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Behavior of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) around drifting FADs as observed from automated acoustic receivers 5
Taquet, Marc; Dagorn, L; Gaertner, J; Girard, C; Aumerruddy, R; Sancho, G; Itano, D.
To study the behavior of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) around drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), we tagged individuals with long-lived, coded sonic transmitters and attached automated sonic receivers to drifting FADs in two regions of the Western Indian Ocean. Among the three tagging methods used in this study (surgery, external hooks, underwater bait without capture), the latest resulted in residence times significantly shorter than the other ones, likely due to regurgitation. Dolphinfish tagged with the two other methods usually stayed several days associated to FADs (Kaplan-Meier survival analysis 5.09 days, mean 6.25 days, SD 4.39 days, maximum 15.26 days), drifting with them. There was no significant difference in the residence times of...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Indian Ocean; Meeting point; Ecological trap; Behavior of fish; Ultrasonic telemetry; Acoustic tagging; FAD; Dolphinfish.
Año: 2007 URL:
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Blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) fishing around FADs in Martinique (French West Indies) 5
Taquet, Marc; Reynal, Lionel; Laurans, Martial; Lagin, Alain-sabin.
This paper examines the fishing of blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) around Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in Martinique (French West Indies). It is based on the compared analysis of catches from monthly experimental fishing surveys and sampling of commercial landings. The data collected in these two different ways allowed comparison of blackfin tuna length frequencies. A large part of the commercial landings were made up of young immature tuna with a fork length of less than 40 cm, whereas the experimental longline catches were mainly made up of fish with a fork length ranging between 55 and 75 cm. We give evidence that these discrepancies were mostly due to the fishing technique used. Indeed, contrarily to the experimental surveys, Martinican fishermen...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Martinique; West Central Atlantic; Experimental fishing survey; Biology; FAD; Fish aggregating device; Thunnus atlanticus; Blackfin tuna.
Año: 2000 URL:
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Comments on the paper "High doses of riboflavin and the elimination of dietary red meat promote the recovery of some motor functions in Parkinson's disease patients. C.G. Coimbraand V.B.C. Junqueira. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 36: 1409-1417, 2003" 56
Ferraz,H.B.; Quagliato,E.A.B.; Rieder,C.R.M.; Silva,D.J.; Teive,H.A.G.; Barbosa,E.R.; Cardoso,F.; Limongi,J.C.P.; Bezerra,J.M.F.; Andrade,L.A.F.; Allam,N.; Prado,R.C.P.; Tomas,V..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palabras clave: Parkinson's disease; Riboflavin; FAD; Glutathione; Iron; Hemin.
Año: 2004 URL:
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Données statistiques de la pêche du marlin bleu aux Antilles Françaises (Guadeloupe et Martinique) : Proposition de reconstitution d’une série historique 5
Reynal, Lionel; Guyader, Olivier; Demaneche, Sebastien; Le Meur, Chloe; Lespagnol, Patrick.
Blue marlin is fished in the French Antilles around Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs). This fishery commenced in late 1985 and the fishing fleet reached its full potential in the second half of the 2000s. A fisheries information system (SIH), implemented from 2008, enables good estimation of catches and effort around FADs. The data on catch estimates of blue marlin and associated fishing effort are presented herein, as well as the methods used to assess them. From these and a survey of fishing masters, it is possible to reconstitute, year by year, the fishing fleet working around FADs in the French Antilles and to reconstitute a historical series of blue marlin landing.
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: FAD; Statistics; Blue marlin; Fishing fleet; French Antilles.
Año: 2015 URL:
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Fine-scale 3-dimensional movement behaviour of silky sharks Carcharhinus falciformis associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs) 5
Filmalter, John; Cowley, Paul; Forget, Fabien; Dagorn, Laurent.
The silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis is the primary elasmobranch bycatch in the global tuna purse seine fishery using fish aggregating devices (FADs). Information on the associative behaviour of this species with floating objects remains limited. Here the use of various electronic tags provided important new insight into this behaviour. Thirty-eight juvenile silky sharks (69 to 116 cm total length; TL) were tagged with acoustic tags at 9 drifting FADs equipped with satellite-linked acoustic receivers in the western Indian Ocean (total monitoring = 154 d). Presence/absence and swimming depth data were transmitted from the receivers. A subset of 17 individuals was also fitted with pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs; n = 13), or internal archival tags...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Shark; Behaviour; Telemetry; FAD; Bycatch.
Año: 2015 URL:
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Fish aggregation device (FAD) research: gaps in current knowledge and future directions for ecological studies 5
Dempster, Tim; Taquet, Marc.
We reviewed the literature concerning fish aggregation devices (FADs) to determine areas of relative research deficiency. Using specific searches of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts ( ASFA) database from 1978 to December 2003 and a classical search of the pre-1978 literature, we collected 407 references on FADs. Publications before 1980 were predominantly peer-reviewed, although non-peer reviewed literature has dominated since 1980, due to the numerous technical reports produced as FADs became more widely used in artisinal and large-scale industrial. sheries in the 1980s. Most studies of the ecology of FAD-associated fish were descriptive, with few mensurative experimental studies and even fewer manipulative experimental studies that tested...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Tuna; Pelagic fish; Literature review; FAD; Fish Aggregation Device; Association.
Año: 2004 URL:
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Impact of increasing deployment of artificial floating objects on the spatial distribution of social fish species 5
Sempo, Gregory; Dagorn, Laurent; Robert, Marianne; Deneubourg, Jean-louis.
1. Approximately 300 pelagic fish species naturally aggregate around floating objects (FOBs) at the surface of the oceans. Currently, more than 50% of the world catch of tropical tuna comes from the industrial tuna fisheries around drifting FOBs. Greater understanding of the complex decision-making processes leading to this aggregation pattern and the impact of the massive release of artificial FOBs by fishermen on the spatial distribution and management of tuna is needed. 2. We analyse how the interplay between social (relationships between individuals) and non-social (responses to the environment) behaviours may affect the spatial distribution of a population in a multi-FOB environment. Taking the example of tropical tunas associating with FOBs and using...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Behaviour-based modelling; Bycatch; FAD; FOB; Sustainable fishery; Tuna.
Año: 2013 URL:
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Intra-individual behavioral variability displayed by tuna at fish aggregating devices (FADs) 5
Robert, Marianne; Dagorn, Laurent; Filmalter, John David; Deneubourg, Jean-louis; Itano, David; Holland, Kim.
Fishers have exploited the associative behavior displayed by several pelagic fish species with floating objects for decades, through the use of man-made fish aggregating devices (FADs), which facilitate the capture of such species. However, our understanding of this associative behavior and its adaptive value is poor and the scientific community is ill-equipped to provide fishery managers with science-based recommendations on the impacts of FADs on ecosystems. In an array of 13 anchored FADs around Oahu, Hawaii, USA, 72 yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares were equipped with internal acoustic tags, which facilitated the continuous monitored of their presence and absence around each FAD using automated acoustic receivers. Data were analyzed using survival...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Behavioral variability; Fish aggregating device; FAD; Yellowfin tuna; Acoustic tagging; Residence time; Survival curve.
Año: 2013 URL:
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L'agrégation de thons de sub-surface au sein du système [DCP ancré - macronecton - environnement - pêche] en Martinique : étude hiérarchique par méthodes acoustiques, optiques et halieutiques 5
Doray, Mathieu.
Artificial Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) are known to concentrate tropical tunas. This aggregative behaviour drastically increases the vulnerability of these species to fishing. Alternatively, FADs can be used as oceanic observatories to study the aggregative behaviour of large pelagic fish. We conducted sea surveys in Martinique (Lesser Antilles) to i) establish a typology of the pelagic fish aggregations found around moored FADs ii) study their relations with their biotic and abiotic environment and the local fishery. The mean biomass of large pelagic fish aggregations was also estimated to provide scientific inputs to achieve a sustainable management of the moored FAD fishery. The first part presents the background of the study. We introduce the...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Martinique; Lesser Antilles; Hierarchy; Advection diffusion models; Geostatistics; Micronekton; Tuna/environment relationships; Aggregative behaviour; Tuna; Underwater video; Echosounding; FAD; Martinique; Petites Antilles; Hiérarchie; Modèles d'advection diffusion; Géostatistique; Micronecton; Relation thon/environnement; Comportement agrégatif; Thon; Vidéo sous marine; Acoustique; DCP.
Año: 2006 URL:
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Le comportement agrégatif des dorades coryphènes (Coryphaena hippurus) autour des objets flottants 5
Taquet, Marc.
The aggregative behaviour of the dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) is studied in order to improve our knowledge of the mechanism involved in the association of this species with the floating objects and to evaluate its potential impact in term of exploitation, targeted or not. This PhD thesis is composed of four chapters. Through an extensive analyze of the literature, the first chapter takes stock of the present knowledge on the FADs, on the aggregative behaviour of pelagic fish and on the dolphinfish. The second chapter deals specifically with the aggregative behaviour of the dolphinfish by the way of acoustic tagging of fish carry out during offshore campaigns around drifting FADs. The feeding habits of the dolphinfish around FADs are the main purpose...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Ecosystem indicator; Acoustic tagging; Feeding habits; Fish aggregative behaviour; Coryphaena hippurus; FAD; Fish Aggregating Devices; Fishery science; Indicateur écosystémique; Marquage acoustique; Comportement trophique; Comportement agrégatif; Coryphaena hippurus; DCP; Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons; Halieutique.
Año: 2004 URL:
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Le Dispositif de Concentration de Poissons (DCP): une alternative à la forte pression de pêche sur les ressources récifales de la Martinique 5
Taquet, Marc.
This paper describes the fishing activity in Martinique, French West Indies. It draws up the balance sheet of acquirements about marine resources of the island. The difficulties of fisheries management are discussed with reference to biologists and economists works in the last ten years. We also show how management efforts to decrease fishing pressure on reef resources has induced the implantation of a new technology: the Fish Aggregating Deviee. The differing histories of development of FADs in the French West Indies are compared. The positive results from the introduction of the FADs and the estimated risks due to the transferance of fishing pressure on the continental shelf is presented. The use of FADs to enhance the exploitation of marine resources is...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: DCP; Gestion des pêches; Martinique; FAD; Fisheries management; Martinique.
Año: 1998 URL:
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Perspectives de développement de la pêche associée aux DCP ancrés dans la Caraïbe 5
Reynal, Lionel; Doray, Mathieu; Carpentier, Andre; Druault-aubin, Vomakassi; Taquet, Marc; Lagin, Alain.
Deployment of anchored FADs has opened large pelagic resources to smallscale fisheries, which usually operate nearshore. The main difficulties in using FADs for fishing have now been identified. It concerns principally the design of FADs, their location, and also the type of management and exploitation. During the initial phase of FAD development, particular problems are mentioned, namely voluntary deterioration of the devices, marketing of the catches ... FADs exploitation in the area can still he optimised. The impact of FADs densities and locations (depth, distance from shore) on the concentration offish resources or on fisheryproduction is not established. Environmental impact of FADs is not weIl evaluated either. We would like to implement a workshop...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: DCP; Pélagique; Caraïbe; FAD; Pelagie; Caribbean.
Año: 2002 URL:
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Satellite-linked acoustic receivers to observe behavior of fish in remote areas 5
Dagorn, L; Pincock, D; Girard, C; Holland, K; Taquet, Marc; Sancho, G; Itano, D; Aumeeruddy, R.
Automated acoustic receivers are now widely used by biologists to study the behavior of fish. However, currently available acoustic receivers require physical recovery of the units to download stored data. Such operation is often difficult in remote study areas like in the open ocean. We present a new satellite-linked acoustic receiver (Vemco VR3-Argos) that allows downloading data through a satellite uplink (Argos). The VR3-Argos can last up to one year, sending GPS positions and tag data at regular time intervals. We illustrate the advantages of this new technology with tagging data from 121 fish of seven species (yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna, wahoo, dolphinfish, silky shark and oceanic triggerfish) caught and released around drifting fish...
Tipo: Text Palabras clave: Pelagic fish; Tuna; Fish telemetry; Acoustic receiver; FAD.
Año: 2007 URL:
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Tratamento de efluente de refinaria de óleo de soja por sistema de flotação por ar dissolvido 91
Cecchet,Juliana; Gomes,Benedito M.; Costanzi,Ricardo N.; Gomes,Simone D..
Propôs-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o desempenho de coagulantes combinados a três tipos de polieletrólitos (aniônico, catiônico e não iônico), através de Flotação por Ar Dissolvido (FAD), no tratamento de efluentes de refinaria de óleo de soja. O experimento, conduzido em escala de laboratório, ensejou não apenas encontrar, pelos diagramas de coagulação, a melhor faixa de pH e a melhor concentração de coagulante mas, também, as dosagens e os tipos de floculante, culminando em sua dosagem ótima. Para tanto, parâmetros, como tempo e gradiente de mistura rápida (1 min / 150 s-1), tempo e gradiente de mistura lenta (10 min / 40 s-1 - 5 min / 20 s-1), pressão na câmara de saturação (450 kPa) e velocidade ascensional (1,67 cm min-1) foram usados para a fase da...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palabras clave: Coagulação; Floculação; FAD; Polieletrólito.
Año: 2010 URL:
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