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Export Performance in Fiji, 1960 to 1999 31
Fleming, Euan M.; Blowes, Anita.
Stochastic dominance analysis was used to assess export performance in Fiji from 1960 to 1999. A country with reasonably abundant resources, Fiji has made effective use of its quite substantial resources to increase total export values significantly over the study period, with an average rate of growth of 2.6 per cent per annum. Non-agricultural exports were the source of this growth, increasing annually by 7.3 per cent. Growth was particularly strong from the late 1980s despite the loss of skills and capital flight in the wake of the May 1987 coup and military takeover. The economy clearly benefited from a policy switch from a trade protectionist policy with a high degree of government intervention to an export-oriented strategy based on private...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Export performance; Fiji; Stochastic dominance; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Export Performance in Papua New Guinea, 1960 to 1999 31
Fleming, Euan M.; Blowes, Anita.
Stochastic dominance analysis was used to assess export performance in Papua New Guinea from 1960 to 1999. A country with abundant natural resources, Papua New Guinea was able to experience significant growth in total export values throughout the final four decades of the 20th century, with each succeeding decade stochastically dominating the previous one. The expansion of mineral and energy exports from the early 1970s was the major source of this growth. The powerful influence of an expanding minerals and energy sector must nevertheless be of concern in that this sector and other non-agricultural resource sectors comprise mainly extractive or quasi-extractive industries given the production practices that currently exist. Little progress has been made...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Export performance; Papua New Guinea; Stochastic dominance; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Export Performance in South Pacific Countries Comparatively Well Endowed with Natural Resources: Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, 1960 to 1999 31
Fleming, Euan M.; Blowes, Anita.
Stochastic dominance analysis was used to assess export performance in two Melanesian countries of similar size and structure that are comparatively well endowed with natural resources: Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Total export values increased over the study period in Solomon Islands, brought about by a significant increase in the value of non-agricultural resource exports. Agricultural exports showed small increases but the average annual rate of growth was only 1.3 per cent for agricultural export values compared with 10.7 per cent in non-agricultural export values. The record of commodity export performance in Vanuatu over the study period was less impressive, with a small average annual decline in total export values. This decline was caused by...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Export performance; Stochastic dominance; Solomon Islands; Vanuatu; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Export Performance in South Pacific Countries Marginally Endowed with Natural Resources: Samoa and Tonga, 1960 to 1999 31
Fleming, Euan M.; Blowes, Anita.
Stochastic dominance analysis was used to assess export performance in two Polynesian countries of similar size and structure that are both marginally endowed with natural resources: Samoa and Tonga. In general, total and agricultural export values declined over the study period in both countries, brought about by a significant decline in the value of agricultural exports while non- agricultural exports showed small increases. The one exception to this trend was in Tonga during the 1990s when squash exports brought about a revival in agricultural export values. Results suggest that these countries are likely to struggle to achieve sustainable economic development, given their limited natural resource endowments. The fisheries sector holds the key to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Export performance; Stochastic dominance; Samoa; Tonga; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Export Performance in South Pacific Countries With Inadequate Endowments of Natural Resources: Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue and Tuvalu, 1960 to 1999 31
Fleming, Euan M.; Blowes, Anita.
Stochastic dominance analysis was used to assess export performance in four South Pacific island countries with very limited natural resources: Cook Islands; Kiribati; Niue; and Tuvalu. Total export values declined significantly over the study period in all four countries, brought about by a significant decline in the value of agricultural exports while non-agricultural exports showed only small increases. Results seem to confirm the view that these countries have insufficient natural resource endowments for sustainable economic development without outside support. The fisheries sector holds the key to whether the economies under study (bar Niue) can transform themselves into productive ones by exploiting further the fishery resources within their EEZs...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Export performance; Cook Islands; Kiribati; Niue; Stochastic dominance; Tuvalu; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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India's Reform of External Sector Policies and Future Multilateral Trade Negotiations 31
Srinivasan, T.N..
I evaluate India's transition from an inward-oriented development strategy to greater participation in the world economy. While tariff rates have decreased significantly over the past decade, India is still one of the more autarkic countries. Despite improvement over the past in export performance, India continues to lag behind its South- and East Asian neighbors. Second, official debt flows have been largely replaced by foreign direct investment (FDI) and portfolio investment in the 1990s. India's ability to attract FDI would be greatly enhanced by further reforms. I argue that India's participation in a future round of multilateral trade negotiations would benefit India. I outline the further reforms most needed: reform of labour and bankruptcy laws,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: India; Antidumping; Developing countries; Economic reform; Export performance; Foreign direct investment; Intellectual property rights; Multilateral trade negotiations; Quantitative restrictions; Real exchange rate; Tariff and non-tariff barriers; World Trade Organization; International Relations/Trade; F13; F14; F15; F21; F35; H54; K31; O34; O38; O53; P11.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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International Competition and Environmental Expenditures: Empirical Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Plants 31
Kaiser, Kai; Schulze, Gunther G..
This paper analyzes environmental expenditures in Indonesia - a significant newly industrializing economy - reported at the plant level comprising all 23 thousand manufacturing establishments with more than 20 employees. Since compliance is barely enforced, pollution abatement expenditures are effectively voluntary in nature. This allows us to test whether foreign owned firms expend more due to a technology that adheres to stricter Western standards or whether the predominant effect is that both foreign and domestic exporting companies are more environmentally conscious due to better technology transfer or green consumerism in the Western countries. If so, this would contradict conventional wisdom that environmental expenditures reduce competitiveness and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental regulation; Competitiveness; Multinational enterprises; Green consumerism; Export performance; Indonesia; Environmental Economics and Policy; F1; Q1.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment to China's Export Performance: Evidence from Disaggregated Sectors 31
Gu, Weishi; Awokuse, Titus O.; Yuan, Yan.
There has been a long debate in the theoretical and empirical economic circles on how host country's exports respond to inward foreign direct investment (FDI). This paper examines whether FDI stimulates export performance of the recipient countries using the case of China. It contributes to the literature by investigating the relationship of FDI and export performance using disaggregated manufacturing sectors from 1995 to 2005. The empirical results suggest that FDI flows into China have statistically significant and positive effects on its exports and it exhibits differences across sectors.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Export performance; Foreign direct investment; China; Panel data; International Relations/Trade; F21; F14; C33.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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