Registros recuperados: 298 | |
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Quiroga, Jose. |
The framework allows comprehensive and consistent measurement and classification of U.S. domestic support to 2015 under different assumptions. Projections of future U.S. domestic support patterns are made with estimates published in the USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections. We also use information from the OECD, FAPRI, NASS, and our own estimates. We present key elements and an overview of our analytical framework, assumptions of a baseline scenario, and some analytical results and observations arising from our analysis. The baseline scenario extends the classification of programs in WTO notifications to 2015. The framework consists of 65 spreadsheets, which are grouped into 4 analytical stages: calculation of program estimates by commodity; calculation... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Agriculture; AMS; De minimis; Domestic support; WTO; Framework; International Relations/Trade; F1; Q1; Q17; Q18; F13. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/25412 |
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Olper, Alessandro; Raimondi, Valentina. |
This paper uses the border effect estimate from a gravity model to assess the level of trade integration in agricultural markets between 22 OECD countries, over the 1995-2002 period. The empirical analysis shows that using a gravity equation derived from theory, in the estimation of the border effect, matters. A representative estimate of the border effect shows that crossing a national border into the OECD countries induces a trade-reduction effect by a factor of 8. This average value masks substantial differences in market access across the country groups considered, with higher value in trade between EU countries and lower in trade between CEEC countries. However, the trade integration between CEECs and others OECDs increases substantially in the... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Agricultural trade; Border effect; Gravity equation; OECDs; International Relations/Trade; F13; F14; Q17. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/24543 |
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Philippidis, George. |
Whilst there is a growing literature of computable general equilibrium (CGE) studies examining the impacts of the current Doha Proposals, estimates for the EU are highly aggregated (i.e., EU15). Employing a detailed baseline scenario and a plausible Doha outcome, we examine the long run costs for the European Union, in particular focusing on Spain. Moreover, we implement recent CAP reforms through explicitly modelling of CAP mechanisms to provide greater credibility in assessing the long run asymmetric budgetary and welfare impacts on EU member states. Our estimates forecast resource substitution effects between Spanish agro-food sectors and resource shifts from agro-food activities into manufacturing and services production. In Spain, the impacts of... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Doha Round; Spain; EU; CAP; Computable General Equilibrium.; F1; F13; F17; International Relations/Trade. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/28790 |
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Antimiani, Alessandro; Conforti, Piero; Salvatici, Luca. |
The paper explores an important issue in multilateral agricultural trade negotiations, namely the approach taken to reduce tariffs, simulating possible liberalization scenarios. The analysis is based on the model of the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), and on the related version 6.0 database. Scenarios are run on a 2013 baseline, built by taking into account a number of events that have affected (and will further affect) world agricultural markets up to that period, focusing on the effects that are specifically attributable to further trade liberalization in the Doha Round. The policy strategies analyzed are two hypothetical liberalization scenarios in terms of market access and export competition, plus a free agricultural trade benchmark scenario.... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade; F13; Q17. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/18878 |
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Lee, Huey-Lin; Chang, Ching-Cheng; Weng, Yung-Ho; Hsu, Sheng-Ming; Hsu, Shih-Hsun. |
Tariff escalation becomes one of the major issues in the new Doha Round negotiation because it is viewed as a stumbling block to the industrialization development for the developing countries. When tariffs on products escalate with the stage of processing, the effective rate of protection, or the tariff expressed as fractions of value-added after deducting intermediate inputs from product value, also increases. Thus, tariff escalation potentially signals high rates of protection for value-added or processed products, and can inhibit international trade in these goods. The major purpose of this study is to examine the degrees of tariff escalations in Taiwan's agriculture -related commodities and the economic consequences to reduce them. A simplified... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Tariff escalation; Tariff wedge; Computable general equilibrium model; International Relations/Trade; F13; C68; Q17. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/6170 |
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Lee, Huey-Lin; Chang, Ching-Cheng; Weng, Yung-Ho; Hsu, Sheng-Ming; Hsu, Shih-Hsun. |
Tariff escalation becomes one of the major issues in the new Doha Round negotiation because it is viewed as a stumbling block to the industrialization development for the developing countries. When tariffs on products escalate with the stage of processing, the effective rate of protection, or the tariff expressed as fractions of value-added after deducting intermediate inputs from product value, also increases. Thus, tariff escalation potentially signals high rates of protection for value-added or processed products, and can inhibit international trade in these goods. The major purpose of this study is to examine the degrees of tariff escalations in Taiwan’s agriculture-related commodities and the economic consequences to reduce them. A simplified... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Tariff escalation; Tariff wedge; Computable general equilibrium model; Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade; F13; C68; Q17. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/51655 |
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Registros recuperados: 298 | |