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The good(ish), the bad, and the ugly: a tripartite classification of ecosystem trends 5
Bundy, Alida; Shannon, Lynne J.; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Neira, Sergio; Shin, Yunne-jai; Hill, Louize; Aydin, Kerim.
Marine ecosystems have been exploited for a long time, growing increasingly vulnerable to collapse and irreversible change. How do we know when an ecosystem may be in danger? A measure of the status of individual stocks is only a partial gauge of its status, and does not include changes at the broader ecosystem level, to non-commercial species or to its structure or functioning. Six ecosystem indicators measuring trends over time were collated for 19 ecosystems, corresponding to four ecological attributes: resource potential, ecosystem structure and functioning, conservation of functional biodiversity, and ecosystem stability and resistance to perturbations. We explored the use of a decision-tree approach, a definition of initial ecosystem state (impacted...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Comparative approach; Decision tree; Ecosystem classification; Ecosystem indicator; Exploited marine ecosystems.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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