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Benthic microphytic activity at 2 mediterranean shellfish cultivation sites with reference to benthic fluxes ArchiMer
Barranguet, C; Alliot, E; Plantecuny, Mr.
Microphytobenthos activity in coastal waters has been studied at two shellfish fanning sites: an oyster farm in Thau lagoon and a mussel farm in Carteau bay (NW Mediterranean coast). In both cases, shellfish are cultivated on ropes hanging from rigid structures (tables) in shallow waters (- 5 m). An ''under table'' station and an ''outside table'' (reference) station were chosen at each site. Oxygen and ammonia fluxes at the water-sediment interface were measured in dark and transparent benthic chambers. Chlorophyll a concentrations were two- to threefold higher in ''under table'' sediments than outside (260 mg Chl a m(-2) under the oyster table, 436 mg Chl a m(-2) under the mussel table in winter). Net oxygen fluxes were negative at all stations, except...
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Estimation des flux engendrés par l'activité métabolique des mollusque filtreurs intertidaux en baie de Saint-Brieuc ArchiMer
Blanchard, Michel; Gros, Philippe.
Three main intertidal macrofauna communities are identified in Saint-Brieuc Bay: a Macoma balthica community, a Tellina tenuis community; and a third community with Cerastroderma and Tellina tenuis. Physiological parameters such as filtration, respiration and excretion are examined, for the filter-feeding molluscs with the highest biomass (the cockle Cerastoderma edule, the tellinid Tellina tenuis, and the blue mussel Mytilus edulis), either through laboratory experiments, or through previous literature. These results are used together to build up an annual energy budget for the complete soft bottom community, and to observe trophic relations. Results show that the mussel population has a negative influence on the cockle beds that lie just above.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Flux de nutriments entre la Manche et la Mer du Nord. Situation actuelle et évolution depuis dix ans ArchiMer
Bentley, D; Lafite, R; Morley, Nh; James, R; Statham, Pj; Guary, Jc.
As part of the MAST I-FluxManche initiative, a monthly (September 1990 to November 1991) sampling programme has been carried out in the Dover Strait. Samples were taken (weather permitting) at two depths at each of six standard stations between Folkestone and Cap Gris-Nez. Data from all surveys, in conjunction with estimates of water movement derived from hydrodynamic numerical model, have been used to calculate fluxes of nutrients between the Channel and the North Sea. Results demonstrate that although nutrient concentrations are lower in the central channel-waters than in the coastal zone, the dissolved nutrient flux to the North Sea is mom important for stations of the central part of the Dover Strait as water. Current concern about possible increases...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: NUTRIENTS; FLUXES; DOVER STRAIT.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Fluxes of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn through the strait of dover into the southern north-sea ArchiMer
Statham, Pj; Auger, Y; Burton, Jd; Choisy, P; Fischer, Jc; James, Rh; Morley, Nh; Ouddane, B; Puskaric, E; Wartel, M.
Measurements of dissolved and particulate Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn have been made on a regular basis over a fifteen month period at stations across the Strait of Dover, as a part of the Fluxmanche programme. These measurements have been integrated with data on fluxes of water and suspended particulate matter also obtained within the Fluxmanche programme to provide estimates of fluxes of these elements into the southern North Sea. For Fe, Mn, and Pb, particulate fluxes are greater than dissolved fluxes, whilst the reverse is true for Cd, Cu and Ni. Significant daily changes in magnitude of the modelled fluxes of water through the Strait when combined with averaged metal concentrations over longer timescales, result in large changes of fluxes of...
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Nutrients (P, N, Si) in the channel and the dover strait - seasonal and year-to-year variation and fluxes to the north-sea ArchiMer
Laane, Rwpm; Groeneveld, G; Devries, A; Vanbennekom, J; Sydow, S.
Recent measurements (1986-1988) of the distribution of the concentration of different nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate) in the Dover Strait have been used, combined with older results, to calculate the total flux (dissolved and particulate) of nutrients into the North Sea. Special efforts are made to take into account in the fluxes the tidal, geographical and temporal variations in the concentrations of the different nutrients. No vertical gradients in the concentration of the different nutrients were found. Increased nutrient concentration was found in the coastal zones of England and France, compared to the Atlantic water in the central part of the Dover Strait The variation within a single year and between different years in the data...
Ano: 1993 URL:
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