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Exporting Kenya's Horticultural Products: Challenges and Opportunities in The 21st Century AgEcon
Nyangweso, P.M.; Odhiambo, Mark O..
The horticultural export sector has experienced rapid growth since 1966 because of the active role by the private sector and minimum government intervention. The European Union is the largest consumer of Kenyan horticultural exports. Kenyan horticultural exports to the European Union accounted for 45 percent of the total exports in 2000. In recent years, horticultural export growth has declined. The quality of production has declined, following a reduction of the role of exporters in supporting production by small-scale farmers. This has reduced Kenya’s competitiveness in the horticultural export market at time when the sector is faced with increased competition from other producer countries. The reform of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Kenya; Export Horticulture; Challenges; Opportunities; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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