gear; Exploitation; Canoe fisheries; Marketing; Artisanal fishing; Fishing licenses; Mesh regulations; Protected areas; Reef fisheries; Fishing effort.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Evaluación y manejo de praderas de feofitas en la Provincia de Arauco OceanDocs
Ávila, M.; Cáceres, J.; Núñez, M.; Camus, P.; Romo, H.; Pérez, R..
El objetivo general del proyecto fue evaluar los stocks y proponer alternativas de explotación de las praderas de feofitas (Durvillaea antarctica y Macrocystis pyrifera) de la Provincia de Arauco, VIII Región. Este objetivo se logró a través de los siguientes objetivos específicos: identificar y caracterizar los algares de Durvillaea y Macrocystis de la Provincia de Arauco; determinar el estado poblacional de los algares identificados; analizar alternativas de explotación y acciones de manejo para los algares identificados en la zona de estudio de acuerdo a la realidad local; proponer regímenes de explotación y acciones de manejo, para los algares identificados en la zona de estudio de acuerdo a la realidad local.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Algae; Stock assessment; Exploitation; Resource management; Stock assessment; Algae; Resource management; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evaluation of protein extraction methods to obtain protein concentrate from cassava leaf REA
Coldebella,Priscila F.; Gomes,Simone D.; Evarini,Janete A.; Cereda,Marney P.; Coelho,Sílvia R. M.; Coldebella,Anderson.
The cassava leaf, waste generated in the harvest of the roots, is characterized by high content of protein, vitamins and minerals; however, its use is limited due to the high fiber content and antinutritional substances, which can be removed by obtaining protein concentrates. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate protein extraction processes, aiming the use of cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crantz) as an alternative protein. Four methods were tested: 1) Coagulation of Proteins by Lowering the Temperature, 2) Extraction by Isoelectric Precipitation, 3) Solubilization of Proteins and 4) Fermentation of Filter Leaf Juice. To obtain the concentrates, the use of fresh or dried leaves and extraction in one or two steps were also...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Exploitation; Agricultural waste; Protein extraction.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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