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A Case of Unilateral Fenestration and Duplication of the External Jugular Vein 77
Snoj,Ziga; Cvetko,Erika.
The external jugular vein is increasingly being utilized as the recipient vein in head and neck free tissue transfers, and for cannulation in order to conduct diagnostic procedures or intravenous therapies. The variations in the patterns of its course, and knowledge of them, are therefore important. We report on a unique and previously non-described unilateral fenestration and duplication of the external jugular vein found during the neck dissection of a 77-year-old female cadaver. Embryological evaluation and clinical implications of the anomaly are described. Clinicians and surgeons performing neck vascular or reconstructive surgery should be aware of this variation of the external jugular vein in the hope of preventing inadvertent injury.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: External jugular vein; Anatomical variation; Fenestration; Duplication.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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An Anomalous Left External Jugular Vein Draining into Right Subclavian Vein: A Case Report 77
Rajanigandha,V; Rajalakshmi,R; Ranade,A. V; Pai,M. M; Prabhu,L. V; Ashwin,K; Jiji,P. J..
Knowledge of the varying drainage patterns of superficial veins of head & neck, in particular, jugular veins are not only important for anatomists but also for the surgeons operating at this level and to clinicians in general. The variations are important for interventional radiologists too who perform transjugular procedures, such as port implantations and the transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt or selective venous samplings. Results of recent studies report that the superficial veins, especially the external jugular vein (EJV), is been increasingly utilized for cannulation to conduct diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. We report a very unusual presentation of external jugular vein on left side of an embalmed male cadáver....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: External jugular vein; Variations; Jugular venous system.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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An Unusual Termination of Seven Veins in the Jugulo-Subclavian Junction 77
Panagouli,Eleni; Tsaraklis,Athanasios; Gazouli,Ioanna; Venieratos,Dionyssios.
During anatomical dissection of a female Caucasian cadaver in our department, we observed an unusual termination of seven veins at the jugulo-subclavian junction. Normally, the jugulo-subclavian junction is formed by the union of the internal jugular vein and the subclavian vein, and gives rise to the brachionocephalic vein. In our case, except from these two, five additional veins, namely the cephalic vein, the transverse cervical vein, the external jugular vein, the anterior jugular vein, and the vertebral vein, were also joined at the level of the jugulo-subclavian junction, in order to form the brachionocephalic vein. Such a variation has not yet been reported in the literature.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Subclavian vein; Brachiocephalic vein; Cephalic vein; Interior jugular vein; External jugular vein.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Central venous access through the external jugular vein in children submitted to bone marrow transplantation 52
Godoy,José Luiz de; Otta,Edson Keity; Miyazaki,Ricardo Atsumori; Bitencourt,Marco Antonio; Pasquini,Ricardo.
Establishment of long-term central venous access is a sine qua non step for bone marrow transplantation in children. Most frequently, long-term central venous access has been obtained via blind percutaneous cannulation of subclavian and internal jugular veins or via internal jugular vein cutdown. In order to avoid some potential minor and major complications associated with the subclavian or internal jugular approaches, the authors describe an easy, simple and safe method for central venous access through an external jugular vein cutdown that should be of interest to readers involved in the field of bone marrow transplantation. It should be also considered for children as well as adults needing central venous access via an external catheter - or totally...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Central venous access; External jugular vein; Bone marrow transplantation; Catheter.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Communication of the External and Internal Jugular Veins: A Case Report 77
Lalwani,Rekha; Rana,Kum Kum; Das,Srijit; Khan,Riyazul Qamar.
The external jugular vein, which traverses the sternocleidomastoid muscle superficially, is known to exhibit variations in its formation and course. There are less reports on the communication of the external and internal jugular vein. During routine cadaveric dissection, we detected an abnormal communication of the external jugular vein and the internal jugular vein, in a 45 year male cadaver. The knowledge of both normal and abnormal anatomy of the superficial veins of the neck may be important for clinicians performing catheterization and surgeons operating in the region of the neck. The presence of such anomalous communications may also be important for radiologists performing angiographic and sonographic studies
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: External jugular vein; Internal jugular vein; Anatomical variations.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Two Rare Anatomical Variations of External Jugular Vein: an Embryological Overview 77
Ghosh,Susmita; Mandal,Lopamudra; Roy,Sanchita; Bandyopadhyay,Manimay.
Human anatomy is an ocean of unending variations and its mysteries are being unravelled since ages. Knowledge of variations in the superficial veins of head and neck is essential to carry out successful surgical procedures. During routine dissection of head and neck of two middle aged male cadavers, in the Department of Anatomy, Calcutta National Medical College, Kolkata, India, we came out with some interesting venous architecture. The retromandibular vein on the left side of both the cadavers was found to be undivided and joined with the facial vein in the neck at an acute angle to form a common venous trunk at variable distances from the angle of the mandible. That trunk ultimately drained into the left subclavian vein. This might be the result of...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: External jugular vein; Retromandibular vein; Facial vein; Variation; Communication.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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