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A 2004 Social Accounting Matrix for Israel: Documentation of an Economy-Wide Database with a Focus on Agriculture, the Labour Market, and Income Distribution 31
Siddig, Khalid H.A.; Flaig, Dorothee; Luckmann, Jonas; Grethe, Harald.
This document describes the Israeli Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the year 2004, developed by the Agricultural and Food Policy Group at the University of Hohenheim. The SAM is a part of a larger research project which aims to analyse several economic, trade, and labour policies in the context of economic integration of agriculture between Israel and the West Bank. Data are obtained from various sources in Israel. Sources include the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS), the Central Bank of Israel (CBI), and the Israeli Tax Authority (ITA). Data from sources outside of Israel are used to fill-in some gaps in the domestic reports. External sources include the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: SAM; IO Table; CGE; Database; Israel.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Labor and Human Capital; C6; C8; D1; D3; D5; D6; E2; E6; F1; F2; H2.
Año: 2011 URL:
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A Framework for Estimating U.S. WTO Domestic Support to 2015 31
Quiroga, Jose.
The framework allows comprehensive and consistent measurement and classification of U.S. domestic support to 2015 under different assumptions. Projections of future U.S. domestic support patterns are made with estimates published in the USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections. We also use information from the OECD, FAPRI, NASS, and our own estimates. We present key elements and an overview of our analytical framework, assumptions of a baseline scenario, and some analytical results and observations arising from our analysis. The baseline scenario extends the classification of programs in WTO notifications to 2015. The framework consists of 65 spreadsheets, which are grouped into 4 analytical stages: calculation of program estimates by commodity; calculation...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palabras clave: Agriculture; AMS; De minimis; Domestic support; WTO; Framework; International Relations/Trade; F1; Q1; Q17; Q18; F13.
Año: 2006 URL:
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A graphical analysis of the functioning of tariff rate quotas: market access and welfare effects for exporting countries 31
Laroche Dupraz, Catherine; Matthews, Alan.
This paper analyses the economics of tariff rate quotas assuming a large importing country and several different suppliers with differing levels of competitiveness. Eleven theoretical situations are distinguished according to the way the quota is allocated to exporters, the level of constraint imposed by the quota and the relative competitiveness of export suppliers. A graphical analysis is developed and the effects of tariff rate quotas on market access and welfare gains for exporters are discussed in the eleven cases.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Tariff rate quotas; Quota rents; Market access; International Relations/Trade; F1.
Año: 2007 URL:
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Wang, Kai-Li; Barrett, Christopher B..
This paper takes a new empirical look at the longstanding question of the effect of exchange rate volatility on international trade flows by studying the case of Taiwan's exports to the United States from 1989-1998. In particular, we employ sectoral level, monthly data and a multivariate GARCH-M estimator with corrections for leptokurtic errors that is consistent with the core hypothesis that traders' forward contracting behavior might be affected by exchange rate risk. We find that real exchange rate risk has insignificant effects in most sectors, although agricultural trade volumes appear highly responsive to real exchange rate volatility. These results differ significantly from those obtained using more conventional and restrictive modeling...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: International Relations/Trade; F1; F3.
Año: 2002 URL:
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Young, Linda M..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Wheat and wheat trade; GATT; WTO; Seattle; Agricultural trade; International Relations/Trade; F1; Q1.
Año: 2000 URL:
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Agricultural Efficiency Gains and Trade Liberalization in Sudan 31
Siddig, Khalid H.A.; Babiker, Babiker Idris.
The traditional agriculture in Sudan occupies 60% of the total cultivated land and employs 65% of the agricultural population. Nevertheless, it is characterized by its low crop productivity, which is mainly driven by low technical efficiency, while drought and civil conflicts threaten most of its areas countrywide. Therefore, it has contributed only an average of 16% to the total agricultural GDP during the last decade. This paper addresses from an empirical point of view the sectoral and macroeconomic implications of agricultural efficiency improvement in Sudan and assesses the efficiency gains under the assumption of trade liberalization. Efficiency improvement experiments are implemented by augmenting the efficiency parameters of labor, capital, and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Agricultural efficiency; Liberalization; Sudan SAM; CGE analysis; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Consumer/Household Economics; Crop Production/Industries; Food Security and Poverty; Labor and Human Capital; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; D2; D5; D6; E1; E2; F1; F2; H2.
Año: 2011 URL:
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Agricultural trade liberalisation in the Doha Round: impacts on Spain 31
Philippidis, George.
Whilst there is a growing literature of computable general equilibrium (CGE) studies examining the impacts of the current Doha Proposals, estimates for the EU are highly aggregated (i.e., EU15). Employing a detailed baseline scenario and a plausible Doha outcome, we examine the long run costs for the European Union, in particular focusing on Spain. Moreover, we implement recent CAP reforms through explicitly modelling of CAP mechanisms to provide greater credibility in assessing the long run asymmetric budgetary and welfare impacts on EU member states. Our estimates forecast resource substitution effects between Spanish agro-food sectors and resource shifts from agro-food activities into manufacturing and services production. In Spain, the impacts of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palabras clave: Doha Round; Spain; EU; CAP; Computable General Equilibrium.; F1; F13; F17; International Relations/Trade.
Año: 2005 URL:
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Central Banks’ Interest Rate and International Trade in BRIC Countries: Agriculture vs. Machinery Industry? 31
Borodin, Konstantin; Strokov, Anton.
The paper investigates interrelations between the dynamics of national central banks’ interest rates and international trade within the BRIC countries. It shows that countries with lower interest rates experience growth of the share of machinery industry exports rather than agriculture and food products, and, on the contrary, in countries with higher interest rates the share of agriculture and food exports increases and the share of machinery industry products declines. The investigation has shown that a relative shift in the interest rate can affect the specialization of countries.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palabras clave: Central banks’ interest rate; Exports; Specialization; Agribusiness; F1.
Año: 2011 URL:
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Young, Linda M..
In Canada many changes have been made, and more are pending, to their grain transportation policies. This package of policy changes has two offsetting impacts on freight rates for Canadian grain producers. The removal of transportation subsidies on grain for export offshore has roughly doubled the cost of transporting grain for the Canadian producer. In addition, the change in pooling points will increase freight rates even more for producers in the eastern part of the prairies. Whether federally owned grain hopper cars are sold to the railways, or to an association of Canadian producers, the cost of the sale is likely to be born by producers through increased freight rates over a number of years. In addition, Canadian producers will bear the cost of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Trade; Canada wheat; Montana wheat; Grain policies; Agricultural and Food Policy; F1.
Año: 1996 URL:
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Buschena, David E.; Gray, Richard S.; Severson, Ethan.
Substantial changes have taken place recently in the regulation of agricultural trade in North America. The effect of these changes on trade in agricultural commodities is of particular interest to producers and policymakers in the Northern Plains and Rockies region. In this paper, we discuss specifically the malt barley production, malting, and brewing industries in light of these new trade agreements and their ramifications. We evaluate the incentives that free trade provides for mergers between barley malting firms, and then we assess the consequences of these mergers on the realized gains from trade for consumers, barley producers, and malting firms. The globalization of markets has fundamentally changed the world in which economic agents operate....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Malting barley; Industry concentration; Free trade agreement; Industrial Organization; Q1; F1.
Año: 1998 URL:
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Smith, Vincent H.; Goodwin, Barry K..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Wheat trade; Chile; Price bands; GATT; WTO; International Relations/Trade; F1; Q1.
Año: 1999 URL:
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Common Ground Between Free-Traders and Environmentalists 31
Karp, Larry S.; Sacheti, Sandeep; Zhao, Jinhua.
We use a North-South model with property right differences and resource dynamics to study the effects of trade on resource use and welfare. Autarky is likely to Pareto-dominate free trade in the long run when the environment is quite fragile, and the result is reversed when the environment is quite resilient. Trade may cause an environmentally poor country to drag down" its richer trading partner; in this case, both countries degrade their stocks when these would be preserved under autarky. Alternatively, trade may enable the environmentally richer country to pull up" its partner; in this case both countries preserve their stocks when these would be degraded under autarky. These results rationalize the positions of environmentalists and free-traders. The...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Environmental Economics and Policy; D5; F1; O2; Q2.
Año: 1999 URL:
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Curvas de lactação de quatro grupos genéticos de mestiças Holandês-Zebu 96
Glória,Joana Ribeiro da; Bergmann,José Aurélio Garcia; Quirino,Célia Raquel; Ruas,José Reinaldo Mendes; Matos,Carlos Rafael Araújo de; Pereira,Jonas Carlos Campos.
Modelaram-se curvas de lactação a partir de 1.340 lactações de vacas F1 dos grupos Holandês-Gir, Holandês-Guzerá, Holandês-Nelore e Holandês-azebuado com controles leiteiros realizados a cada 14 dias, provenientes de duas fazendas. O manejo nutricional era à base de pastagens no verão e silagem de milho e cana-de-açúcar com ureia no inverno, e ração concentrada na ordenha, de acordo com a produção. A função Gamma Incompleta foi utilizada para estimação dos parâmetros das curvas, da produção no pico da lactação, do tempo entre o início da lactação e o pico, da persistência e da produção total de leite. Dentro de cada grupo genético, curvas foram modeladas para as várias ordens de lactação. Coeficientes de determinação ajustados foram superiores a 90% para a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Bovinos; F1; Gamma Incompleta.
Año: 2010 URL:
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Environmental and genetic effects on the lactation curves of four genetic groups of crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows 96
Glória,Joana Ribeiro da; Bergmann,José Aurélio Garcia; Quirino,Célia Raquel; Ruas,José Reinaldo Mendes; Pereira,Jonas Carlos Campos; Reis,Ronaldo Braga; Coelho,Sandra Gesteira; Silva,Martinho de Almeida e.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of genetic group and environmental factors, including farm of origin, season of calving and lactation number, on the individual lactation curves of 1,010 Holstein-Gyr, Guzerat-Holstein, Holstein-Nellore, and Holstein-Zebu F1 cows on the experimental farms of the Agricultural Research Company in Minas Gerais (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, EPAMIG). Least squares analysis and the incomplete gamma function were used to investigate differences in early milk yield, peak milk yield, time from onset to the lactation peak, persistency, total milk yield and lactation duration. The highest early yields were observed for Holstein-Gyr and Holstein-Zebu, and the lowest were observed for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Bovine; F1; Incomplete gamma function.
Año: 2012 URL:
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Colyer, Dale.
Paper presented at the 24th West Indies Agricultural Economics Conference, Granada, July 19-12, 2002. Environmental issues have become important in trade agreement negotiations. NAFTA explicitly includes environmental provisions and they are affecting ongoing WTO and FTAA negotiations. The final role of the environment in the FTAA is uncertain, given opposition by most of the members. The draft FTAA agreement does not contain a separate section on the environment, but a U.S. position paper indicates that environmental provisions are important and that U.S. negotiators will seek to incorporate environmental concerns into specific chapters such those on investment and agriculture. The large number and varied economic and environmental conditions of the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palabras clave: International trade; Trade agreements; Agricultural trade; Environment; Trade and environment; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Relations/Trade; F1; F13; F15; F18.
Año: 2002 URL:
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Estudo técnico e econômico de um sistema de produção de leite com gado mestiço F1 Holandês-Zebu 45
Moraes,A.C.A.; Coelho,S.G.; Ruas,J.R.M.; Ribeiro,J.C.V.C.; Vieira,F.A.P.; Menezes,A.C..
Avaliaram-se a viabilidade técnica e a rentabilidade de um sistema de produção de leite com gado mestiço, mediante análise de custos e receitas da atividade e avaliação da rentabilidade. Os dados foram obtidos de uma unidade experimental da EPAMIG, situada no município de Felixlândia, MG, e referem-se a dois períodos iguais de um ano cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: rentabilidade nos períodos de análise, custo de cria do bezerro e sua importância sobre a receita da atividade. A viabilidade do sistema foi demonstrada pela rentabilidade de 20,2% no ano 1 e 37,6% no ano 2; a venda dos bezerros à desmama representou 25% da receita total.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Gado de leite; Sistema de produção; F1; Rentabilidade.
Año: 2004 URL:
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Brester, Gary W.; Marsh, John M.; Smith, Vincent H..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Import tariffs; Cattle price effects; International Relations/Trade; D4; F1.
Año: 1999 URL:
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Exigências Líquidas e Dietéticas de Energia, Proteína e Macroelementos Minerais de Bovinos de Corte no Brasil 96
Silva,Fabiano Ferreira da; Valadares Filho,Sebastião de Campos; Ítavo,Luís Carlos Vinhas; Veloso,Cristina Mattos; Valadares,Rilene Ferreira Diniz; Cecon,Paulo Roberto; Paulino,Pedro Veiga Rodrigues; Moraes,Eduardo Henrique Bevitori Kling de.
Foram utilizados dados parciais ou totais de vários experimentos sobre exigências nutricionais de bovinos, nos quais foi usada a técnica do abate comparativo, abate de uma amostra representativa dos animais experimentais no início do período de alimentação e determinação da composição do corpo vazio. Os conteúdos de gordura, proteína, energia, Ca, P, Mg, Na e K retidos no corpo dos animais de cada grupamento racial foram estimados por meio de equações de regressão do logaritmo do conteúdo corporal de proteína, gordura, energia, Ca, P, Mg, Na e K, em função do logaritmo do peso de corpo vazio (PCVZ). As exigências líquidas de proteína, energia, Ca, P, Mg, Na e K foram obtidas a partir de equação Y' = b. 10ª. Xb-1, sendo "a" e "b" o intercepto e coeficiente...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Eficiência de utilização de energia; F1; Holandês; Mestiço; Novilhos inteiros; Requerimento; Zebu.
Año: 2002 URL:
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Export Growth In India: Has FDI Played a Role? 31
Sharma, Kishor.
Export growth in India has been much faster than GDP growth over the past few decades. Several factors appear to have contributed to this phenomenon including foreign direct investment (FDI). However, despite increasing inflows of FDI especially in recent years there has not been any attempt to assess its contribution to India's export performanceone of the channels through which FDI influences growth. Using annual data for 1970-98 we investigate the determinants of export performance in India in a simultaneous equation framework. Results suggest that demand for Indian exports increases when its export prices fall in relation to world prices. Furthermore, the real appreciation of the rupee adversely effects India's exports. Export supply is positively...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palabras clave: Exports; Commercial policy; Export subsidies; Foreign direct investment; Exchange rates and India; F21; International Relations/Trade; F1; F13; F14.
Año: 2000 URL:
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FDA Refusals of Food Imports by Exporting Country Group 31
Buzby, Jean C.; Regmi, Anita.
Tipo: Journal Article Palabras clave: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; International Relations/Trade; F1; I18; Q17.
Año: 2009 URL:
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