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Extreme coastal events linked with climate variation. Understanding low salinity episodes in the Bay of Brest, north-eastern Atlantic ArchiMer
Poppeschi, Coline; Charria, Guillaume; Unterberger, Maximilian; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Goberville, Eric; Barrier, Nicolas; Petton, Sebastien; Grossteffan, Emilie; Repecaud, Michel; Quemener, Loic; Theetten, Sebastien; Le Roux, Jean-francois; Treguer, Paul.
Aims - To detect and characterise extreme events in a coastal ecosystem by combining in situ high-frequency observations and high-resolution numerical simulations -To describe the interannual variability of extreme events in a context of climate change  -To quantify the links between extreme low salinity episodes and both large and local scale processes, using weather regimes, precipitations and river runoffs as proxies of hydro-climate forcing
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: In-situ observations; High and low frequency measurements; Extreme events; Numerical simulations; Bay of Brest; Weather regimes..
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Gauging the Vulnerability of Local Water Utilities to Extreme Weather Events AgEcon
Hersh, Robert; Wernstedt, Kris.
Water utilities that rely on surface water may be vulnerable to future droughts and floods, a vulnerability that may be magnified by climate perturbations as well as shorter-term and, in some cases, ongoing changes in the political and regulatory environment in which utilities operate. Unfortunately, day-to-day responsibilities currently occupy most utility operators, leaving little time to plan for inherently uncertain effects. The record of actual responses to past droughts and floods can be illuminating, however, particularly when placed in the context of plausible hydrologic and institutional disruptions. This paper draws on interviews of water utility operators in the northwestern U.S. to highlight opportunities and constraints that water utilities...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Water utilities; Extreme events; Environmental planning; Climate variability; Climate change; Adaptation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Impact assesment of Cyclone Sally on the almost atoll of Aitutaki (cook Islands) by remote sensing ArchiMer
Loubersac, Lionel; Dahl, Arthur; Collote, Pascal; Lemaire, Olivier; D'Ozouville, Laurent.
Damage from tropical cyclones can have major consequences for coral reef structure and ecology, as well as for human communities and human uses of coral reef resources. Remote sensing with high resolution multispectral satellite images can be used to asses large scale cyclone damages on coral reef areas. SPOT images of the almost atoll of AITUTAKI (Cook Islands) taken in june 1986 and february 1987 after the passage of Cyclone Sally near the island in january, were transformed and subjected to a textural analysis, and then compared to asses damage on the reefs and lagoon.New shallow sand and rubble deposits showed increased reflectance, while lower reflectance seemed associated with damage to reef structure, scouring in the lagoon, deposits of terrestrial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ICRS 6; Remote sensing; Reflectance; Stresses; Cyclones; Extreme events; Coral reef; Lagoon; Natural System; External Threats & Opportunities.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Negative effects of wind speed on individual foraging performance and breeding success in little penguins ArchiMer
Saraux, Claire; Chiaradia, Andre; Salton, Marcus; Dann, Peter; Viblanc, Vincent A..
Most effects of environmental and climate variability on predator life history traits and population dynamics result from indirect effects mediated through the food chain. There is growing evidence that wind strength might affect seabirds while foraging at sea. Here, we investigated the effect of wind speed on the foraging performance of a flightless marine predator, the little penguin (Eudyptula minor). To this end, we used satellite-derived wind data collected over 11 breeding seasons during which the daily attendance and body mass changes of more than 200 penguins breeding at Phillip Island (Victoria, Australia) were recorded by an automated penguin monitoring system. Over 17 363 foraging trips, we found that wind speed had important effects on foraging...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Body condition; Chick rearing; Climate change vs. climate variability; Eudyptula minor; Extreme events; Seabird.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Sediment transport in the Bay of Marseille : Role of extrem events. ArchiMer
Verney, Romaric; Jany, Cassandre; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Pairaud, Ivane; Vousdoukas, Michalis I.; Pinazo, Christel; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Cann, Philippe.
Human pressures on ecosystems have increased significantly over the last decades, and especially Mediterranean coasts are strongly impacted by the development of big cities and industrialized area, such as the Bay of Marseille. Prior to any investigations on ecological or contamination impacts, it was necessary to understand sediment dynamics and its response to natural extreme events such as storm or heavy rainfall events. In situ observations were dedicated to understand the behavior of bed sediments, and their spatial distribution. A benthic station was deployed for three months to observe the impact of extreme events on hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in a critical zone of the study area. These measurementswere used to calibrate and validate the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment dynamics; Large coastal cities; Urban pressure; Extreme events; Wave; Rainfall; Marseille.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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