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Mudanças cambiais e o efeito dos fatores de crescimento das receitas de exportações brasileiras de soja AgEcon
Souza, Sonia Sueli Serafim de; Lamera, Janice Alves; Bonjour, Sandra Cristina de Moura; Figueiredo, Adriano Marcos Rodrigues.
This paper analyzes exchange rate, export quantity and foreign soybean price in soybean export revenues between 1994 and 2005. We used the shift-share method which allowed the isolation of effects for each variable. The results evidenced that even with adverse exchange rates and foreign prices the quantities exported were increasing in almost all the period. The two main trade policies in act by the Brazilian Government, since the beginning of the Real Plan in 1994, were clearly decisive for the increase in soybean export revenues and exported quantities.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Exchange rate; Export revenues; Soybean; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Jakus, Paul M.; Jensen, Kimberly L.; Davis, George C..
The USDA recently redirected the Market Access Program (MAP) to allocate all branded products export promotion funds to small firms and cooperatives. The redirection was, in part, a response to reports by the General Accounting Office that were critical of past allocations of export promotion funds to large, experienced exporters. This study uses a firm level analysis to examine firms’' effectiveness in using Market Promotion Program (MPP, which is now the MAP) funds to increase revenues. Whereas point estimates suggested that smaller firms were more effective in translating MPP funds into increased revenue than larger firms, these point estimates for small firms were statistically indistinguishable from zero. In contrast, large firms showed an...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Export promotion programs; Export sales; Export revenues; Market Promotion Program; Firm-level analysis; Joint estimation; Financial Economics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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